March 15th and 16th, Friday and Saturday
10:00 am - 6:00 pm, St. Martin Community Center, 15004 LeMoyne Blvd., St. Martin community
Celebration of Women
Women On United States Stamps
‘Ma’ Rainey-Abigail Adams-Agnes de Mille-Alice Hamilton-AlicePaul-Althea Gibson-Amelia Earhart-Anna Julia Cooper -Anne Sullivan- Annie Oakley-Audrey Hepburn- Ayn Rand- Babe Zaharias- Barbara Jordan- Barbara McClintock- Belva Ann Lockwood-Bessie Coleman Bessie Smith-Betsy Ross -Bette Davis -Billie Holiday -Blanche Stuart Scott-Carmen Miranda-Clara Barton-Clara Bow-ClaraMaass-Clara Ward Daisy GatsonBate-Denise Levertov -Dinah Washington-DinahShore-Dolly Madison- Dorothea Dix- Dorothy Fields-Dorothy Height-Dr. Mary Walker-Edith Piaf - Edith Wharton -Edna Ferber-Edna Lewis- Edna St. Vincent Millay-Eleanor Roosevelt -Elizabeth Bishop-Elizabeth Blackwell-Ella Baker- Ella Fitzgerald -Emily Bissell-Emily Dickinson- Emily Post-Ethel L. Payne -Ethel Merman- Ethel Waters- Fannie Lou Hamer- Fanny Brice -Fran Allison-Frances E. Willard- Frances E.Willis-Frances Perkins- Frida Kahlo- Georgia O’Keeffe-Gertrude Käsebier-Gerty Cori-Grace Kelly- GracieAllen-Grandma Moses -Greta Garbo- Gwendolyn Brooks- Harriet Beecher-Harriet Nelson-Harriet Quimby- Harriet Tubman -Hattie McDaniel - Hattie W. Caraway-Hazel Wightman- Helen Hayes- Helen Keller-Helene Madison-Ida B. Wells -Ida M. Tarbell….Imogen Cunningham-Ingrid Bergman- Isadora Duncan-Jacqueline Cochran-Jane Addams- Jessie Willcox Smith -Julia Child-Julia de Burgos -Julia Ward Howe- Juliette Gordon Low- Kate Douglas Wiggin-Kate Smith- Katharine Hepburn- Katherine Anne Porter -Katherine Dunham -Lady Bird Johnson- Lila Wallace- Lillian M. Gilbreth- Lily Pons-Louisa May Alcott-Louise Nevelson- Lucille Ball- Lucy Stone - Lynn Fontanne- Madam C. J. Walker -Mahalia Jackson-Margaret Chase Smith-Margaret Mead-Margaret Mitchell- Marguerite Higgins -Marian Anderson -Marianne Moore-Marilyn Monroe-Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings- Martha Graham-Martha Washington -Mary Breckenridge-Mary Cassatt -Mary Chesnut –Terrell-Mary Lasker -Mary Lyon- Mary McLeod Bethune- Mary White Ovington-Maya Angelou- Mildred Bailey - Moina Michael-Mother -Teresa Nellie -BlyNellie- Cashman Neysa McMein-Patricia Roberts Harris -Patsy Cline- Pearl Buck- Phoebe Pember- Pocahontas- Rachel Carson- Roberta Martin-Rosa Parks- Rosa Ponselle- Rose O’Neill- Ruby Hurley- Ruth Benedict-Sacagawea -Sarah Vaughan- Selena -Shirley Temple -Sister Rosetta-Susan B. Anthony-Sybil Ludington-Sylvia Plath-Theda Bara-Virginia Dare- Vivian Vance- Willa Cather-Wilma Rudolph-Zasu Pitts - Zora Neale Hurston Josephine Baker-Joyce Chen- Judy Garland -Lydia Mendoza -Mary Church -Sojourner Truth –and-many-many-more women, their organizations, their careers, their achievements, on United States stamps.
Penny Black Drawing
GCSC is hard at work planning and preparing for our upcoming GULFPEX Exhibition. We hope to make this our best and biggest show yet.
Experienced dealers from across the south ..... special Penny Black drawing ..... U.S. Postal services available ..... Boy Scout workshop ..... Beginner workshop ..... Stamps, albums, postcards, first day covers, other philately related products for sale ..... free program souvenir ..... collections reviewed by experts ..... thousands of stamps on display ..... free stamps for kids ..... freebie table ..... free parking and admission ..... lots of family activities ..... Exhibitions from local members ..... Special tables honoring our local/national women's organizations ..... commemorative caches created by our local members
Contact: Eric White, [email protected]
Phone: 504-467-5336
Experienced dealers from across the south ..... special Penny Black drawing ..... U.S. Postal services available ..... Boy Scout workshop ..... Beginner workshop ..... Stamps, albums, postcards, first day covers, other philately related products for sale ..... free program souvenir ..... collections reviewed by experts ..... thousands of stamps on display ..... free stamps for kids ..... freebie table ..... free parking and admission ..... lots of family activities ..... Exhibitions from local members ..... Special tables honoring our local/national women's organizations ..... commemorative caches created by our local members
Contact: Eric White, [email protected]
Phone: 504-467-5336
Hospitality/Registration/Raffle ............................................ Al Alleque
Exhibits/Displays/Free Table ....................................... Dr. John Barrett
Cancellation/Cachets ......................................... Mike Kayes, Bob Vigne
Marketing ................................................................................... Rob O'Dell
Media/Dealer Relations ........................................................... Eric White
Program Book ................................................................ Maryann Graczyk
Exhibits/Displays/Free Table ....................................... Dr. John Barrett
Cancellation/Cachets ......................................... Mike Kayes, Bob Vigne
Marketing ................................................................................... Rob O'Dell
Media/Dealer Relations ........................................................... Eric White
Program Book ................................................................ Maryann Graczyk
GULFPEX 2019 Workshops
Exhibit Judging and Awards
We are honored to have Raymond J. Pietruszka of Alabama to evaluate our exhibits this year! He became an American Philatelic Society(APS) member in 1984 and accredited APS judge in 2016, after
an apprenticeship of 2 years, judging 3-4 exhibits a year. He has exhibited since 1987, earning National GOLD-level awards for Russian-related exhibits @ SESE, SESCAL, NOJEX. He is active in
the Huntsville Philatelic Club(since 1987, many positions), Rossica Society for Russian Philately(1989, many positions), Polonus Society of Polish Philately(1997, V.P.). THANK YOU RAY!
We are awarding a number of APS-donated ‘Medals of Excellence’, ‘Research Medal’, ribbons, plus APS membership(s), Linn’s and ASD&C magazine subscriptions, depending on total # of exhibits.
A special award will be given for best overall ‘Celebrating Women’ exhibit! Awards will be announced ~2-3 PM Saturday.
There are 2 SECTIONS:
MINI-EXHIBITS: 1 or 4 page exhibits
These will be frame-numbered in each section AND please do not forget to VOTE for your FAVORITE exhibit on your ‘Peoples choice ballot’!
Dr. John Barrett
We are honored to have Raymond J. Pietruszka of Alabama to evaluate our exhibits this year! He became an American Philatelic Society(APS) member in 1984 and accredited APS judge in 2016, after
an apprenticeship of 2 years, judging 3-4 exhibits a year. He has exhibited since 1987, earning National GOLD-level awards for Russian-related exhibits @ SESE, SESCAL, NOJEX. He is active in
the Huntsville Philatelic Club(since 1987, many positions), Rossica Society for Russian Philately(1989, many positions), Polonus Society of Polish Philately(1997, V.P.). THANK YOU RAY!
We are awarding a number of APS-donated ‘Medals of Excellence’, ‘Research Medal’, ribbons, plus APS membership(s), Linn’s and ASD&C magazine subscriptions, depending on total # of exhibits.
A special award will be given for best overall ‘Celebrating Women’ exhibit! Awards will be announced ~2-3 PM Saturday.
There are 2 SECTIONS:
MINI-EXHIBITS: 1 or 4 page exhibits
These will be frame-numbered in each section AND please do not forget to VOTE for your FAVORITE exhibit on your ‘Peoples choice ballot’!
Dr. John Barrett
Gulfpex 2019 Exhibits Report(the ‘Palmares’)
The GCSC held it’s first APS-judged exhibits show March 15-6, 2019, and was a success! There were a total of 17 full-frames and 24 ‘minis’(1,2 & 4 pagers). Awards were as follows:
The Full Frames
Large Gold/Best in Show: ‘Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere-Penguin Style’
Gold: ‘The 5cts Jefferson Issues of the US, 1851-66’, ‘Nurses on The Frontlines, as Represented in Philately’, Karl Bickel, Swiss Designer/Engraver Extraordinaire’
Vermeil: ‘Julia de Burgos’, ‘Mail Transportation in Humboldt Co., Cal. 1900-1915’, WWl : ‘Defensive Neutrality, Swiss Style’!
Silver: ‘First Lady’, ‘The Grandest of Flags’, ‘Victorian Era Philately’
4 4 Pagers: 1ST: ‘Women of the Hall’ , 2nd: ‘Flight of the Lituania’, 3rd: Early Swiss
Postal History’
1+ 2 pagers: 1st: ‘Sir, May I borrow a Postage Stamp? 2nd: ‘Celebrating Miss. Women’, 3rd: Celebrating Firsts, Women Who Paved the Way’
Winner of the Best Celebrating Women exhibit: ‘Nurses on the Frontlines’
Winner of the Most Popular Exhibit: ‘Nurses on the Frontlines’
For a full listing of all the exhibits, please check out the Show Program or come to
the next GCSC meeting April 6. The club has 30 beautiful aluminum display frames, and we would like to see YOUR exhibit next year!
Thanks! John Barrett, Ph.D., Exhibits/Displays Chair*
*Next year will be TOM ADAMS!
The Full Frames
Large Gold/Best in Show: ‘Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere-Penguin Style’
Gold: ‘The 5cts Jefferson Issues of the US, 1851-66’, ‘Nurses on The Frontlines, as Represented in Philately’, Karl Bickel, Swiss Designer/Engraver Extraordinaire’
Vermeil: ‘Julia de Burgos’, ‘Mail Transportation in Humboldt Co., Cal. 1900-1915’, WWl : ‘Defensive Neutrality, Swiss Style’!
Silver: ‘First Lady’, ‘The Grandest of Flags’, ‘Victorian Era Philately’
4 4 Pagers: 1ST: ‘Women of the Hall’ , 2nd: ‘Flight of the Lituania’, 3rd: Early Swiss
Postal History’
1+ 2 pagers: 1st: ‘Sir, May I borrow a Postage Stamp? 2nd: ‘Celebrating Miss. Women’, 3rd: Celebrating Firsts, Women Who Paved the Way’
Winner of the Best Celebrating Women exhibit: ‘Nurses on the Frontlines’
Winner of the Most Popular Exhibit: ‘Nurses on the Frontlines’
For a full listing of all the exhibits, please check out the Show Program or come to
the next GCSC meeting April 6. The club has 30 beautiful aluminum display frames, and we would like to see YOUR exhibit next year!
Thanks! John Barrett, Ph.D., Exhibits/Displays Chair*
*Next year will be TOM ADAMS!
Philatelic Dealers for GULFPEX 2019
Feral Cat Stamps and Postcards (Eric A. White) - Table 4
2216 N. Bengal Road, Metarie, LA 70003
Telephone: 504-715-9538
Email: [email protected]
Sells: Worldwide stamps, collections.
Menge Flea Market (Edmond Izzy) - Table 5
1664 Beach Blvd.
Biloxi, MS 39531
Email: [email protected]
World wide stamps
F. A. Stamps (Fred Brafford) - Table 8
P.O. Box 4051, Shalimar, FL 32579
Telephone: 850-651-2770
Email: [email protected]
Sells: Worldwide stamps & covers, postal history.
John’s Stamps (John Brown) - Table 9
58041 Chinn St.,
Plaquemine, LA. 70764
Telephone: 225-385-0815
Sells: United States, Worldwide & U.S. Worldwide Covers, Postcards, Naval Covers
W.H Burdick - Table 10
stamps – covers – postcards - supplies
P.O. Box 441, Mountain Home, AR 72654
[email protected]
Peter Dearing - Table 11
U.S. Select (Rob O’Dell) - Table - 12
United States and Foreign Stamps
P O Box 5206, Vancleave MS 39565-5206
[email protected]
228-826-1555 228-235-1506
Vest Pocket Philatelist (Bill DiSalvatore) - Table 13
58 Raccoon Circle, Cherokee Village, AR 72529
Telephone: 870-257-2809
Sells: U.S. & Worldwide Covers of all types.
THEO’S STAMPS - Table 14
U. S., Foreign Stamps, Postcards
Theo Murphy
191 Indian Swamp Road, Wewahitchka, FL 32461
[email protected]
850-827-1233 / 850-763-9726
Felix L. Perez-Folch, Jr. - Table 15
Special presentation -- Women On Stamps
2216 N. Bengal Road, Metarie, LA 70003
Telephone: 504-715-9538
Email: [email protected]
Sells: Worldwide stamps, collections.
Menge Flea Market (Edmond Izzy) - Table 5
1664 Beach Blvd.
Biloxi, MS 39531
Email: [email protected]
World wide stamps
F. A. Stamps (Fred Brafford) - Table 8
P.O. Box 4051, Shalimar, FL 32579
Telephone: 850-651-2770
Email: [email protected]
Sells: Worldwide stamps & covers, postal history.
John’s Stamps (John Brown) - Table 9
58041 Chinn St.,
Plaquemine, LA. 70764
Telephone: 225-385-0815
Sells: United States, Worldwide & U.S. Worldwide Covers, Postcards, Naval Covers
W.H Burdick - Table 10
stamps – covers – postcards - supplies
P.O. Box 441, Mountain Home, AR 72654
[email protected]
Peter Dearing - Table 11
U.S. Select (Rob O’Dell) - Table - 12
United States and Foreign Stamps
P O Box 5206, Vancleave MS 39565-5206
[email protected]
228-826-1555 228-235-1506
Vest Pocket Philatelist (Bill DiSalvatore) - Table 13
58 Raccoon Circle, Cherokee Village, AR 72529
Telephone: 870-257-2809
Sells: U.S. & Worldwide Covers of all types.
THEO’S STAMPS - Table 14
U. S., Foreign Stamps, Postcards
Theo Murphy
191 Indian Swamp Road, Wewahitchka, FL 32461
[email protected]
850-827-1233 / 850-763-9726
Felix L. Perez-Folch, Jr. - Table 15
Special presentation -- Women On Stamps
GULFPEX 2019 Exhibit Prospectus
For exhibits that will be single frame or multiple frames please download the following Adobe pdf File. A frame consist of 16 pages in a 4 x 4 format.

gulfpex_2019prospectus_singlemulti.pdf | |
File Size: | 46 kb |
File Type: |
For exhibits that will be single page or up to four pages please download the following Adobe pdf File.

gulfpex2019_1_4_pageprospectus.pdf | |
File Size: | 33 kb |
File Type: |