GCSC Board and Business Meeting Minutes

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January 7, 2023 Business Meeting
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:30 pm by President Rob O’Dell Members attending 13 with 2 guests. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official. Meeting held in meeting room St. Martin Library, Biloxi. (See Attached 1: Sign In Sheet)
Approval of November 2022 minutes
November 2022 minutes approved as posted on the Website.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report approved as read. (See Attachment 2: Treasurers Report).
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Change in Webmaster from Gordon Nelms to Felix Perez.
Felix Perez is our new Webmaster – See Board Meeting Minutes.
Circuit Update– Bob
November Circuit had 186 items sold for over $1,000
December Circuit had 363 items sold for over $1,000
Circuit expenses for 2022 were $114.53 (See Attachment 3: 2022 Circuit Expenses)
In 2023 The APS will add an additional $5.00 charge for mailing. Making the circuit charges from APS: $2.00 – Insurance, $5.00 – Mailing, and 5% if under $200 sales.
Status of January 2023 circuit – The circuit was not sent because they were waiting for a list of meeting dates for 2023. William Dixon at APS was contacted, a list was sent and he mailed the circuit Friday.
Southeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs Update–
Felix Perez has volunteered to act as the Club’s
representative. He has already contacted them and updated the information on our Club.
Old Business:
1 Sale of Club Library – Eric
Of the books that Eric White put on EBay, three books sold. The unsold books will be put on his dealers website. He will give a full financial report next month.
New Business:
New Webmaster – due to Gordon Nelm’s moving, Felix Perez will be our new webmaster. See Board Meeting Minutes for details.
2. Need new Facility Manager for Shows (See Attachment 3: List of duties of Facility Manager)
Bob Marousky is giving up the position as Facility Manager for shows. He furnished a list of the duties of the Facility Manager. All the duties can be delegated to more than one person. However, the liaison with the Community Center must be a Jackson County resident. The list of duties will be examined to see how duties can be delegated. Rob O’Dell volunteered to be the liaison with the Community Center.
3. Honorary Life Membership for Gordon Nelms who will be leaving to live near his daughter in Lincoln, Nebraska.
A motion was made and seconded to name Gordon Nelms a life member of the Gulf Coast Stamp Club. Motion was approved. Gordon was thanked for his work as our first Webmaster, his work at the Registration desk for our shows and his work as a Director for the Club.
4. Replacement Board Member to fill Gordon Nelms position.
Felix Perez was appointed and accepted the position.
5. What to do with book (The Civil War Stamps Collection) donated by Gordon Nelms.
Gordon Nelms has donated this book. After discussion it was decided that we should see if the library system would be willing to share the book with other libraries within the system. Bob Marousky will contact the manager of the St. Martins library.
GULFPEX 2023 Planning
Send out contracts or letter about the show. President Rob will mail packets to dealers after the first of the year.
The packets are ready to be mailed to 12 different dealers this week. Table space will be on a first come first served basis.
GULFPEX 2023 Planning (cont.)
Arrange for ad in Linn’s Stamp News. Mike will submit the ad because he gets a subscribes to Linn's
Already in APS Journal.
Need someone to put information on Social Media - Felix Perez has volunteered.
Volunteer to do press release and send to local news, radio, and TV.
Since the law was changed and radio stations do not have to do public service announcements it is unlikely any stations will do free advertising for our show. Dr. John Barrett will handle TV stations.
Need someone to coordinate new coverage for WLOX and WXXY TV – Dr. John Barrett has volunteered.
Need someone to design Flyer/poster for show – Tom Adams is working on flyer.
Should we buy a new mailing list from APS – cost under $50 and can be used for GULFPEX 2023 and Fall Bourse. After discussion it was decided to purchase a new list. Bob Marousky will contact APS to order and pay for the list. The post card for the upcoming New Orleans stamp show was shown and the question asked should be do a colorful card like this. It was decided to find out the costs of doing such a card. Dr. John Barrett and Eric White will contact the person in the New Orleans Club who did the card. They will be going to their meeting on Tuesday to talk to the person who made the card. Report will be made next meeting.
Food committee
Need volunteer to serve as chairman of committee – Cathy Marousky has volunteered to server as chairman with the caveat that someone else will pick up the morning snacks.
Need volunteers to assist with lunch and maintaining kitchen area – it was suggested that having a food truck park outside might be a good idea. Further investigation is needed and findings reported at the next meeting.
Registration Table
Need volunteer to replace Gordon as chairman of this committee Felix Perez has volunteered to do this and has already started work on some form revision.
Show Cover
Need to select what stamps to use.
Need someone to design cancel and submit to post office – needed ASAP.
Need someone to design and print cachet on covers.
After discussion it was decided not to have a show cover due to low sales and difficulty of getting a cancel approved.
Need to get the million-dollar policy again –Tom Adams has volunteered to do this again.
Need to get copy of policy to Community Center at least a week before the show – usually done by the facilities manager – Tom Adams has volunteered to do this unless the person taking over as Facility Manger prefers to take it to the Community Center.
Raffle – It was decided not to have one this year.
Silent Auction – Dr. John Barrett has volunteered to again manage the silent auction. He does have items for the auction but is asking member if they would donate one or two items for the auction.
Exhibition Judge – Current plan is to use the same judge and budget from last year.
Fall 2023 Bourse Planning
Need to select dates ASAP. Eric White and Rob O’Dell will research the best date for the Fall Bourse. Rob O’Dell will then contact to Community Center Manager to reserve the date.
Gordon Nelms will be moving to live near his daughter in Lincoln, Nebraska.
The New Orleans Stamp Show is January 20 and 21, 2023. Exhibits are needed (even 1 or 4 page). Contact Dr. John with name of exhibit ASAP so it can be put into the program.
Announcements (cont.)
Southeastern Federation Expo is January 27 – 29 at the Hilton Atlanta Northeast, 5993 Peachtree Industrial Blvd, Peachtree Corners, Georgia 30092. Admission is $5 for whole family all weekend.
If anyone wants to borrow a Scott’s Catalog, you need to contact Dr. John before the meeting and he will bring it to the meeting. He is no longer bringing all the catalogs to each meeting.
Dr. Barrett is asking for donations for the Silent Auction at GULFPEX 2023. One or two items from each member would be appreciated. This will help make the auction a success and earn money for the Club.
Janurary 22 the postage rates will go up (See Attachment 4 – Postal Rate Increase Chart).
Volunteer for Next Educational Program
Felix Perez plans on presenting a program on US Souvenir Pages and Panels.
Show and Tell by Members
Les Osborne showed two different stamp albums. One was an Imperial Album form 1896 and the other was a child’s album from the 1950s.
Bob Marousky showed a homemade album for Plate Number Singles from the Transportation series. He also demonstrated how he cut page protectors to make it easier to insert and remove pages.
Tom Adams showed two covers from Alex H. Stevens a politician from the 1791. The cancel showed a different name for the District of Columbia.
Felix Perez showed his collection of covers and items from the Spanish American War of 1896.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:37 pm.
Educational Presentation
Mike Kayes talking about Plate Number Coils (PNC) on United States Stamps.
Robert T. Marousky (official copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet
Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Report
Attachment 3 – Duties of Facticity Manager
Attachment 4 – Postal Rate increase table.

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January 7, 2023, Board Meeting
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1pm by President Rob O’Dell Board Members attending 4 with 7 guests. Quorum for Board Meeting requirement met and meeting is Official. Meeting held in meeting room St. Martin Library, Biloxi. (See Attached 1: Sign In Sheet)
1. Appointing Felix Perez as Club Webmaster
Felix Perez has volunteered to take over as Webmaster. He has transferred all the settings from Gordon to himself. He plans on giving all the Board members assistant webmaster access. When the current contract ends, he will be sponsoring the website (domain name and hosting), it will be a donation and (Felix will submit a copy of the receipt to the GCSC treasurer to document the donation). Also, plans on present to the board of directors a list of options... If the board decides to go with another hosting provider (GoDaddy, Webflow, Allwebco, etc...), we can switch or stay with Weebly. The Board voiced approval.
2.. Correct method of changing the number of members present to make a quorum. In order to change quorum numbers there needs to be an amendment to the Club By-laws.
To make any changes in the number for a quorum, it needs to be changed in the by-laws. The current by-laws are from 2015. It was suggested that we do a review and make any needed changes after GULFPEX 2023.
3. Make recommendations for possible replacement for Director Gordon Nelms.
According to Article XV – Vacancies, the Board has the power to name replacements for any offices as needed. A motion was made to appoint Felix Perez as a Board member in place of Gordon Nelms who is leaving. Felix agreed to accept the position. A motion was then made and seconded to approving Felix Perez as Director. The motion passed.
4. Discussion on name of our Club.
After discussion, it was decided that we did not need to make a change from Gulf Coast Stamp Club to Mississippi Gulf Coast Stamp Club.
Robert T. Marousky (official copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet

November 2022 | |
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November 2022 Business Meeting
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:35pm by President Rob O’Dell. Members attending 8 with 3 guests. Quorum requirement not met and meeting is Not Official. Meeting held in meeting room St. Martin Library, Biloxi. (See Attached Sign In Sheet). Motion to suspend quorum requirement made by Eric, seconded by Mike and approved.
Approval of September 2022 minutes
September 2022 minutes were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report
Report read by treasurer Mike and approved.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– It was suggested that Felix Perez become co-manager of website and work with Gordon to keep website current. Gordon has been covering the cost of the website/domain. A motion by Mike with second by Dr John was approved for the club to assume any cost associated with website maintenance. It is critical that we keep gulfcoaststampclub .org as our website because there are so many links to it.
Circuit Update– Bob
There was no circuit in October due to the Fall Bourse. APS has sent a request to be returned with the date of next year’s meeting (under new business below) and list of requests. They have also added a $5.00 postage fee for every circuit. Our circuit cost will then be: $5.00 mailing fee, $2.00 insurance, 5% of sales if under $200 and return postage which will be around $10.50. Making the cost of the circuit $17.50 or more each month.
Southeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs Update–
Gordon not present for update.
Old Business:
1 Sale of Club Library – Eric
All action regarding sale is pending.
2 Planning for Christmas Party
Motion for date, time, and menu was made by Eric, seconded by Dr John and approved. To be held at Mercy Housing, Gulfport, MS on December 3rd starting at 1:00 pm. Food will be ordered from Rib Crib and picked up by Rob on the 3rd. Members asked to bring side dishes and desserts. Dr John will invite Mercy Housing staff to attend.
3 Storage of Exhibit Frames
Frames have been moved to an indoor location at Storage King in Ocean Springs. The Club has rented a 5x10 foot locker.
In addition to the frames there are some items normally used at shows such, has 2 boxes of stamps for kids.
There are 2 keys to the lock on the storage locker. Bob and Cathy have one and the other will be kept by President Rob.
The storage unit is under Mike Kayes and Cathy Marousky.
New Business
2023 meeting dates.
7 Jan St. Martin 8 July Mercy Housing
4 Feb St. Martin 5 Aug St. Martin
4 Mar Mercy Housing 9 Sep St. Martin
Apr No meeting due to Show ? Oct pending show date
6 May St. Martin 4 Nov St. Martin
3 June St Martin 3 Dec Christmas Party
Keys to the Club mail box in Gulfport. Mike has two keys to the mailbox. President Rob wants the other key. Mike will bring it to him at next meeting
3 Donation in the name of Club member Robin Overstreet.
Motion by Mike with second by Tom Adams was approved to donate $50.00 to the appropriate philatelic organization, APS if research shows he was member or if not, to the national philatelic museum.
4 Lost Mail. Recently Ray Carter of the Dallas club sent us information on exhibiting at their show in November. When Dr. Dr John checked with him about exhibiting, Ray told him all the frames were filled (with Rays exhibits) because no one responded to the letter he sent out. Problem is we never got a letter that we know about. Dr. Dr John would like this to be investigated to see where the problem occurred.
President Rob visited library but Sandra not there for him to ask about the letter. There was no further update.
Fall 2022 Bourse Report/Critique
Dealer Satisfaction -
Eric reported for the most part dealers considered business "fair"
President Rob received good comments and personally did well, maybe better than last year
Facility Manager
Bob Marousky is retiring from doing the work of Facility Manager. He has prepared a list of duties and is willing to mentor whomever takes the position. The person who makes arrangements to rent the St. Martin Community Center needs to be a resident of Jackson County to get the best daily rate.
Bob Marousky has also sent a letter to the manager of the Community Centers praising the help Sandra Seymour has been. He has also identified 3 minor issues: Handicap button for doors didn’t work (most likely the unit was turned off), facility need its own 55 cup coffee maker and the need for Internet (WiFi) in the Community Center.
At the next meeting, President Rob will review the list of duties with expectation that they can be distributed among members when feasible.
Attendance and Publicity
Daily attendance report - Actual numbers not available but believed to be about fifty on each day.
Publiciy – Report on how they found out about show. Which method worked best. (not discussed, no data available).
Food Committee – Cathy Marousky (No report available.)
Need someone to pick up donuts before the show.
Report on costs
Supplies left
Club Table
Report on sales. (No report available.)
GULFPEX 2023 Planning
Send out contracts or letter about the show. President Rob will mail packets to dealers after the first of the year.
Arrange for ad in Linn’s Stamp News. Mike has submitted at no charge since he subscribes to Linn's
Already in APS Journal. Date is on APS website but takes 2 months before appears in Journal.
Any other early publicity? None to report.
Different postcard to advertise the show – New Orleans Club has member who designs and prints special postcard.
Food committee (Cathy to address at next meeting)
Possible use of box lunches for dealers/members
Send with dealers packet so we can have preorders.
Club Table
Need someone to design flyer. (Need to ask Bob)
Need someone to design cachet and chose stamp(s) to use on covers
Fall 2023 Bourse Planning
Need to select dates ASAP. Eric and Rob will investigate best dates of the month.
Mid Cities (Dallas) Show will be November 11-12.
The New Orleans Stamp Show is January 20 and 21, 2023. Exhibits are needed (even 1 or 4 page). Contact Dr. John Dr John with name of exhibit ASAP so it can be put into the program.
If anyone wants to borrow a Scott’s Catalog, you need to contact Dr. John Dr John before the meeting and he will bring it to the meeting. He is no longer bringing all the catalogs to each meeting.
Philatelic You Tube Channels. If you have time, check out #Philately, it has some interesting programs. There are lots of interesting YouTube channels on Stamp Collecting and Postcards.
Volunteer for Next Educational Program
Mike volunteered for January meeting.
Show and Tell by Members
Rob showed airmail cover. Dr John had Elvis postcard to give away. Tom showed a post office box from the 1960's. Mike showed his recent acquisition of Scott US #1.
New Members
Les Osborn, Rose Gennaro, and Jena Lee were welcomed as new members of our club.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:37 pm.
Educational Presentation
Felix Perez talked about getting stamps expertised.
Patricia A. Adams For
Robert T. Marousky (official copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet
Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Report
Board Meeting July 10, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:35 pm by President Rob O’Dell Board members attending 6 with 4 other Club members and No guests. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
St. Martin’s Library has opened the meeting room for use. Bob submitted to the library a request for us to use their meeting room for the rest of the year (See Attachment 2 – Library Meeting Room request). After discussion is was decided to try alternating meeting between the Library and Mercy Housing. The August meeting will be at the Library. Dr. Barrett to inform Mercy Housing of the change.
2 Question on Club Library
President Rob O’Dell volunteered to examine the Club library before the August meeting and make recommendations.
3 Club Members attending Southeastern Federation Show in January 28 to 30, 2022
Robert O’Dell reported that to rent a van for 4 days would cost over $900.00 which is more than the Club is willing to pay. It was suggested that Club members interested in going could share a ride especially since some members want to go for one day and others for 2 or more days.
New Business Items
1 Plans for Christmas Party
It is not too soon to start thinking about the Christmas Party. After discussion is was decided that it would be better to hold the party in the afternoon so members wouldn’t have to drive in the dark. It was suggested that we could have the party at Mercy Housing and have it catered. The question of whether we could have a catered party at the Library was raised. Bob will check with the Library to see if this would be allowed.
2 Dealer Issue
Rob received a complaint about one of the GULFPEX 2020 Dealers (Dealers Name in Official Minute). A Crescent City Club member purchased a CSA #14 from this dealer. When the collector got home and examined the stamp he found that it was fake. The collector contacted Rob and the dealer via email. The email to the dealer went through but was not answered. A follow up email was returned saying the account was closed. The Club is not being asked to refund the collector’s money, he just wanted to make us aware of the situation. President Rob O’Dell said he also noticed some questionable stamps on the dealer’s table. It was decided not to invite the dealer back unless the situation is corrected. If it is corrected the Club will decide whether to invite him back.(See Attachment 3 – Copy of Complaint Email with Responses)
3 Domain Name
Mike received (in the Club mailbox) a bill directed to Robert Marousky reminding the Club to pay for our Internet Domain name (gulfcoaststampclub.org). There were some questions as to whether this was a phishing expedition to get the Club to pay a fee we don’t need to pay. Rob will take the letter to his IT (Internet Technology) person to check if it is a true bill.
October 1 & 2, 2021 Bourse Planning
Dealers – Rob
Several dealers have paid their table fees. The two Arkansas dealers (Burdick and Salvatore) can not attend as they will be at a Little Rock, AR show. Rob was given lists of possible replacement dealers.
Security – Mike
Locks purchase – Not yet purchased but they are readily available and will be purchased before the show.
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 List of Attendees
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Dr. John Barrett
Secretary Bob Marousky
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Board Member Gordon Nelms
Board Member Tom Adams
Member Cathy Marousky
Member Pat Adams
Member Eric White
Member Sara B?
Attachment 2 – Library Meeting Room request
Attachment 3 – Copy of Complaint Email with Responses
Business Meeting July 10, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 2:15 pm by President Rob O’Dell with 10 Club members attending. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official. (See Attachment 1 – List of Attendees)
Approval of June 2021 minutes for Business meeting.
Motion to accept the June Minutes as posted on Club Website was made and passed.
Treasurer’s Report (See Attachment 1 – Treasurer’s Report)
Motion to accept July Treasurer’s report as read was made and passed.
October Bourse
See details of discussion in Board Meeting Minutes for July 10, 2021.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
Gordon requested members to provide him feedback about the website. He also reminded members that they can find the list of contents of the monthly circuit under the Member Page tab. The Agenda for next meeting can be found under the Minutes tab. For individuals who want to contact the Club, that information is found under the About/Contact Us tab.
Circuit Update– Bob
Last month we sold over $400.00 in the circuit. William Dixon, the APS circuit person, who selects material for our Club circuit has told Bob he is concerned that he might be running out of the type of material we request.
Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon
See this month’s Board minutes for information on possible renting a vehicle to take members to the January 2022 show
It seems the Federation site has not been updated lately except for information on the January show.
Old Business
1 Decision on Club Library
See this month’s Board minutes for information on action for Club Library.
2 Ideas for getting more members to meetings
After discussion it was decided that we try to again call members who have not been attending meetings. Also offer them a ride.
3. Life Membership for Robert Endt
Presented by President Robert O’Dell. Photos on website. Tom Adams reported that Robert was very pleased and honored to be awarded a Life Membership.
Members were reminded that the large APS show for the year will be in August near Chicago.
Volunteer for August Educational Program
Gordon volunteered to do a program on Web Development.
Show and Tell by Members
Bob Marousky showed his album of US airmail first day covers.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:36 pm.
Educational Presentation
Rob presented a program on grading stamps using US Parcel Post stamps for examples. He continued the program by showing and talking about worldwide and US Parcel Post stamps. The US Parcel Post stamps (Scott #Q1 to Q12) were issued in 1912-1913. There was strong opposition to their use especially from the civilian delivery companies like Wells Fargo. Companies like Sears and Montgomery Wards were in favor of them as they could ship catalogs and purchases cheaper. The US stamps were issued using one color, red and looked dull compared to other worldwide issues. Album pages with stamps from Portugal and Tunis were shown to demonstrate how colorful their Parcel Post stamps as they were printed in more than one color.
The US Parcel Post stamps were valid for shipping goods for only 6 months. Items shipped had to be less than 50 pounds. There are several stories about children being sent to their grandparents using Parcel Post stamps because it was cheaper than a train ticket. Another interesting story (possibly apocryphal) about Parcel Post stamps is a builder of a Bank had bricks sent by Parcel Post since that cost less than other methods of shipping. It is estimated that around 300 million parcels were shipped using the stamps while they were valid for postage.
In 1913 the law was changed to allow use of regular stamps for parcels. It actually obliterated any differences in usage so that PPs could be used for letters and regular stamps for parcels. Parcel Post postage dues were also allowed to be used for letter postage due. Many of the $.25 cent stamps were so used because there wasn't another 25 cent postage due stamp. An interesting aspect is subject matter on the stamps. The first four stamps show post office related activities. The next four show transportation with the first airplane on a stamp and a good looking mail train. The last four higher value stamps depict industry showing manufacturing, dairying, harvesting and fruit growing.
Rob also talked about Special Handling stamps (Scotts QE 1-4). These were for parcels that were treated as first class mail. Live animals such as chicks were shipped this way. There is also another group of stamps related to the Parcel Post stamps. That being the Parcel Post Due Stamps (Scott JQ 1-5).
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 List of Attendees
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Dr. John Barrett
Secretary Bob Marousky
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Board Member Gordon Nelms
Board Member Tom Adams
Member Cathy Marousky
Member Pat Adams
Member Eric White
Member Sara Dixon (Rob said no H on Sara)
(Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Report)
July 2022 Business Meeting - Agenda Page 1 of 4
June 11, 2022 Business Meeting – Draft
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order 1:40 pm by President Rob O’Dell. Members attending 13 with 0 guests. Quorum requirement met/not met and meeting is Official/Not Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees). Meeting held at Mercy Housing Gulfport.
Approval of May 2022 minutes
May 2022 minutes approved
Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Mike Kayes to give a verbal financial report. In addition to the monthly report he also presented the final tabulation for costs/profits at GULFPEX 2022. We did make a profit thanks in part to the commission from the Robert Pratt silent auction.(See Attachment 2 – June Treasurer’s Report and GULFPEX 2022 Financial Report)
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
Gordon reviewed the themes on the home page. They were Flag Day (with scan of US flag stamps) and D-Day, June 6, 1944, the day of operation Overlord, the invasion of France. He asked members to let him know if they find anything on the website that needs to corrected. Also he asked for short articles by members to be posted on the website.
Circuit Update– Bob
190 items were sold in the May circuit. Total sales were $244 39with no 5% penalty and insurance
($2.00). The total sent to APS was $246.39. Postage to return the circuit will be going up with the July 10, 2022 increase from the post office.
Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon
Bob raised the idea of forming our own type of federation that would be active and share information between Clubs in the mid-South. Sharing of information such as newsletters, club websites and Facebook pages are some of the things the Southeastern Federation should be doing but don’t do. The only thing the Federation Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon (cont.)
July 2022 Business Meeting - Agenda Page 2 of 4 does is promote their January show and list upcoming shows. President Rob O’Dell appointed Felix Perez and Bob Marousky to further investigate this issue and make a report at the July meeting.
Old Business:
1 Question on Club Library – Eric
Eric reported that some of the books in the library appear to be sailable online. A motion was made to have Eric work on the selling of the books and he would get a 35% commission from the gross sales. Also that any member of the Club may buy a book from the library at 50% of the online cost. Motion seconded and approved. Members are encouraged to review the list of books in the library to determine if they are interested in buying any specific book. An books that are not saleable can be stored at Mercy Housing in Gulfport.
2 Meeting times
A reminder that the meeting start time for both the St. Martin Library and Mercy Housing has been
changed to 1 pm for Board meeting and 1:30 pm for business meeting. Reason for the time change is that the library is closing an hour earlier than before.
New Business
John Wright suggested that we include members collecting interests on the roster. That would make it easier to find trading partners. It was mentioned that some people do not want others to know what they collect. Members will be asked if they want to be included on such a list and if so, proved us with a list of what you
GULFPEX 2023 Planning
Theme for GULFPEX 2023
Need to be thinking about a theme for GULFPEX 2023. Check if there are any universities of historic
significance to the Coast will. This needs to be done early so we can design and submit the cancel application to the Post Office. That will avoid the problems we are having this year.
Date for Show
Easter Weekend will be on April 9 and Black Spring Break April 13 to 16. The date selected for GULFPEX 2023 is May 30 (set up) and May 31 and April 1 for the actual show. This is pending a check to ensure our show will not be conflict with another show in our region.
GULFPEX 2023 Planning (cont.)
July 2022 Business Meeting - Agenda Page 3 of 4 Some ideas from Huntspex to consider – Bob and Cathy
Bob showed a sample of the registration form they used at the front desk. Cathy then explained how
they used the form. Individuals register with the form once and are given a lanyard with their name. Then if they return to the show, all those with lanyards are asked to just sign on a visitor sheet. That way the attendance for both days can be calculated.
Huntsville was also able to work with their local tourist bureau to purchase left over lanyards and obtain bags with information about Huntsville. Maybe we could do the same thing for our show.
Felix presented Bob with his awards from exhibiting at Huntspex. Bob passed them around for members to see. Of special note were the certificates which were very well done.
GULFPEX 2023 Planning (cont.)
Open for discussion on other GULFPEX 2023 planning.
Volunteer for July Educational Program
Rob O’Dell volunteered to do the July Educational program – topic to be announced later.
Show and Tell by Members
Bob and Cathy Marousky showed some postcards they purchased at Huntspex and the show program.
Eric White showed some ephemera items he has for sale. They included a vintage Santa Clause label, a
Charity label for the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, saveing stamps from a bread company, etc.
Rob O’Dell showed an unique postal stationary, a regular mail wrapper (normally postal stationary
wrappers are for aerograms).
Meeting Adjourned at 2:52 pm.
Educational Presentation
July 2022 Business Meeting - Agenda Page 4 of 4
Dr. John gave presentation on the stamps of Liechtenstein. It is an interesting country in that they use Swiss franc for currency but German is the official language. The country is the sixth smallest one to issue stamps. Twenty five percent of the countries revenue comes from sale of postage stamps.
One unique aspect of Liechtenstein stamps was information on the consortium/syndicate. Famous
designer and engraver designed a set of stamps that were printed in 1920. However, the printers went too far and in addition to the regular stamps they printed many versions of the stamp. This cause quite a fuss and the consortium lost the printing contract in 1921. After that Liechtenstein stamps were printed in Switzerland.
After the oral presentation in the meeting room, Dr. John invited member to view a large variety of
Liechtenstein stamps he had set up on tables in the dining room next door. There members found a
comprehensive display of stamps.
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky (original signed)
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Sign in sheet attached
Attachment 2 – May Treasurer’s Report
March 5, 2022 Business Meeting
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 2:07 pm by President Rob O’Dell. Members attending 12 with 0 guests. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees). Meeting held at Mercy Housing, Gulfport, MS.
Approval of February 2022 minutes
February 2022 minutes were approved as posted on the Website.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report was approved as read. (See Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Report).
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon (per Bob)
Gordon continues to update the website with GULFPEX 2022 information.
The prospectus for exhibiting is on the GULFPEX 2022 page. It can be copied and pasted into a text program such as Notepad.
Circuit Update– Bob
Circuit Costs
62 items for a cost of $187.50 (plus 5% penalty for sales under $200)
Cost of getting the circuit has increased. Postage has gone from $8.40 to $9.50. They have reinstated the $2.00 insurance fee that had been waved in 2021 and the 5% penalty fee if purchases total less than $200.
Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon (per Bob)
No new items on their website. In fact, the last update was in 2020.
Old Business:
1 Question on Club Library
Library update – St. Martin’s Library opened Wednesday, March 2nd with limited services.
Meg Henderson resigned as head of library, new person is Amber Schulze.
Amber looking into our keeping the Club Library at its current location in the Library
Amber was very helpful and said she would support the Club as best she can.
2 Progress Report from Election Committee
Cathy Marousky reported that the committee has contacted all the individuals currently holding office and they are willing to run for the same office for another term. Anyone else who would like to contend for an office please contact Cathy Marousky, Pat Adams, or Eric White.
In April the committee will finalize the ballot and then there will be a vote in May.
Mike suggested sending an email to all members to notify them about the May election.
New Business
Donation to honor Robert Pratt
A decision was made to donate $50.00 to the National Postal Museum in honor of Robert Pratt.
Purchase of additional Club hats – Tom
Tom has spoken with the individual who made our Club hats. There is concern that if we wait to order hats again, the style may change. An offer was made to the Club. If they order a dozen hats and pay $60.00, six hats will be made. Tom will then keep the other 6 hats and if we want them printed, all we need to do is pay the fee for the printing at $10 each. A motion was made and passed to buy the dozen hats.
GULFPEX Planning (these items were deferred in the Board meeting)
Theme for GULFPEX 2022 – The 75th anniversary of USAF
Any update on cancel and/or cachet for covers
The cancel has been submitted but has not appeared in the Postal Bulletin yet. If does not appear in the Postal Bulletin, we may not have a cancel. In addition, Mike is having difficulty contacting someone from the post office to find out more information.
Felix has volunteered to provide 40 (or more if necessary) stamped and cacheted covers for the show. He will be using the public domain illustration put out by the Air Force
Liaison with Keesler AFB. Tom Adams volunteered to be the liaison – Report?
Any activity with Public Affairs
Tom reported that his contact with Public Affairs is being very helpful. One thing the contact is going to do is provide us with literature about the Air Force that we can put out for the public to take.
At this time the base Public Affairs Office does not have any other activities planned for the 75th anniversary.
There is a chance that we might be able to have the Wing or Base Commander from Keesler come to the show. If that can be coordinated, we would also try to have TV coverage. This would be best done on a Friday so it can appear on that evening’s news.
Another idea is that we could have a 75th anniversary cake for the Base official to cut. A budget of up to $75 was approved for the cake. Pat Adams and Cathy Marousky will be in charge of getting the cake.
Dealers (Rob)
Update on dealers and list of current dealers
At this time we have 10 dealers booked for the show. Seven have 3 tables and three have 2 tables. Felix will be there to represent the ATA (American Topical Association) and will provide his own tables. There is one dealer on the waiting list in case someone cancels. A current listing of the dealers can be found on the website.
Publicity – Rob, Mike, Eric
APS list – Bob
The APS list will be the same area as covered on last year’s list. It will cost $20.27 (check for payment ready to be sent to APS with circuit) and should arrive early next week. It will be digital format that will allow mail merging.
TV stations – Dr. John
Dr. John will be contacting WLOX and WXXV TV to see about getting publicity, especially to coincide with Base representative’s appearance.
Social Media – Eric
Internet sites that do show advertising have been given GULFPEX information. Local social media still needs to be arranged. Bob Marousky to contact Sandra at the Community Center to get her list of sites she uses to advertise the monthly market.
GULFPEX Planning (these items were deferred in the Board meeting) - Continued
Contact mayor of Greenwood, MS – Mary Ann
Letter has been written and sent but no answer as of now.
Due to publishing issues our show may not be listed in the latest APS magazine. It is on their website.
An ad for our show will appear in Linn’s Stamp News.
Other (cont.)
Rob is working on getting a sign with dates of the show to go with the other signs we post along the roadside.
Registration Gordon (per Bob)
Discussed adding Air Force information from Base to give out.
Silent Auction Dr. John
Any new items?
Various people have given donations for the silent auction. Dr. John hopes to keep the number of lots at about 20.
Selling Robert Pratt’s material
At the Board meeting is was voted to assist Robert Pratt’s widow in selling his collection. The plan is to have a separate silent auction for material at the show. Rob will be in charge of making up the lots and information card explaining lot contents. The auction will be held on the part of the stage not used by the Club’s silent auction. We will request a 10% commission for the Club on items sold.
Showing of raffle prizes
Bob Marousky showed the two matted and framed items for the raffle. One is the Wright Brothers Scott #92 airmail FDC with the signatures of Chuck Yager (first man to break the sound barrier). The other FDC is Wright Brothers Scott #C94 with the autograph of Scott Crossfiled the first man to fly at twice the speed of sound (mach 2). The second item is a framed and matted postcard of Chuck Yager standing beside the Bell X-1 (plane in which he broke the sound barrier), a Chuck Yager cachet on an 50th Anniversary of the Air force FDC, and a 50th Anniversary of the Air Force Stamp. It was decided that the first winner will have the choice of either item.
Cost of mounting and framing both items was $45.00
Randy Prewitt mounted, framed and added additional material to the raffle prizes for $45.00. He was paid with a Club check.
Discussed other clubs ok to buy raffle tickets. If they win, the Club will attempt to send if allow due to the frame containing glass. Suggested we send as an educational piece because postage is more reasonable when mailing.
Request for exhibits sent to Huntsville and Memphis Stamp Club. Should we send to any other Clubs?
Information on how to exhibit at our show was sent to the Huntsville and Memphis Clubs. It is on their social media.
Revise prospectus – Tom
The prospectus has been revised and available on website.
To get the prospectus you must copy and paste it off the website. If you try to paste it into MS Word it becomes 3 pages long. If this happens you will need to reformat it to fit one page. It is best to paste it into a text handling program like notepad.
Air Force, airplane stamp or military exhibits preferred?
Model Airplane exhibit – Bob and Tom
Charles Steward who make excellent airplane models is willing to do a display for us but we need to have a secure location for the models. The St. Martin library was contacted about using their display case. The case cannot be used because it has already been reserved for a library function.
Open other GULFPEX items
Liability insurance needs and costs. Rob and Tom
A contract for 3 million dollars in liability insurance was signed by President Rob O’Dell. Cost for the insurance was $91.00 + $10.00 handling fee for a total of $101.00. Club check written for this expense.
Are we going to have door prizes? If so, what and who is in change.
It was decided that we will NOT have door prizes this year.
Robert Pratt was a member who moved away and upon return to the area became a member again. Robert passed away in January from complications of Covid. As earlier mentioned a $50 donation in his memory will be sent to the National Postal Museum.
Mary Ann asked for donations of used stamps for the Holocaust coalition. Please bring your used stamps on or off paper to her at the meetings – off paper is preferred.
Volunteer for April Educational Program
It was decided that instead of having an education program in April we would use the time for last minute show planning.
Show and Tell by Members
Karl showed some 1978 to early 1990s GULFPEX covers (they are for sale)
Cathy Marousky showed a book of Ocean Springs postcards.
Rob O’Dell talked about his “nightstand reading” United States Stamps 1920 – 1932 \. He then asked if anyone knew which was the first commemorative coil stamp issued. Answer – the Edison light bulb stamp.
Bob Marousky showed a cover that had been poorly stored. It was toned and had the corner frayed from insects feasting on the cover. A reminder that philatelic material should be store in archival quality sleeves and away from insects.
Meeting Adjourned at 3:20 pm.
Educational Presentation
Bob Marousky – Mourning Covers and related material.
Bob first discussed what a mourning cover is (envelope edged in black). There is a myth saying that the size of black border is related to how long ago the person passed. This is not true. The black border size is the preference of the sending. You can collect by style, state, country, famous people or any way you want. Mourning cards for some famous and infamous people were also shown.
Another collecting aspect is mourning stamps. Several different sets of mourning stamps were shown. The question was asked as to what was the first US mourning stamp. Answer – the black Harding Scott #610. A first day cover of this stamp prepared by George Linn (founder of Linn’s magazine) was shown.
After showing examples of different ways one can collect mourning covers, Bob moved on to related items. The first item was a black pinkie ring with a heart used as a remembrance ring perhaps, worn after the passing of a child. Cathy Marousky talked about this ring and other types of mourning jewelry. Bob then moved
Educational Presentation
on showing memorial postcards and covers, information on purchase of funeral equipment, different forms of obituaries, and finally memorial photos of the person who had passed.
The last item shown was a framed photograph of Bob’s dead grandmother in an open coffin with family and friends standing around the coffin. The photo was taken on the steps of the Lithuanian church in Shenandoah, PA. Bob’s mother, as a little girl, is standing just behind the coffin lid along with his grandfather, aunts and uncles. As the photo was being passed around, it was noted that his grandmother was holding what looked like a picture in her left hand. It was not possible to tell exactly what the picture showed. This type of photograph was not uncommon in the early 1900s.
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky (original signed)
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Sign in sheet attached
Rob O’Dell – President
Dr. John Barrett – Vice President
Michael Kayes – Treasurer
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky – Secretary
Tom Adams – Director
Pat Adams – Member
Cathy Marousky – Member
Karl Schoeck
Mary Ann Graczyk – Member
Eric White – Member
Felix Perez – Member (ATA representative)
Attachment 2 – March Treasurer’s Report
Board Meeting
January 8, 2022
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:36 pm by President Rob O’Dell. Board members attending 5 with 7 other Club members and 0 guest. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees). Meeting held at Mercy Housing, Gulfport, MS.
Old Business:
1 Question on Club Library
A set of 2021 Scott Catalogs has been donated to the Club by former Club members Rick and Rasa Miller. It was decided to sell the set of 2020 Scott Catalogs possibly in the silent auction at GULFPEX 2022. Currently a full set of 2020 A to Z catalogs is selling on eBay for between $300.00 to $500.00. The Scott US Specialized and the Classic Catalogs are selling for between $30.00 and $50.00 each.
2 Club Members attending Southeastern Federation Show in January 28 to 30, 2022
There have been some rumors that the show may be cancelled due to the recent increase in Covid cases but nothing definite has been posted. Four members are planning on going.
3 Christmas Party
Update on the December 2021 Christmas Party. Thanks to those who brought food and other items. Special thanks to Cathy Marousky who coordinated the main meal and decorations.
4 Information on Club Hats – Tom
In addition to hats given to Club members who were at the November meeting, hats were given to Life members John Wright, Robin Overstreet, Robert Whitaker. A hat was presented to Rod Henderson from Huntsville who is a member of our Club
Originally 20 hats were purchased and we have given out all but 6 hats. New hats are easy to get with about a week lead time. Original cost of the hats was a little over $10.00 each. To reorder, the hats must be in groups of 4. Reordering smaller amounts of hats might increase the price per hat.
5 Where are we planning on have our meetings next year. Will it be St. Martin Library meeting room or Mercy Housing or both?
The St. Martin Library reports that it appears that the construction will not be finished until sometime in March. Therefore we will plan to have the February and March meetings at Mercy Housing. Hopefully we will be able to have the April meeting at St. Martin Library
6 Strategies for attracting more children – Any updates on the following
Maryanne Graczyk is doing a program about African Americans on stamps at her local church. Felix will be having material for children at GULFPEX 2022. More ideas are still needed.
New Business
GULFPEX Planning
Discussion and planning for the show will be done in the Business Meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 1:52 pm.
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky (original signed)
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – List of Attendees
Rob O’Dell – President
Dr. John Barrett – Vice President
Mike Kayes – Treasurer
Robert “Bob” Marousky – Secretary
Tom Adams – Director
Gordon Nelms – Director
Felix L Perez - Member
Cathy Marousky – Member
Pat Adams – Member
Mary Ann Graczyk – Life Member
Eric White - Member
Karl Schoeck -Member
Board Meeting
November 6. 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:35 pm by President Rob O’Dell. Board members attending 6 with 4 other Club members and 0 guest. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees). Meeting held at Mercy Housing, Gulfport, MS.
Old Business:
1 Question on Club Library
The contents of the Club Library will be unavailable (except for 2020 catalogs) due to the closing of the St. Martin Library. The closing is for the purpose of completing the library expansion construction. The 2020 Scotts Catalogs can be made available to members by contacting Dr. John Barrett at 214-240-5256.
2 Club Members attending Southeastern Federation Show in January 28 to 30, 2022
The show hotel is the Hilton. Entrance to the show is $5.00 per day. Hotel rates are $126.00 per day for a room with two queen beds or one king size bed. Suites are available at an additional cost. If you stay at the hotel, there is a free buffet (Cost $15.99 if not a guest) included. Information is on Club website. Cancellation up to 24 hours in advance is allowed.
3 Plans for Christmas Party
It was decided to have the Club Christmas party after a short December meeting. Party will be in the afternoon on December 4th at Mercy Housing at 1:30 pm. The Club decided to self-cater the party by buying two “Super Packs” (See attachment 2) from the Rib Crib in Ocean Springs. Of the six meat choices available the selection was 1 Super Pack of only Ribs and the other Super Pack a mix of turkey, brisket and pulled pork. The eight available sides to be divided by 3 baked beans, 2 cole slaw, 2 potato salad, one green beans. Deserts, additional sides, drinks, and any other items needed donated by individuals. There will be no cost to members and their families. Member are asked to RSVP so we can get an accurate count and have enough food.
4 Information on Club Hats – Tom
Tom Adams brought a box of 20 Club hats. Total cost of the hats was $214.54. Hats were passed out to all Club members present. Other hats will go to life members John Wright, Robert Whitaker, and Robin Overstreet (voted to be a life member at Busines meeting). A hat for Rod Henderson (Club member from Huntsville) who has helped with advertising our shows and donated the two Tin Can Mail covers, was proposed.
5 Where are we planning on have our meetings next year. Will it be St. Martin Library meeting room or Mercy Housing or both?
Due to St. Martin Library being closed for construction, the Club meetings for December 4, 2021, January 8, 2022, February 4, 2022 and possibly March 2022 (depending if construction is finished on time) will be held at Mercy Housing in Gulfport. After the library construction is finished we will resume the 2022 meeting schedule as voted on at the October meeting. That is the 2nd meeting of each Quarter will be at Mercy Housing and the rest at St. Martin’s Library.
6 Strategies for attracting more children
Different ideas on how to attract children were discussed. One idea that seemed workable is to adopt or partner with an elementary school in the St. Martin area. There concentrate on the 3rd or 4th grade doing presentations coordinated with the teacher. Then inviting the students and their parents to our Club meetings and shows.
6 Strategies for attracting more children (Cont.)
Felix has also talked to Meg Henderson from the St. Martin Library about doing programs at the library (or at other libraries within their system).
Materials to use in presentations are available from American Topical Society, American Philatelic Society and of course our Club.
Several other places where the Club could interact with children were talked about. These included: Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA summer camps, and private church schools.
Cathy Marousky asked if there were any stamp related video games that might interest children.
7 Should we have a show next October?
Rob O’Dell has spoken with all our usual show dealers and they are in favor of having a show in October. The Board decided to go ahead with an October 2022 show –dates to be determined.
New Business
GULFPEX Planning?
Change of show dates from 1 & 2 April to 8 & 9 April with set up on 7 April.
Dealers notified and are ok with change.
No other items of new business.
Meeting adjourned at 2:08 pm.
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Attendance
Rob O’Dell – President
Dr. John Barrett – Vice President
Mike Kayes – Treasurer
Robert “Bob” Marousky – Secretary
Tom Adams – Director
Gordon Nelms – Director
Felix L Perez - Member
Cathy Marousky – Member
Pat Adams – Member
Mary Ann Graczyk – Life Member
Attachment 2 – Menu from Rib Crib, Ocean Springs
November Business Meetings
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 2:08 pm by President Rob O’Dell. Board members attending 6 with 4 other Club members and 1 guest. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees). Meeting held at Mercy Housing in Gulfport.
Introduction of Guest: Dale Mouring who collected modern US mint sheets up to 2017. He has 2 identical collections, one for each daughter. Sadly the daughters do not have any interest. Dale was seeking information on the value of his collections.
Approval of October 2021 minutes for Business meeting.
Motion to accept the October Minutes made and carried
Treasurer’s Report
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report made and carried See Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Report
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
Change in date for GULFPEX made.
Fall, Thanksgiving, and Veteran’s Day themes used on Home Page.
Short discussion on what to use on December Home Page – discussion mostly concerned WW II as a theme as the US entered the war on December 8, 1941.
Circuit Update– Bob
98 items sold in September circuit for $128.18.
One Christmas postcard is missing from the October Circuit. Bob paid the $5.00 to cover cost. Club will reimburse him for the $5.00.
Circuit request for 2022 submitted. This has to be done yearly before December 1st for the upcoming year.
Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon
There is a link for information on their January 2022 show on our Club Website.
New to check that they have the new dates for GULFPEX on their website.
Old Business:
1 Question on Club Library
The contents of the Club Library will be unavailable (except for 2020 catalogs) due to the closing of the St. Martin Library. The closing is for the purpose of completing the library expansion construction. The 2020 Scotts Catalogs will be available to members by contacting Dr. John Barrett. Expected completion date for Library construction is sometime around Feb 1.
2 Club Members attending Southeastern Federation Show in January 28 to 30, 2022
Tom presented information on room rates and cancellation policy (See Board Meeting Minutes for details). He thinks the room rate is very good considering you get a $15.99 buffet included. Plus the stamp show in in the same hotel.
3 Plans for Christmas Party
Party will be December 4, 2021 at Mercy Housing. See Board Minutes for details.
4 Information on Club Hats – Tom
Hats available and passed out to members. See Board Minutes for details.
5 Where are we planning on have our meetings next year. Will it be St. Martin Library meeting room or Mercy Housing or both?
Information on Library Closing for 3 months – See Board Minutes for details.
6 Strategies for attracting more children – Felix (or Bob)
Short discussion held at Board meeting. See Board Minutes for details.
7 Should we have a show next October?
Board voted to have an October show – exact dates to be determined. See Board Minutes for details
8 Club Facebook Page
Rod Henderson originally volunteered to do a group Facebook page for the Club. Felix then told members about the difference between a group and individual page. From his talk, it seems like an individual (Club is individual in this case) page would meet our needs better. He (Felix) volunteered to set up our page and make the necessary links to other philatelic sites. Page administrators will be Felix, Bob Marousky and Rob O’Dell.
New Business
Felix announced that our Club is now ATA (American Topical Association) chapter #138. This has many advantages including our Club information being published in their magazine (journal?).
Tom Adams reported that to replace the acrylic glass in damaged frames will cost $100.00 per frame side. There would also be 30% waste. It was voted not to do any repairs at this time.
Felix has 4 tabletop frames that he will sell the Club for $100.00 (for all 4 frames). A motion to purchases the frames was made and passed.
A stamp collection has been donated by Judy Owensby. There appears to be some valuable material in this collection. Rob O’Dell will take the collection and evaluate it for value. The collection will then be auctioned with the funds going to the Club Treasury.
GULFPEX Planning?
Change of show dates from 1 & 2 April to 8 & 9 April with set up on 7 April.
Selecting Theme for GULFPEX 2022
A motion was made and passed to have the 75 anniversary of USAF as the theme for GULFPEX 2022. Discussion was held on how we could involve Keesler AFB for show publicity. Tom Adams volunteered to contact the Base Public Affairs office.
Open for other GULFPEX items.
No other items at this time.
Next Wednesday, November 10th is John Wright’s 88th birthday. A card was passed around for members to sign.
Next Monday, November 8th is Mike Kayes birthday. The members sang Happy Birthday to him.
Volunteer for December Educational Program
Plan is to skip the December Education Program because of the party. A volunteer for January still to be determined.
Show and Tell by Members
Bob showed the Tin Can Mail covers donated to Club by Rod Henderson.
Gordon Nelms showed his US Airmail collection on White Ace album pages. The pages are very attractive and include a short paragraph about each stamp. His collection is complete and includes plate blocks of 6 of the earlier stamps. The back section of the album has an interesting collection of airmail covers that includes one from Gordon, Nebraska (Gordon for his first name and Nebraska for where his daughter lives).
Meeting Adjourned at 2:40 pm.
Educational Presentation – Cathy Marousky
Cathy first talked about how she became involved in collecting Match and Medicine Stamps (M&M Stamps). While living in England she would go to shows with her husband and decided she wanted to collect something. Having a medical background, she decided on M&M Stamps. She then talked about Revenue stamps in General – why they are used and how they are used.
The M&M Stamps were first issued in 1862 to help pay for the Civil War. A company (or sometimes and individual) could have a stamp developed and the government would print the stamps for them. This allowed for a discount and additional advertising. Some of these stamps had interesting illustrations which included pictures of the person who developed the product (mainly Medicine Stamps).
Only one M&M Stamp was produced in the state of Mississippi. The Dr. M.A. Simmons of Iuka, Mississippi stamp is one of the featured items in her collection. After giving a short history of Dr. Simmons and his Liver Tonic which included his move from Iuka to St. Louis, Missouri where his son took over the company.
Items featured in her collection that were shown included:
Stamps from Iuka and St. Louis
Different production proofs of the Iuka stamp
Several forms of advertising
Packing box with advertising
Small tin that once contained his famous Liver Tonic in tablet form
Several bottles with Dr. Simmons name on them that at one time contained Liver Tonic
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Rob O’Dell – President
Dr. John Barrett – Vice President
Mike Kayes – Treasurer
Robert “Bob” Marousky – Secretary
Tom Adams – Director
Gordon Nelms – Director
Felix L Perez - Member
Cathy Marousky – Member
Pat Adams – Member
Mary Ann Graczyk – Life Member
Dale Mouring - Guest
Combined Board/Business Meetings October 9, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:30 pm by President Rob O’Dell. Board members attending 6 with 7 other Club members and 0 guests. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Old Business:
1 Question on Club Library
Should we want to keep the 2020 Scott Catalogs in the library closet? The Catalogs will be put in the closet (location of Club library) after the meeting. Club members may sign out these and other library books (see website for complete list) by contacting library staff to open the storage closet. Please sign the log sheet when taking out a catalog or book.
2 Club Members attending Southeastern Federation Show in January 28 to 30, 2022
A survey of members showed 7 members interested in attending show. Tom Adams to get the room rate for the Show hotel. Reservations need to be made as soon as possible. We also need to know the cancellation policy for the show hotel.
3 Plans for Christmas Party
The room we used previously at the Royal Super Buffet is available for lunch or super. Determination as to when and where party will be held is still up for debate.
4 Information on Club Hats – Tom
Tom Adams told members about what the hats will look like and cost of less than $15.00. A motion was made and seconded to buy 20 hats and give a hat to all “active” members. Motion passed.
5 Where we are planning on have our meetings next year. Will it be St. Martin Library meeting room or Mercy Housing or both?
After discussion it was decided to have 8 meetings a St. Martin Library and 4 meetings at Mercy Housing. The second or middle meeting of each quarter will be the one at Mercy Housing. That will be the February, May, August and November meetings. Since our finishing time is not limited at Mercy Housing we will try having Club auctions after the Board and Business meeting. Mary Ann Graczyk has requested that we do a Black History program in February at Mercy Housing. She will coordinate details. Bob Marousky will put in the request for meeting use at the St. Martin Library Meeting Room.
New Business
October 1 & 2, 2021 Bourse Critique
Report on Expenses – Income
A detailed report on expenses was presented by Treasurer Mike Kayes. Overall we made about three hundred ($300.00) dollars profit. See Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Report on Show Expenses.
Publicity - Where do we get the most for our money?
Report on how attendees learned about show – Gordon Nelms who ran the registration desk reported that most attendees learned about the show from the cards we sent out. See Attachment 3 – How Attendee’s learned about our show.
Only one person mentioned hearing something on the radio and it was decided not to use that form of advertising for the next show.
Publicity - Where do we get the most for our money? (Cont.)
Even though it was requested, we did not get any television coverage. That was most likely because they were covering “Cruising the Coast” events. Tom Adams said he will work on getting coverage for GULFPEX 2022. Also Sandra Seymour, St. Martin Community Center Manager, said she had a contact at WXXV Channel 25 (Fox network) that she will give us. See Attachment 4 – Publicity Information
Road signs seemed to be effective and we should consider getting more of them.
We did not distribute as many flyers as normal and we need to do better next show. It was suggested that we give a flyer to each local postmaster and ask them to post the flyer in their lounge. Also to ask the postmaster to encourage their postal workers to tell customers, especially stamp collectors they know, about the show. The postal workers usually know who is a stamp collector by the type of mail they deliver or the type of stamps they sell.
Cathy Marousky reported that she spent less than fifty ($50.00) dollars on food. That was for coffee (we have enough left over for the next show), donuts, snacks, water and paper goods.
She also reported on how we helped provide lunches for the dealers. Menus for Fayard’s were given to the dealers. They indicated what they wanted and the orders were called in. Cathy picked them up, delivered them to the dealers and collected the money. This worked well but took a large part of her time at the show.
Dealers – Rob
Dealers – Rob Cont.
Number of Dealers was 8 including Felix’s American Topical Association table. Two dealers did not attend (Fred Brafford – illness and Ken S – Car troubles). Everything worked out ok except those two dealers were scheduled to have the first tables as you walk into the room. Other dealers were given the option to move to those tables but declined.
Layout of Room and number of dealers for GULFPEX? This layout worked for 10 dealers with 8 dealers having 3 tables. It can be easily modified to 12 dealers but we would need to reduce the number of dealers with 3 tables and exhibits be removed or limited.
Covid Precautions
We used the same Covid precautions as GULFPEX 2021 and they worked well. Felix Perez donated some bottles of hand sanitizer which were placed on each dealer’s table – thank you Felix.
Club Table for Sales
This worked well. Removable labels were placed on every item for accounting purposes. When an item sold, the label was taken off and put in a book on that person’s page so we could determine the amount each person sold.
Registration – Gordon
Recruiting new members: One new member was recruited during the show. We need to be more attentive in asking attendees (if they live in the area) if they are interested in joining the Club. There was also another person who joined the Club by mail after the show. The application is in the welcoming kit given to all attendees.
Door Prizes
The system worked well except for issues with the sound system. That problem along with some additional ones have been reported to the Community Center Manager. See Attachment 5 – Letter with identification of specific problems encountered.
Show Hours
Close earlier on Friday? Even though there were no attendees (except Club members) in the room between 5 and 6 on Friday, it was decided to keep the show hours the same. That slack time allowed dealers to shop among themselves.
Open for Additional Bourse Items.
Strategies for attracting more children – Felix (or Bob)
Letters and handouts sent to schools
Rent Bus to transport classes to show
Presentations at schools and building a long term relationship with a school near the Community Center.
Felix had a long discussion with Meg Henderson, St. Martin Head Librarian, about how the American Topical Association (ATA) could help the libraries present philatelic related programs. The ATA and American Philatelic Society will even provide educational material.
The above items were discussed with no conclusions reached. Felix Perez and Bob Marousky volunteered to work on the project.
Should we have a show next October?
Item discussed but no conclusion reached. The Community Center has weekend opening for all of September and October 2022. Dealers’ interest in a Fall show is high. Before deciding on a date we need to check if there are any other shows in the area that might impact our show.
Note: Since the Board meeting ran over it and the same attendees were at both meetings, it was decided to combine the meetings. Below is the Business portion of the meeting.
Approval of September 2021 minutes for Business meeting.
Motion to accept the September Minutes made and passed.
Treasurer’s Report
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report made and passed. See Attachment 6 – Treasurer’s Report
October Bourse
See above information - Board Meeting
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
No Report
Circuit Update– Bob
152 items sold in September circuit for $268.25.
A new self-inking stamper was purchased for use in doing the accounting for sales in the circuit
One Christmas postcard is missing from the October Circuit
Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon
No Report
Old Business
1 Decision on Club Library
2020 Scott catalogs will be put into the Library closet – any book taken from the Club library must be signed out on the sheet provided next to the books.
2 Christmas Party Plans
No decision reached.
3 Theme for GULFPEX 2022
Three topics were suggested for possible theme. They were: 75th anniversary of Birth of United States Air Force; 50th anniversary of Viet Nam War; and the Mississippi Aquarium. Members seemed to favor the Birth of Air Force but no final decision was made at this time. Item remains open.
Additional suggestion: 75th anniversary of the destructive 1947 Hurricane.
No Decision
4 Hats for Club Members
See Information from Board Meeting above.
New Business
1 Library decision from Board Meeting. See above.
New Business (Cont.)
2 Facebook Page. Rod Henderson of the Huntsville Stamp Club and a member of our Club has volunteered to help set up a Gulf Coast Stamp Club Facebook page. He also volunteered to be one of the administrators but he need at least two more individuals to serve as administrators. Rod will provide the training needed. A file on what is necessary to set up the Facebook page will be sent to Rob O’Dell and Bob Marousky. Open
Volunteer for November Educational Program
No volunteer at this time
Show and Tell by Members
Suez Canal Company Stamps - Bob
T.S. Eliot Cat First Day Covers - Bob
Channel Island WWII Bisect Stamp on cover - Bob
Unique Postcards - Cathy
Cat’s First Day Cover Collection – Gordon
Show and Tell by Members Continued
Unique 2 cent Franklin with Certificate – Rob
Press sheet for the recent WW I stamps - Tom
Meeting Adjourned at 3:07 pm.
Educational Presentation – Dr. John Barrett
Dr. John Barrett on Estate Planning for Stamp Collectors See Attached 7 - Handouts.
Meeting adjourned 3:07 pm
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – List of Attendee’s
Robert O’Dell – President
Dr. John Barrett – Vice President
Mike Kayes – Treasurer
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky – Secretary
Gordon Nelms – Director
Tom Adams – Director
Mary Ann Graczyk – Member
Felix Perez – Member
Karl Schroder – Member
Eric White – Member
Al Allegue – Member
Pat Adams – Member
Cathy Marousky – Member
Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Report on Show Expenses.
Attachment 3 – How Attendee’s learned about our show.
Attachment 4 – Publicity Information
Attachment 5 – Letter with identification of specific problems encountered.
Attachment 6 – Treasurer’s Report
Attached 7 – Handouts
Business Meeting September 11, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 2:25 pm by Vice President Dr. John Barrett with 8 Club members attending. Quorum requirement under the Covid protocol were met and meeting is Official. (See Attachment 1 – List of Attendees)
September 11, 2021 Terrorist Attack
Cathy Marousky began the meeting by reading excerpts from Scott English’s (American Philatelic Society Executive Director) article in the September issue of the American Philatelist. Scott was working as a staffer on Capitol Hill when the plane hit the Pentagon. He lost a friend in that attack. After the reading and some remembrances from members, a moment of silence was held. Copy of the article is Attachment 3.
Special Member attending
Karl Schaech who is the Treasurer of the Jackson (Mississippi) Stamp Club and a member of our Club was introduced. This is the first monthly meeting Karl has attended, he joined our Club at the April show. He is a 25 year+ APS member and also a member of several other philatelic organizations. Karl reported on what is happening with the Jackson Stamp Club. Collecting wise he likes North America (US, Canada, etc.) with a special interest in early airmail covers. During the 9/11 terrorist attack he lost a fire fighter uncle when the twin towers collapsed
Approval of August 2021 minutes for Business meeting.
Motion to accept the August Minutes made and carried.
Treasurer’s Report (See Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Report)
After the reading of the monthly treasurer’s report a motion was made and passed to accept the report.
October Bourse
Information from today’s Board meeting was quickly reviewed as all attendees were at today’s Board Meeting. Availability of set-up and cleaning individual was confirmed.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
Gordon saved his update for the educational program he will be presenting at the end of this meeting.
Circuit Update– Bob
With the passing of the only person in the Club who collected Germany, that country was removed from our monthly circuit want list. Mike Kayes requested that Bermuda be added to the want list.
Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon
The information on their January 2022 show was updated. The update was about how to make hotel reservations.
Old Business
1 Decision on Club Library
Deferred until after October Bourse
2 Tentative Christmas Party Plans
Lunch at Royal Super Buffet was investigated and they do serve the Mongolian BBQ at lunch. One member did object to having Asian food for Christmas, (it just doesn’t seem right). The Library and Mercy Housing are available should we want to do a party there. The possibility of getting a box lunch for the party was suggested. Cathy Marousky to investigate contents and cost of box lunch. Item remains Open.
3 Theme for GULFPEX 2022
Three topics were suggested for possible theme. They were: 75th anniversary of birth of United States Air Force; 50th anniversary of Viet Nam War; and the Mississippi Aquarium. Members seemed to favor the birth of Air Force but no decision was made at this time. Item remains Open.
New Business
Hats for Club Members
Information from Board Meeting was quickly reviewed. See September Board minutes for details.
Members Obits - Bob
Bob Marousky discussed that there has been no mention of stamp collecting or Gulf Coast Stamp Club membership in 3 recent obits of former Club members. It was suggested that this is an area that could be addressed in future with family prior to need.
Next meeting is the Saturday after October show – October 9, 2021 at St. Martin’s Library Meeting Room
Memphis Stamp Show Sept 25 & 26 is asking for exhibits. Cost is $2.00 per frame. Bob Marousky has applications for anyone interested. Dr. John Barrett will be attending the show and is willing to take and bring back exhibits for members, thus saving the mailing costs.
Volunteer for October Educational Program
Dr. John Barrett – Estate Planning for Stamp Collectors
Show and Tell by Members
Felix Louis Perez show a book on Puerto Rico’s Revenue stamps. He was a contributor to the book and it showed items from his collection.
Dr. John Barrett had programs from the recent APS Chicago Show for members who wanted a copy. He also had copies of the awards for the exhibits.
Bob Marousky showed 4 items: A President’s wife’s (Florence F. Cleveland wife of Glover Cleveland) free franked cover; A souvenir George Washington Cover that included all the stamps from the 1932 George Washington set that were on a postal stationary Mt. Vernon cover. They were cancelled on February 22nd (Washington’s birthday) from Mt Vernon; A cover and letter from the Office of Navy Department. Letter telling the recipient that a Navy ship will be named “Mobile” and launched in 1942; A postal stationary 2 cent cover (UO72) that also included the 2 cent (O125) and 10 cent (O126) stamps. The use of stationary and stamps on one cover is uncommon.
Bob also showed a First Day Cover with a Four States stamp (858). He asked what was unique about the stamp and what the nickname for the stamp was. Answer: The stamp is the only one to have 4 different First Day dates. A different day for each state. Nickname for the stamp is the wash line or clothing line stamp because it looks like sheets hanging on a laundry line.
Meeting Adjourned at 3:06 pm.
Educational Presentation – Gordon
Gordon Nelms did a review of the Club Website. He talked about how he changes the home page each month. Then he reviewed what was under each tab on the home page. The information found under each tab was demonstrated and explained.
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – list of attendees
Dr. John Barrett – Vice President
Mike Kayes – Treasurer
Robert “Bob” Marousky – Secretary
Gordon Nelms – Director
Felix Luis Perez – Member
Cathy Marousky – Member
Eric White – Member
Karl Schaech – Member (Also Member of Jackson Stamp Club)
Board Meeting Minutes for September 11, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:45 pm by Vice President Dr. John Barrett Board members attending 4 with 4 other Club members and 0 guests. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Old Business:
1 Question on Club Library
Deferred until after October Show
2 Club Members attending Southeastern Federation Show in January 28 to 30, 2022
Deferred until after October Show
3 Plans for Christmas Party
Deferred until after October Show
4 Information on Club Hats – Tom & Bob
Example of hat shown by Bob Marousky. Overall members liked the color of the hat and that it would match our shirts. Price would be about $12.00 each if we ordered 16 hats. Hats need to be ordered in multiples of 4. When ordering multiples of 4 the price will be slightly higher. No action taken. – Open
New Business
Discussion was held on where we are planning on have our meetings next year. Would it be St. Martin Library meeting room or Mercy Housing or both? No decision reached. Open
October 1 & 2, 2021 Bourse Planning
Outcome of Special Board Meeting (September 9, 2021) on October Bourse – Bob
See Attached 2 – Minutes of Special Board Meeting.
A meeting about the upcoming bourse was called for September 9, 2021 by the bourse chairman, Robert O’Dell. Board members and interested Club members were invited for their input on decision in determineing whether we should go ahead with the October bourse. This is in light of the recent outbreaks of Covid, possible loss of customers due to Hurricane Ida, lodging space for dealers due to evacuees from Hurricane Ida. The decision was made to hold the show. Should 2 or more dealers cancel in the near future, the decision to hold the show will be revisited.
Action Item from that meeting
Eric and Rob – Eric has furnished Rob with information on how to get advertising for the Show on the radio. A motion to allow up $150 for radio advertising was made and passed.
Tom Adams – Tom had previously volunteered to contact WLOX and WXXV to see about getting information about the show on TV
Flyers – Bob has produced flyers for members to take and put up in public places (Libraries, Laundromats, etc). He will also send the PDF file for the flyer to Eric. Then Eric will print up flyers to take to the Houston show next weekend.
Signs – The idea is to use 6 political sized signs along the roadside to advertise our show. Signs would be placed in Burma Shave style (signs in progressive placement) at the intersection of Washington and Lemoyne on the days of the show. One additional sign would be purchased to place on the road outside our meeting place. A motion was made to allow up to $150.00 for purchase of the signs
Mailing – Using the list furnished by APS for us to use to send postcards cost approximately $125.00. There was an increase in mailing costs for postcards in August, so it will cost a little more to send them for this show. A motion was made and passed to allow Mike up to $150.00 to mail the postcards..
Food – Cathy Marousky reviewed what she will need to purchase food wise for the show. What needs to be purchased is the complementary items (coffee, supplies, water, donuts, etc.) for dealers and Club members. For drinks all we will have available is coffee and water, no soda. A motion was made and passed to allow her up to $100.00 for these. Also the question was raised as to how we were going to handle dealers’ lunches. The idea of getting them box lunches was discussed. No decision was made now but will be made before show time.
Dealers – Rob
Number of Dealers is now __9___. Gordon will devise a layout plan. The plan is to use extra space for Club members’ sales.
If necessary Mary Ann Graczyk said the Jubilee Center would be available for dealers to use. Cost is $20 per night per person. Accommodations are dormitory style and they would need to bring their own linens. Some Club members also said dealers can stay with them.
Covid Precautions - Tom
The same Covid precautions as the April GULFPEX show are in effect for use of the St. Martin Community Center. Tom Adams has supplies left over from the April show for use at this show.
Club Table for Sales
There will be at least two tables for members to put out items for sale. Each member will be allowed to keep 7 items for sale on the table at one time. Accountability of members’ items sold was discussed. Gordon will be in charge of devising a method to use. Mike will bring a cash box for him to use.
Registration – Gordon
Gordon will be in charge of the registration table.
Door Prizes
Several members volunteered to donate items for door prizes. It was determined that to have hourly drawings we would need 12 (or more) items donated. How it will work is that each individual who signs in at the registration table will get a ticket. Anyone who brings in the postcard advertising the show will then receive an extra ticket.
Open for Additional Bourse Items.
Meeting adjourned at 2:22 pm
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky
Robert T. “Bob” Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – list of attendees
Dr. John Barrett – Vice President
Mike Kayes – Treasurer
Robert “Bob” Marousky – Secretary
Gordon Nelms – Director
Felix Luis Perez – Member
Cathy Marousky – Member
Eric White – Member
Karl Schaech – Member (Also Member of Jackson Stamp Club) arrived late.
Special Board Meeting – Gulf Coast Stamp Club
September 9, 2021
The Special Board Meeting of the Club was called by President and Show Chair Robert O’Dell to discuss the upcoming October Bourse. Reason for the Special Meeting is to review Show preparations because Show Chair Robert O’Dell will not be at the September Board or Business Meetings. Location of meeting was the Panda Restaurant in the Promenade Mall, D’Iberville at Noon on Thursday September 9, 2021.
The meeting was called to order by President Robert O’Dell at noon. Present were 4 Board members and 3 other Club members. Having four Board members present made the meeting official. (See Attachment 1 for list of attendees)
Discussion was held to examine whether our October Bourse should be cancelled in light of some recent developments. Those developments include: increase of covid cases on the Mississippi Gulf Coast; effects of Hurricane Ida on customers from New Orleans and Louisiana area; Availability of Lodging and Publicity.
Discussion Covid: Several members pointed out that the Covid outbreak is about the same as it was during GULFPEX 2021. We do have supplies for Covid protocols. There is enough room for social distancing in the Community Center. Bob Marousky reported that the Community Center requirements have not changed from mask suggested but not required.
Discussion Hurricane Ida effect: Eric White reported that electrical power has been restored to most of New Orleans but some of the outlying areas are still without power. Dr. John Barrett reported (via earlier phone conversation) that he was not able to contact any members of the New Orleans Club via email but that was not unusual with the power and Internet being out.
Discussion Publicity: We are behind on publicity. It is too late for an ad in Linn’s Stamp News but in the survey done at GULFPEX 2021 only one person mentioned that they came because of that ad. The show is listed in the American Philatelist. There is still time to do local and regional publicity.
Discussion Availability of Lodging: With the return of power to New Orleans, motel rooms are now available on the Gulf Coast. Additionally Mary Ann Graczyk reported that dealers could stay at the Jubilee Center where she works. It is dormitory style living including male and female bathrooms with showers, and a separate shared large room with cooking facilities. Also some members said they would volunteer to lodge dealers if necessary.
Other discussion for absent Board and Club members: Felix-Louis Perez said he would abide by whatever decision was made at the meeting. Tom Adams was undecided but should we hold the show he has Covid supplies and would be willing to do TV publicity. Dr. John Barrett suggested that dealers should be told beforehand that there is a possibility of low attendance at the show.
President and Show Chair Robert O’Dell asked Board members for a yea or nay if we should hold the October Bourse. The vote was 3 yea and 1 nay, therefore we will have the October Bourse. After the vote Bob Marousky asked if there were any conditions that might occur to force us to cancel the bourse. Show Chair Robert O’Dell said that if two dealers would cancel then we would reexamine the issue.
The following actions to be taken on Publicity.
Use of Radio Ads – Eric White reported that the New Orleans show had good success with their use. He will get the information to Rob O’Dell about the cost and contact for the ads. Rob will take action.
Signs – Rob O’Dell will order 7 political size signs to be put at the corner of Washington Avenue and LeMoyne Blvd. 1 sign will be used to promote meetings.
TV – Tom Adams will contact WLOX and WXXV.
Flyers – Bob Marousky will print up flyers to bring to this Saturday’s meeting. He will also send the file to Eric White who will print up flyers to take to next week’s Houston Stamp and Postcard Show.
Mailing – Mike Kayes will use the same list of regional stamp collectors as provided by American Philatelic Society to mail an information postcard. Exact wording on the card to be determined.
Food – Food will be handled same as GULFPEX 2021. No budget yet determined.
This decision will be presented to the membership at the September 11, 2021 Board and Business meetings. Further planning needs for the show will be determined at that time.
Meeting adjourned at 12:43 pm
Robert T. Marouksy
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – List of Attendees
Robert O’Dell – President
Mike Kayes – Treasurer
Robert T. Marousky – Secretary
Gordon Nelms – Director
Cathy Marousky – Member
Eric White – Member/Dealer
Mary Ann Graczyk - Member
Business Meeting August 7, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 2:03 pm by President Rob O’Dell with 13 Club members and 4 guests (2 who joined the club) attending. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official. (See Attachment 1 – List of Attendees)
Approval of July 2021 minutes for Business meeting.
Motion to accept the July Minutes as published on the website made and approved.
Treasurer’s Report (See Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Report)
Motion to accept August Treasurer’s report as read made and approved.
October Bourse
See details of discussion in Board Meeting Minutes for August 7, 2021.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
Tom Adams will write a tribute for life member Robert Endt who passed away today. Webmaster Gordon Nelms will post it on the website.
Gordon asked for an update on the dealers for the October show so he can update the website.
Circuit Update– Bob
Current Manager Bob Marousky reported there was over $400.00 (four hundred dollars) in sales last month. A copy of the Circuit rotation schedule was given to members. If others want to be on the rotation notify Bob. Otherwise the circuit can be seen at meetings.
Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon
No action or changes on the Federation website. Only information on the site is about their January 2022 show in Norcross (North of Atlanta) show.
Old Business
1 Decision on Club Library
See information in August 7, 2021 Board Meeting minutes.
2 Ideas for getting more members to meetings
Calling and reminding members about the monthly meeting seems to be helping. Thus the number of members and guests attending today’s meeting.
3 Tentative Christmas Party Plans
See information in August 7, 2021 Board Meeting minutes.
4 Confirm Rotating Meeting Schedule for rest of 2021
See information in August 7, 2021 Board Meeting minutes.
New Business
Need to start thinking about theme for GULFPEX 2022. Members were asked to see if there are any anniversaries related to the Gulf Coast that might make a good theme. Dr. John Barrett provided a list of past show themes given to him by Harry Steinwinder before he died. One suggestion for a possible theme was the 80th anniversary of the Viet Nam War. Several of our members were in the military during that time period and several served in Viet Nam.
Our valued member Felix Louis Perez-Folch is receiving an award from the American Philatelic Society (APS) as the outstanding military volunteer of the year. Former award winner Bob Marousky read the information posted about Felix’s work promoting stamp collecting, especially topical collecting, as posted in the APS Journal. Felix will receive the award at the Great American Stamp Show this coming weekend.
Volunteer for September Educational Program
This month’s presenter, Gordon Nelms, was not able to do the program scheduled. He has volunteered to do the program on navigation of Club website in September.
Bob Marousky read an idea from the Dayton Ohio stamp Club for an interesting educational program. Basically members bring in stamps, covers, post cards related to some location or travel in their past history. Then they take 3 to 5 minutes to present it at the meeting. This is different from the Show and Tell because the item being shown has something to do with the members past and not just an item they own.
Show and Tell by Members
Olympic Stamps – Bob Marousky. In honor of the Summer Olympics that are just ending Bob brought in Olympic related philatelic material. It included the first US stamps for Olympic games issued in 1932. Great Britain stamps issued for the 1948 Olympic games held there. The 1948 games were called the “austerity” Olympics because of the food rationing still in effect after World War II.
Inexpensive Tongs – Bob Marousky showed a four pack of tweezers he purchased in the Dollar Tree store. They are basically the same as regular stamp tongs. The price was one dollar and they can be found in the tool section.
Union Stamps – Tom Adams brought in a small (1” by 2”) book that showed if modern union members paid their monthly dues. If dues were paid a stamp was put in the book covering the name of the month. By coincidence Bob Marousky had an identical style book in his pocket. Bob’s book was a birthday gift from John Wright. The books were from different unions and time periods.
Al Allegue asked if anyone was familiar with Crypto Stamps. They are like Crypto coins and can be just collected or used as an investment.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:59 pm.
Educational Presentation
In place of the regular scheduled presentation that had to be delayed, President Rob O’Dell suggested members talk about how they began stamp collecting. Many members spoke about starting collecting in their youth and going to local stores that had stamps and supplies for sale to purchase material. Cynthia Baughman talked about having a pen pal in Australia and admiring their stamps. Cathy Marousky related how she would go to stamp shows with her husband (Secretary Bob Marousky) and decided to collect Match and Medicine stamps instead of being bored at the shows. Several members mentioned the help of postmasters when they began collecting. The postmasters would go into the safe and bring out copies of previously issued stamps that officially had gone off sale. Members participating were Rob, Tom, Cynthia, Bob, Eric, Cathy, and Robin.
Robert T. Marousky (Official Copy Signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 List of Attendees
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Dr. John Barrett
Secretary Bob Marousky
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Board Member Gordon Nelms
Board Member Tom Adams
Member Felix Luis Folch
Member Cathy Marousky
Member Pat Adams
Member Eric White
Member Robin Overstreet
Member Cynthia Baughman
Member Al Allegue
Guest Ed Izzy
Guest Bobby Blake
Guests Rob and Rhonda Burns
Board Meeting August 7, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:30 pm by President Rob O’Dell Board members attending 6 with 3 other Club members and 4 guests. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
St. Martin’s Library has opened the meeting room for use. Two weeks ago they broke through the wall for the Library expansion.
Plans for meeting schedule in rest of 2021
September 4, 2021 – Mercy Housing
October 1 & 2, 2021 – Bourse St. Martin Community Center
October 9, 2021 – St Martin Library
November 6, 2021 – Mercy Housing
December 4, 2021 – St. Martin Library
December ? – Time and place for Christmas Party to be determined
2 Question on Club Library - Rob
Librarian Gordon Nelms will update the list of books in the library. Bob Marousky will then send the list to Leonard Hartman, Philatelic Literature Dealer, to see if he would like to purchase any books.
3 Club Members attending Southeastern Federation Show in January 28 to 30, 2022
Tabled at this time
4 Plans for Christmas Party- Bob
Librarian Meg Henderson said it would be ok to have a catered Christmas party in the Library Meeting Room. Tom Adams researched the cost of having the party catered and it would cost about twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per person. Some individuals suggested a luncheon party at Royal Super Buffet. Time, date and location for the party still to be determined.
5 Domain Name - Rob
The bill the club received for our domain name (www.gulfcoaststampclub.org) was actually “phishing”, that is trying to get us to pay for something we have already paid. Webmaster Gordon Nelms asked why he was not shown the bill. He could have answered the question at the July meeting.
New Business
1 Secretary’s Request for supplies - Bob
Secretary Bob Marousky requested funds to purchase a toner for his laser printer (cost about $60.00) and two reams of paper. President Rob O’Dell mentioned the increased price of paper and volunteered to donate 2 reams to the Club. A motion was made and carried to pay for the toner.
2 Information on Club Hats - Tom
Tom Adams spoke about the design and cost to get hats for the Club. The hats would be dark hunter green to match our Club Shirts. The design on the hat would be the same lighthouse as on the shirts and the wording Gulf Coast Stamp Club next to the lighthouse. Hat size can be adjusted by a Velcro strap at the back. Cost would be approximately $12.00 each if we have an order of 16 or more hats. Tom said that for $3.00 more, individuals could have something printed on the back of their hat such as Retired Air Force. Discussion held on whether the Club should pay for the hats and give one to each member. Some individuals thought members could buy their own hats. It was pointed out that the hats would be good for promoting the club. No decision was made at this time. Tom was asked to see if we could get an example of the hat and a different price.
3. Sad News
Tom Adams announced that lifetime Club member Robert Endt passed away at 8:30 this morning. He was at home at the time. Tom volunteered to write a tribute to Robert to be posted on the Club website. A sympathy card was made available for members to sign. A donation to the American Philatelic Society (APS) in Robert’s honor.
October 1 & 2, 2021 Bourse Planning
Dealers – Rob
At this time we have 5 dealers and we can use 5 or 6 additional dealers. Some of our regular dealers (John Bigelow and Bill Salvatore) are committed to a show in Arkansas. Fred Bradford may not be able to come due to health issues. Show Chairman Rob O’Dell will continue to contact dealers.
Covid Concerns
The new wave of the delta varient of covid is troubling. Tom Adams reminded members that he still had anti-covid supplies left over from the last show. The big APS show next week is still on. Member Felix Luis Folch attended a National Stamp Show last weekend and he mentioned that there was hand sanitizer on each table. Club will monitor covid conditions and make a go/no go decision for the show at a later time.
Robert T. Marousky (Official Copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 List of Attendees
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Dr. John Barrett
Secretary Bob Marousky
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Board Member Gordon Nelms
Board Member Tom Adams
Member Felix Luis Folch
Member Cathy Marousky
Member Pat Adams
Member Eric White
Member Robin Overstreet
Guest Ed Izzy
Guest Bobby Blake
Guests Rob and Rhonda Burns
Agenda Board Meeting July 10, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at _____pm by President Rob O’Dell Board members attending ___ with ___ other Club members and ____ guest (Constance Holt who joined the Club) attending. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
Meeting room will be available for the August Meeting. Request for Use of Meeting Room for the rest of the year was submitted.
2 Question on Club Library
3 Club Members attending Southeastern Federation Show in January 2022
Robert O’Dell report on cost or renting a van.
Open for discussion.
New Business Items
Open for New Items
October 1 & 2, 2021 Bourse Planning
Dealers – Rob
Security – Mike
Locks purchased?
Open for Discussion on October Bourse
Agenda for Business Meeting July 10, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at ____pm by President Rob O’Dell with ___ Club members attending. Quorum requirement met/not met and meeting is Official/Not Official
Approval of May 2021 minutes for Business meeting.
Motion to accept the Minutes as posted on Club Website.
Treasurer’s Report
July 2021 report
October Bourse
Details of discussion in Board meeting June 5, 2021.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
Circuit Update– Bob
Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon
For information on possible renting a vehicle to take members to the January 2022 show
Old Business
1 Decision on Club Library
See discussion from today’s Board meeting.
2 Ideas for getting more members to meetings
Open for Discussion
3. Life Membership for Robert Endt
Presented by President Robert O’Dell. Photos on website.
Volunteer for June Educational Program
Show and Tell by Members
Meeting Adjourned at ____ pm.
Educational Presentation
Rob – grading stamps using US parcel post stamps for examples.
Agenda for Business Meeting June 5, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 2:00 pm by President Rob O’Dell with 10 Club members attending. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
President Rob O’Dell welcomed our Guest and New Member Constance Holt. She started collecting stamps from ads in comic books. Later she obtained an Ambassador World Wide Album from a store in Pittsburg, Pa. After a long absence from collecting she would like to get back into the hobby. Members gave her a warm and friendly greeting.
Approval of May 2021 minutes for Business meeting.
Motion to accept the Minutes as posted on Club Website made and passed.
Treasurer’s Report
June 2021 report read by Treasurer Mike Kayes. Motion to accept his report as read made and passed.
October Bourse
See details of discussion in Board meeting June 5, 2021.
Abundance of dealers interested will be on a first come first served basis.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
Theme for this month is Operation Overlord. The June website also includes Official (those in Congressional Record) Celebration Days and list of new US stamp issues.
There was discussion on how the list of books in the Club library was displayed. Webmaster Gordon Nelms will investigate different ways to list books.
Circuit Update– Bob
Circuit seems to be dialed in to meet members’ requests. So far this month we have sold over $200.00 dollars. Bill Dixon at APS is doing an excellent job but sometimes he doesn’t have available books in certain categories. Let Bob know of any new interests or areas of collecting not being serviced
Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon
For information on possible renting a vehicle to take members to the January 2022 show see Board minutes from today.
There is not much if any activity on the Federation’s website. They announced the January show but haven’t given specific information such as date of show.
Old Business
Decision on Club Library
See discussion from today’s Board meeting.
New Business
Ideas for getting more members to meetings
Ride sharing – members are encouraged to check and see if any members might need a ride to the meetings.
Calling members – This month members who have not been attending meeting were called and reminded about the meeting. Response from members called was favorable. Results showed that the reason some members don’t attend is because they have conflicting interests.
Membership Idea – Bob
Bob Marousky pointed out that long time Club member Robert Endt will be turning 90 this December. Bob made a motion to award Robert Endt honorary life membership. After discussion the motion passed.
Digital copies of various clubs’ newsletters are forwarded to all members. Several members favorably commented on the content of the newsletters – if you don’t receive it contact Bob
Rob O’Dell showed photos of a local collection that is for sale. It is a world wide collection especially complete with stamps from Germany and Indonesia. Contact Rob for more information.
Volunteer for June Educational Program
Rob – grading stamps using US parcel post stamps for examples.
Show and Tell by Members
Gordon Nelms showed the Queen Victoria stamps of Great Britain album he has developed. He related information on the design and printing of these stamps. During Queen Victoria’s reign she only allowed her image on British stamps.
Mike Kayes showed the album he developed for used stamps from the Plate Number coil stamps issued. He used MS Word to develop the album but you can also use MS Publisher.
Bob Marousky– showed Stamp boxes and stamp cases from his collection. He told a little about how these were used. Types shown included: Goss Ware, Tunbridge Wells, Scottish clan design, match case/stamp combination, one from New Orleans and the 1893 Columbian exposition. One way to identify a stamp box is the box will have a slanted interior which makes removal of the stamp easier.
Rob O’Dell showed his collection of US Revenue stamps in his Harris Album.
Dr. John Barrett showed some of the items left over from the Silent Auction. They were distributed to members.
Felix Luis-Perez brought up the advantages of the Club becoming member of the ATA (American Topical Association). The ATA has over 3,000 members that receive their journal. If the Club would become a member they would get free advertising in the journal. For membership we would need to have 6 members who belong to the ATA. Currently we have 4 ATA members and 2 additional members volunteered to join. For more information on the ATA contact Felix.
Meeting Adjourned at 3:06 pm.
Educational Presentation
Felix Luis Perez did a presentation of the different types of philatelic pages you can collect. They include Poster Pages, Souvenir Pages with First Day Canceled stamps, American Commemorative watermarked pages with canceled stamps, American Commemorative pages unwatermarked with mint stamps, USP Panel Pages, and Canon Pages. The Canon pages were produced from 1985 to 2004 by Jim Canon to celebrate the 50th anniversary of stamps that didn’t have any other collectable pages. After Jim Canons passing, his family continued producing the pages from 2004 to 2009. There are in three volumes limited to 800 editions. Felix showed the volume with copies from edition 001 of 800. He is the third owner of the collection.
Robert T. Marousky (official filed copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Attachment 1: List of attendee’s
Robert O’Dell – President
Dr. John Barrett – Vice President
Mike Kayes – Treasurer
Bob Marousky – Secretary
Gordon Nelms – Director
Cathy Marousky – Member
Felix Luis Perez – Member
Eric White – Member
John Repp - Member
Constant Holt – New Member
Attachment 2: Copies of Treasurer’s Report for year up to June 2021.
Draft Minutes for Board Meeting June 5, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:30 pm by President Rob O’Dell Board members attending 5 with 3 other Club members and 1 guest (Constance Holt who joined the Club) attending. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
In July the Friends of St. Martin library are using the meeting room for the first time. It may be available for us to use in early Fall. That use may be temporary because when they have to open the back wall to access the new addition, the books on that wall may be stored in the meeting room.
2 Question on Club Library
No decisions were reached on what to do with the library. Members can take out books from the library with the assistance of the St. Martin Library staff.. There is a sign out sheet to be used when taking out books. Members can also contact Librarian Gordon Nelms and he can bring the book(s) to meeting for pickup.
Discussion on readability of how the library books are listed on the website. It was suggested that it might be presented in a table format. Webmaster Gordon Nelms will explore options to improve readability.
The topic of having a distributive library for the Club was discussed. For this type of library Club members would provide the Club Librarian a list of books they would be willing to loan to other club members. That list would be published on our website. Members interested in a certain book would contact the owner and make their own arrangements for the loan.
3 Club Elections
May should have been the biennial election of Club Officers. It was delayed due to numerous factors but needs to be addressed.
Three different options were suggested by Bob Marousky. First is to hold an election in September. That would give us time to develop a list of candidates for the election. Second is to change the By-laws to have elections every even year. Third is to make a motion to extend the current slate of officers until next May. This last option is basically the same as the second option but we would not have to change the By-laws (and you would then have elections on even years).
Webmaster Gordon Nelms is going to put information on the first and third option on the website encouraging members to come and help make a decision on this topic.
New Business Items
Club Members attending Southeastern Federation Show in January -We had talked about the possibility of renting a Van for members to go to the show.
During discussion it was found that at least six members were interested in going to the show. The question of liability, drivers and cost were major concerns. President Rob O’Dell volunteered to explore these issues and report at next Board meeting.
October 1 & 2, 2021 Bourse Planning
Dealers – Rob
The GULFPEX 2021 dealers have been notified of the October bourse by letter. Contracts will be sent out soon. It was decided that the show will be limited to 11 dealers plus the ATA (American Topical Association) display tables (which is the same arrangement as GULFPEX 2021). Four dealers will have 3 tables and they will be awarded to the first 4 contracts returned. The new table fees of $125.00 for the first two tables and $50.00 for an extra table will start with this show. Sandra at the Community Center will be asked if we can get additional tables if needed which could possibly allow more dealers to have 3 tables.
Security – Mike
A set of three long shanked locks with the same key will be purchased for use at the show.
Methods to improve advertising were discussed. They included exploring the use of different tourist and coast magazines. Also the possibility of writing articles for local papers and making TV appearances.
Mike Kayes will place an ad in Linn’s stamp news after reviewing the success rate results from the 2021 GULFPEX ad.
Eric White volunteered to make a Poster/flyer about the show. He also has contacts for Radio ads.
Rob O’Dell will be sending letters with flyers to all the Clubs in our contact area.
Mike Kayes will use the APS list to send out informational cards.
Show information will be posted on the APS site and other philatelic sites as soon as possible.
Felix Luis-Perez will work on getting information into the ATA (American Topical Association) magazine and website.
Members are requested to look out for and report weekly/free advertisement possibilities.
Arranging set-up and Cleaning
A motion was made and passed to see if we can hire the same individual (Steve Hanshaw) for set-up and cleaning. Payment to be $100.00 for set-up and $200.00 for cleaning.
Robert T. Marousky (official filed copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Attachment 1: List of attendee’s
Robert O’Dell – President
Dr. John Barrett – Vice President
Mike Kayes – Treasurer
Bob Marousky – Secretary
Gordon Nelms – Director
Cathy Marousky – Member
Felix Luis Perez – Member
Eric White – Member
Constant Holt – Guest/New Member
Agenda for Board Meeting May 1, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:42 pm by President Rob O’Dell Board members attending 5 with 4 other Club members attending. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
As of the end of April, the library is open but the Library Meeting room is still closed for an undetermined time. Tabled until change in Library Status
2 Contact organizers of Cruising the Coast to see if our October show can be added to their calendar of events - Rob
Numerous calls have been made but not returned. There is no way to contact the organization via their website. Closed
3 Question on Club Library
After discussion a suggeston was made that Club Liberian Gordon Nelms will review and research the books (not the Scott’s Catalogs) and price them so they can be put on Club table for sale at the next show (October 1 & 2, 2021). With further discussion it was decided that Club members should review the list of books (it is on Club website) and determine if there are any they want the library to keep. Discussion to continue next meeting. Open
New Business Items
Fred Brafford’s Gift to the Club (not to be sold)- Bob
Long time GULFPEX dealer Fred Brafford donated a container full of packets of stamps hinges to the Club with the provision that they are not to be sold. Members were encouraged to take a packet. The extra packets will be used to give to new members and kids.
Date for GULFPEX 2022
Available dates (Thursday, Friday and Saturday)
After reviewing the available dates, the Board decided on April 1 & 2, 2022 (Friday and Saturday) for the show with March 31, 2022 (Thursday) for set up. Bob Marousky will confirm dates are available and make the reservation.(Note: on May 3rd a $375 deposit was paid to reserve the Community Center)
GULFPEX 2021 Report
Dealers – Rob
The feedback from dealers has been good. One dealer sent a very nice email expressing how much he enjoyed the show and plans to be back.
Registration – Gordon
54 individuals signed in at the Registration table. That number does not include most Club members or dealers. There were individuals that might not have signed in or with a collector who did sign in. The most effective methods of Contact were mailed postcard (11) and referral by club member (6). Least effective were the APS and Coastal Mississippi magazine with 1 each. (See Attachment 2 GULFPEX 2021 Spring Show Attendees)
Facility – Bob
A summary of the written facility’s report was presented by Bob Marousky. (See Attachment 3 – Facility’s Report for GULFPEX 2021).
Set Up, Tearing Down, and Cleaning Contract – Bob
The frames were moved safely using Steve Hanshaw’s trailer. He was also the individual who did the setup, tear down and cleaning. St. Martin Community Center manager, Sandra Seymour inspected the cleaning and found it satisfactory. The $200.00 deposit was returned via a voiding of the personal (Bob Marousky) check that was used for deposit.
Covid Protocols – Tom
A written report on the success of the Covid Protocols was submitted by Tom Adams. Included in the report is a list of his expenses. (See Attachment 4 – Covid 19 Measures at GULFPEX 2021)
Hospitality – Cathy
Cathy Marousky gave a summary of what she did to provide hospitality for dealers and Club members. The Club provided donuts, coffee and some snacks. For lunch on both days she took orders and picked up the food at Fayard’s on Washington Ave. Discussion was held whether we want to go back to providing the components for sandwiches at the October show. When individuals are provided the supplies to make their own sandwiches, it is easier and can be done at each ones convenience. How we proceed for the October show depends somewhat on the covid protocols in place at that time.
Exhibits – Tom
A written report from Tom Adams was summarized. The exhibits were great, the quality of the exhibits at the show has improved every year. Our judge, Jay Stotts was not only a good judge, he was an excellent teacher. On Saturday he gave a seminar to members who wanted to learn more about exhibiting. Ray Cartier from Houston with his Apollo 13 exhibit won the best of show and was presented with the silver Apollo 13 medallion. (See Attachment 5 – GULFPEX 2021 Exhibition Committee Report)
Silent Auction – Dr. John –
Dr. Barrett gave a summary of the Silent Auction. We were blessed with a large donation which helped make the Silent Auction a financial success. Depending on what donations we received from public and members, we should consider holding this event again at the October show. Left over items were on display in the dining area of Mercy Housing where members attending the meeting could bid on them. Any items left might be donated to schools.
Club Sales
Gordon Nelms, who manned the registration table most of the show, reported that there were no recorded Club member sales. The Club did sell its older Scott Catalogs for reasonable prices. The Club members’ sales area was lacking for space with Karen Cartier using part of a table for the sale of her books. For the October show we need to have more space for Club members to display their items. A way to better account for Club members sales needs to be developed
Finances – Mike
Treasurer Mike Kayes reported the show was a financial success. The silent auction and raffle were among the best revenue streams. (See Attachment 6 – Gulf Coast Stamp Club Monthly Financial Report for May 1st 2021)
Security Overnight
Bob Marousky reported that the side doors were chain locked on Friday night. It was difficult to use the chain with the padlock. Using the bicycle lock with the chains was easier. A recommendation to buy an addition bicycle lock was made by Dr. Marousky. Rob O’Dell called the Jackson County Sheriff’s department requesting additional surveillance of the Community Center on their patrols.
The raffle was a big financial success due to the desirable item being raffled. Everyone seemed to like the Apollo 13 plaque, especially with it being signed by Fred Haise who was on that mission. Special thanks to Dr. John Barrett who purchased the plaque, had it signed by Fred Haise and then framed. See Attachment 6 – Gulf Coast Stamp Club Monthly Financial Report for May 1st 2021 for details.
Show Cachet and Cancel - Mike
Since we didn’t have the post office support, an envelope with a cachet and the show cancel for our canceled April 2020 show was printed. These were given out for free with the welcome packages.
Publicity Effectiveness of:
Community Center Sign – only one person mentioned the Community Center sign as the way they knew about the show. Other years this was a successful means of drawing attendance. What may have been part of the problem was the closing of the Washington, Street Fort Bayou bridge in Ocean Springs. Many individuals who would normally drive past the sign were taking different routes to and from work. Special thanks to Sandra Seymour, Community Center coordinator, for getting the sign up early.
Mailing – This year we purchased a list of APS members within reasonable driving distance to the show. Using the addresses from this list to mail postcard notices was one of the most effective strategies in getting attendance.
Show Posters – No one indicated they came to the show because of seeing one of our show posters.
WLOX – This year they were not doing in studio/on air interviews due to the Covid 19 protocols. They were scheduled to come to the show at 1:30 pm on Friday so the interview could be shown on Friday evening’s news. Sadly they were not able to come on Friday due to breaking news stories (local flooding due to heavy rains) that needed to be covered. A reporter with camera did come to the show on Saturday afternoon and interviewed Club President Rob O’Dell.
Linn’s Ad – Only one person mentioned seeing the show information in Linns
Signs – Rob O’Dell modified the large sign we normally place at the intersection of Washington St and LeMoyne Blvd. Unfortunately the flooding from heavy rains washed the sign away. It was not recovered.
Gulf Coast Chamber of Commerce – Only 1 person mentioned seeing information on the show in Coastal Magazine. (For a complete breakdown of information See Attachment 2 – GULFPEX 2021 Spring Show Attendees).
Both the Huntsville Stamp Club and the Memphis Stamp Club gave us excellent publicity. We did have one individual from the Huntsville Stamp Club attend the show. Special thanks to Rod Henderson who provided information and reported on our show in their newsletter. (See Attachment 7 – Page from Huntsville Stamp Club Newsletter)
Childrens table – Felix
Felix Luis Perez-Fouch had an excellent display of topical material selected to attract young individuals’ interests. He also had many give away items for young visitors. There were only three young men with their teacher who attended the show.
Taking exhibit judge out to eat Friday
Friday night Tom Adams, his wife and a other members of our Club took show judge Jay Stotts and his wife out to eat. Club paid Tom for the Judge and his wife’s meal.
Other GULFPEX 2021 Items?
Open for other New Items
Allow time at the Business Meeting for members to talk about the show.
This was covered by discussion during the meeting.
Club Elections – They should have be held this month. We deferred them until after April show.
Deferred due to time constraints.
Because of the extra time the Board Meeting took and having the same members present for the Business Meeting, the Board voted to make the Business Meeting a continuation of the Board Meeting.
Attendance – See Attachment one.
Approval of April 2021 minutes for Business meeting.
Motion made and carried to accept the Minutes as read.
Treasurer’s Report
A complete breakdown of club finances was reported by Treasurer Mike Kayes. A motion to accept his report as read was made and carried. See Attachment 6 – Gulf Coast Stamp Club Monthly Financial Report for May 1st 2021 and Attachment 8 Gulf Coast Stamp Club Treasurers Report FY2021.
GULFPEX 2021 - Rob
Summary of show
Chance to give members input about show and what they learned at the show
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
May site is now up for members to view. Webmaster Gordon Nelms noted some good ideas for the website from the discussion in the Board Meeting. He also needs some new contributions for the Dollar Box webpage.
Circuit Update– Bob
Sales in the April circuit were down a little. The May circuit is doing much better. Circuit Manager Bob Marousky reported that he has been asked to add 3 new categories to the circuit.
Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon
The only activity from the Federation is publicity for their January 2022 show in Atlanta. A comment was made that maybe we could rent a bus or van to take members to the show. Individuals would be responsible for the cost of their hotel/motel and food. The Club would cover the cost of renting a vehicle. After discussion it was decided to examine this idea further.
Old Business
New Business
Members were asked to start thinking of a theme for GULFPEX 2022.
Members were also reminded to look over the list of books in the Club library (listed on Club website) so a decision can be made concerning the material. The Scott Catalogs are not included as part of this discussion.
Volunteer for June Educational Program
Felix will present the program originally scheduled for this month.
Show and Tell by Members
Eric White brought in notebook that contained several interesting items. One was a book about the first rocket airmail between USA and Mexico. The book also contained two miniature sheets of rocket stamps.
Gordon Nelms showed an album of British material from Stampless to Victorian to semi modern items. It contained covers, stamps, wax seals and much more.
Bob Marousky showed a notebook in which he had several unusual covers purchased at the show. Of special interest was one with a label that went through the mail and a cover with a penny attached for part of the postage. There was a cancel mark that could be seen on the penny.
Cathy Marousky show her “Dressed Chicken” postcards found at the show. They are postcards showing baby chicks (or peeps) wearing articles of clothing. She also showed some 1908 Leap Year postcards.
Mike Kayes showed two signed Canadian covers from the Olympics held there. He was able to trace the signature to the person who organized the event they celebrated.
Dr. John Barrett showed an example of Civil Censored mail from Germany to Switzerland.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:48 pm.
Educational Presentation
Rob O’Dell “Collecting Quality - Cherry Picking on a Budget"
Rob began his talk reviewing with members what makes a stamp a “gem”. He then talked about going through dealers stock to find the best example of stamps you can find. Another good place to find gem stamps is in dealers sales from their store on Hipstamps. The presentation was ended by him showing stamps he had just purchased from a Hipstamp dealer’s stock. Stamps were gems that he purchased for a fraction of catalog value. This is a way to make your collection more valuable with “Cherry Picking”.
Robert T. Marousky (official copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 List of Attendees
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Dr. John Barrett
Secretary Bob Marousky
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Board Member Gordon Nelms
Member Cathy Marousky
Member Tim Simmons
Member Eric White
Member Mary Ann Graczyk
Attachment 2 GULFPEX 2021 Spring Show Attendees
Attachment 3 – Facilities Report for GULFPEX 2021
Facilities Report for GULFPEX 2021
Board Meeting April 10, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:32 pm by President Rob O’Dell Board members attending 5 with 3 other Club members attending. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
As of April 9t, the library is open but the Library Meeting room is still closed for an undetermined time.
2 Contact organizers of Cruising the Coast to see if our October show can be added to their calendar of events - Rob
Second email has been sent to Cruising the Coast organizers
3 Question on Club Library
Deferred until after GULFPEX 2021
New Business Items
Set of 2020 Scott Catalogs now in Library. – Bob
Catalogs include 14 books. Specialized, Classic (2019 edition) and 12 volumes for A-Z countries. Librarian Gordon Nelms to make labels for new catalogs.
What to do with extra Scott Catalogs – see attached list
Older catalogs to be sold at GULFPEX 2021.
Review things to do list for GULFPEX. - Bob
See Attachment 2 (List of things to do at GULFPEX)
GULFPEX 2021 Planning
Dealers – Rob
Update: Currently 11 dealers – One dealer cancelled and at this time Steve Werneth of Mobile will take that dealers place.
Assigning of Tables and Layout – Gordon/Rob
Update: See new layout map.
See Attachment 3 (Show layout)
Facilities – Bob and Cathy pick up keys then open and close building.
Plans Complete
Set Up, Tearing Down, and Cleaning Contract – Rob
Set up and Tearing Down Plans Complete
Covid Protocols – Tom
Supplies needed? Tom Adams has purchased supplies needed (hand sanitizer and masks). He has also sent a sign for the front desk. See Attachment 4 (Covid Protocol for GULFPEX 2021)
Hospitality – Cathy
Plans complete
Exhibits – Tom
New Are we having a printed list of exhibits for visitors? Gordon
A printed list of exhibits will be included with handouts.
New Help with Frames –Tom planning on contacting Steve Hanshaw and owner of the storage place to coordinate time. He has been alerted to the traffic situation where I-110 is extra busy from 4:30 to after 6 pm due to bridge closure.
New List of Awards
A list of awards has been developed by Tom Adams in coordination with Jay Stotts the APS judge for our show.
Silent Auction – Dr. John –
Update Needed: Report on Silent Auction.
Do we have bidding slips?
Dr. John will provide the slips.
How do we account for money?
Dr. John will keep the silent auction funds separate.
Where do people pay?
People will pay at the silent auction on the stage.
New: Does Dr. John need help pricing items?
No, he has had some help already and will finish the pricing.
What are we going to do with items left over from the auction?
Undetermined at this time.
What about doing an online auction (via email only like Memphis does theirs). Dr. John has volunteered to do the work. Or making circuit books for APS. Bill Dixon at APS said Clubs can submit circuit books.
Deferred until after GULFPEX 2021
Registration - Gordon
What type of sign in
Gordon has developed a sign in sheet. It has been reviewed by Rob O’Dell
Covid Equipment and Protocols.
Provided by Tom. See attachment 4 from above
Disclaimer on Registration form?
A Sign will be Provided by Tom.
Instructions for workers at registration desk?
Still needs to be developed
Club Sales
Who is handling this??
Person manning the registration desk will handle Club Sales.
How much room is available?
There will be part of two tables for Club sales.
How do we account for sales?
Still need to be determined.
Any limit on number of items a Club member put on table?
Still need to be determined
Cash and Cash Box(s) – Mike
Update Needed + New
How many needed and how much money?
Mike Kayes will take care of this item.
Bob needs 3 checks for $200 each (1) to pay for cleaning deposit (2) for setting up and moving frames to Community Center, and (3) for Cleaning, putting tables away and moving frames back to storage.
Bob will take care of using checks for paying cleaning deposit and paying helper (Steve Hanshaw).
Security Overnight
Mike will bring Chains for doors and Rob to call sheriff dept.
Raffle – Dr. John?
Update Needed
Mike has tickets we can use.
It was determined that tickets will be two dollars ($2.00) each or 3 for five dollars ($5.00) or 7 for ten dollars ($10.00). Raffle will end at 2 pm on Saturday giving the winner a chance to claim it by the end of show. Also two additional prizes (CD’s by Ray Cartier).
What do we do if the winners are not present?
Notify winner and make arrangements for pick up.
Talk on TV?
The person who does the TV publicity will be encouraged to take the plaque to show on air.
New: 2 (CDs donated Ray Cartier) –
add as additional items in drawing if appropriate.
Show Program – Gordon’s
Gordon Nelms has developed a trifold that talks about Fred Haise and our show. The list of exhibits and diagram of the layout will be placed inside trifold and given to guests.
Show Cachet and Cancel - Mike
We will not have a stamped cover. Mike will make a giveaway cover using the cachet and cancel we planned on using.
Community Center Marquis – Complete
Mailing – A card has been mailed to all APS members in our capture area.
Show Posters – Complete
WLOX – Update on has TV appearance been scheduled – Not doing in person appearances.
Any progress on getting reporter out on Friday? Reporter on Saturday does us no good. Dr. John will contact WLOX to ask them to get the reporter to show early on Friday.
Other TV – WXXV Channel 5 – Community Reporter. No volunteer to contact the station.
Linn’s Ad – Complete
Update needed: Signs
Large Sign – where and when to place. Rob has completed the large sign and will place it at the northeast corner of Washington Ave (Hwy 609) and LeMoyne.
Any other signs needed – None planned
Contacting the Gulf Coast Chamber of Commerce and have the show listed on their calendar of events. Rob will contact the Chamber.
New GULFPEX 2021 Items?
Need for Children’s table? Will what Felix is doing be enough?
Felix will handle this.
Time to take down exhibits? If we wait until 4 pm it may get in the way of the dealers as they are leaving. Exact time still to be determined but it will be before 4 pm.
Change information on awards on exhibit prospectus – Deferred until after GULFPEX
Taking exhibit judge out to eat Friday? Club paying for him and his wife? What about Ray Cartier and wife invite? Plans being developed by Tom Adams.
Karen Cartier book signing at show? She will be given a small part of the Club Table to use and the PA system will be used to announce her presence.
Open for other New Items
Tom Adams asked for a check for $200 to pay the APS judge.
From Tom Adams: Should we set up a time on Friday or Saturday for Ray Cartier’s talk on Apollo 13? 1:30 pm on Friday set for Ray Cartier’s talk
From Tom Adams: Should we set a time for the APS judge to give a talk on exhibiting? The APS judge, Jay Stotts, is willing to talk with exhibitors individually. He will also give a talk on exhibiting at 11 am on Saturday. Both his and Ray’s talk to be given on the part of the stage not used for silent auction.
Robert T. Marousky (official minutes signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 List of Attendees
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Dr. John Barrett
Secretary Bob Marousky
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Board Member Gordon Nelms
Member Cathy Marousky
Member Felix Luis Perez-Folch
Member Eric White
Attachment 2 List of Things to Do for GULFPEX 2021
Attachment 3 Show layout
Note: Other attachments include copy of handouts from GULFPEX 2021
Business Meeting April 10, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 2:30 pm by President Rob O’Dell. Number of Members present 10 Guests None Quorum requirements under suspended by-laws have been met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Approval of March Minutes
Approved as posted
Treasurer’s Report (See Attachment 2 – Treasuer’s Report attached to Official Copy of Minutes)
Given by Treasurer Mike Kayes – Report Approved
GULFPEX 2021 - Rob
President Rob O’Dell gave an overview of the planning for the show and where we will need help. See April Board Meeting Minutes for details
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
The home page of the Website features information about GULFPEX 2021 and an Easter theme. Webmaster Gordon Nelms reported that he has been kept busy making corrections with all the dealer changes.
Circuit Update– Bob
Sale in the circuit are down a little. Circuit Manager Bob Marousky asked if anyone has a request for new items on the circuit.
Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon
Nothing New
Old Business
New Business
Fred Haise is scheduled to be at the Beau Rivage Oct 17 and will not be able to attend our October show.
On April 13 Felix Luis Perez-Folch will be doing a presentation for the Crescent City Stamp Club in New Orleans
The Huntsville, Memphis and Baton Rouge Stamps Clubs have helped to publicize our show.
Volunteer for May Educational Program
Felix Luis Perez-Folch
Show and Tell by Members
Dr. John Barrett showed some of the items that will be in the Silent Auction at the show
Rob O’Dell showed some early Duck Stamp Plate Blocks.
Mary Ann Graczyk asked members if they had any recipes that they would like to have published, please see her for details.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:43 pm.
Educational Presentation
Deferred until May
Robert T. Marousky (official minutes signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 List of Attendees
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Dr. John Barrett
Secretary Bob Marousky
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Board Member Gordon Nelms
Board Member Tom Adams (virtual)
Member Cathy Marousky
Member Felix Luis Perez-Folch
Member Eric White
Member Mary Ann Graczyk
Attachment 2 Treasurer’s Report
Board Meeting March 6, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:46 pm by President Rob O’Dell Board members attending 6 with 3 other Club members attending. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
As of March 1st, the library is open but the Library Meeting room is still closed for an undetermined time.
Today’s meeting is being held at Mercy Housing in Gulfport, MS. Special thanks to Julie Sablich for allowing us to use their facilities. The room was perfect for social distancing and included the use of their WiFi.
2 Contact organizers of Cruising the Coast to see if our October show can be added to their calendar of events - Rob
Cruising the Coast organizers have been contacted. However they have not yet replied to our request. Deferred until after GULFPEX 2021.
3 Question on Club Library
Should the Club keep a library?
Keep only Scott Catalogs?
Sell all books including Scott Catalogs?
Sell other books at silent auction at GULFPEX 2021
Sell other books at online auction?
Donate unsold books to APS or a local charity?
Library contents at https://www.gulfcoaststampclub.org/gcsc-library.html
Deferred until after GULFPEX 2021
New Business Items
Quorum requirement for Business Meetings
After discussion a motion was made and carried that due to the current covid crisis we suspend the by-laws requirement to have 10 club members present to make a quorum at business meetings. Motion carried unanimously.
GULFPEX 2021 Planning
Dealers – Rob
Currently 7 dealers have paid and 2 additional dealers expressed interest in attending. The deadline for making payment was March 1, 2021. A motion was made to delay the payment date to March 15, 2021. After that time any other interested dealer may be offered tables. Motion carried unanimously.
Assigning of Tables
After all the dealers pay, Rob will put their names in a hat and draw for table assignment. He will give Gordon the information so he can put it on the website.
Layout – Gordon
Gordon showed a copy of the proposed layout. After discussion it was decided to move the registration inside the room instead of in the lobby. This is due to the limited number of Club members we have to work. Manning two tables would not be possible. (See attachment 2 – diagram of room layout for show)
Are we going to make a separate layout map with dealer contact information?
Who makes map and who prints it?
After discussion it is still undecided if we need a separate map for guests.
Facilities – Bob and Cathy pick up keys then open and close building.
Bob will coordinate payments needed with Mike.
Set Up and Cleaning Contract – Rob
Individual will be there at 5 am Friday to set up and then return Saturday after the show to do the set-up, tear down and cleaning. Rob has made verbal agreement with individual ( Steve Hanshaw 228-233-0391) to do this at a cost of $300.
Covid Protocols – Tom
Supplies needed? Instructional Signs? This will be decided after we learn what the governor’s and Community Center rules will be at show time.
What if someone doesn’t follow protocols? After discussion it was determined that we might not be able to force noncompliant guests. However we will make a strong suggestion that they do follow protocols. It is unclear if we can deny entry to show for individuals who do not follow protocols.
Do we need a disclaimer on Registration Form? To be determined later.
Hospitality – Cathy
We will have individually wrapped donuts, snacks, water and coffee available for dealers and Club members.
Fayard’s Menu for food that can be ordered for dealers (Club members?) lunch. We will pick up but orders will be cash only.
Exhibits – Tom and Al
Are we having a printed list of exhibits for visitors? Tom is going to work on how to handle this.
Have possible individual to help get and set up/take down frames. Tom needs to talk to the individual who is willing to help and negotiate terms.
Silent Auction – Dr. John –
How does bidding work? Each item in the auction will have a minimum bid price of at least one dollar. There will also be a buy it now price which will especially help any individuals won’t be available at the auction end. Auction will end at 2:30 pm on Saturday. If the buyer is not there and is local (and know to Club) the item could be held for pick up after the show.
Do we have bidding slips? Dr. John will provide the slips.
How do we account for money? Exact method still to be determined.
Where do people pay? Same as above.
Registration - ??
What type of sign in? Tom to work on registration form.
Covid Equipment and Protocols. Same as above
Disclaimer on Registration form? Same as above
Club Sales - ?? –
How much room is available? Currently only one table is available in the design.
How do we account for sales? To be determined.
Any limit on number of items a Club member put on table? To be determined
Cash Box – Mike
How many needed and how much money? Exact method still to be determined. Accounting is needed in four (4) areas: silent auction, raffle, memberships/club covers and members sales.
Security Overnight – Mike has chains and locks. Bob or Cathy will lock doors and Rob inform sheriff’s department like last year. Complete
Raffle – Dr. John?
Mike has tickets we can use.
What are we charging for tickets? In the past we said $5.00 and 3 for $10 but is that too much? It was determined that tickets will be two dollars ($2.00) each or 6 for ten dollars ($10.00). Raffle will end at 2 pm on Saturday giving the winner a chance to claim it by shows end.
What do we do if the winner is not present? Notify winner and make arrangements for pick up.
Take on TV? The person who does the TV publicity will be encouraged to take the plaque to show on air.
Show Program – Gordon’s
Trifold made by Gordon. The trifold which goes along with our show theme (Fred Haise and Apollo 13) was completed by Gordon. Rob will make 50 copies for the show. (See Attachment 3 – copy of trifold)
Need for dealer info with maps? To be determined.
List of Exhibits? Tom working on how to handle.
Show Cachet and Cancel - Mike
Undetermined. Mike has not been able to contact anyone at the post office to see if we can get the cancel. The cancel has been listed in Linn’s Stamp News with instructions to send requests the D’Iberville post office. The use of a facsimile cancel on covers was discussed but no conclusions reached.
Community Center Marquis – Bob – arrangements already completed.
Mailing – Mike/Bob to get APS listing. Waiting for list from APS to see the number of cards we would need to send out. Undetermined how we will use the information as only three (3) individuals indicated they learned about the show from the mailing.
Rob has sent a letter about the show to 11 different Clubs. Included with the letter were 3 copies of our show poster.
Copies of our show posters were given to members to post in the community. (See attachment 4 – Copy of show poster)
WLOX – Dr. John will contact the station and be the person to be on air. New member Tim volunteered to assist if he can arrange his work schedule with Rob as back up. Also to ask if they send a reporter and camera person out on Friday morning so it can be on the Friday evening news.
Other TV – Undetermined
Linn’s Ad – Mike Ad placed and will run for 4 weeks. Cost of ad fifty three (53.00) dollars
What about John Wright’s Sign? The wooden sign that John Wright had cannot be located. A different large sign was located at John Wright’s house. To used it the time and dates need to be changed. Possible location for the sign – northeast corner of Washington and LeMoyne.
Other Ideas: It was suggested that we contact the Gulf Coast Chamber of Commerce and have the show listed on their calendar of events. Rob will contact the Chamber. Another suggestion by Cathy was to have the show posted on www.istampshows.com. (Note: this was completed immediately following the business meeting). Tim knows of a local radio station where we might get some on air publicity.
Elaine LeGros will not be available for Publicity or Hospitality.
Other GULFPEX 2021 Items?
Fort Bayou Bridge (Washington Ave) might be closed during show dates. Actual closing dates have not yet been posted. This will inconvience some individuals but not prevent the serious collector from attending our show.
Open for other New Items
Suspending By-Laws during covid epidemic: A motion was made to suspend the By-Laws to reduce the number of members present for a quorum at Business Meetings to the number of individuals present (in person and virtually) at meeting. Also to postpone Club election of Officers to a later date still to be determined. Motion passed unanimously. This allows the Board to delay May elections until a later time. Also to reduce the number of members need to make a quorum at Business Meeting to the number of member in attendance (both virtually and in person)
GULFPEX email address: Mike has made an email address that can be used for show information. It is [email protected]. He will be the one to monitor this account.
Robert T. Marousky (official minutes signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 List of Attendees
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Dr. John Barrett
Secretary Bob Marousky
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Board Member Gordon Nelms
Member Cathy Marousky
Member Felix Luis Perez-Folch
Member Timothy Stinson
Member Eric White
Attachment 2 – Diagram of room layout for show
Attachment 3 – Copy of trifold handout
Attachment 4 – Copy of show poster
Business Meeting March 6, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 2:45 pm by President Rob O’Dell. Number of Members present 9. Quorum requirements under suspended by-laws have been met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Approval of October, November& December 2020 Plus January & February 2021 Minutes
Motion was made to accept the October, November, & December 2020 minutes and the January & February 2021 minutes as posted on the Club website. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
See Attachment 2 – March 2021 Treasurer’s Report.
GULFPEX 2021 - Rob
Update on Status (from discussions at Board Meeting)
See the March 2021 Board meeting for details on GULFPEX 2021.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
Gordon reported on the monthly website update.
Circuit Update– Bob
There appears to be a trend of members buying less each circuit. Reason is that their collections are to the point where they are not finding needed material in the circuit books. Bob asked for ideas on how we might improve the circuit to meet Club member’s needs.
Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon
No new information from the Southeastern Federation.
Old Business
None except that covered under GULFPEX 2021 Planning in the Board meeting.
New Business
The Board voted to suspend the by-laws requirement for holding the Club election in May to an undetermined date. Also to make the quorum requirement the number of members present (virtually and in person) at Business meetings.
Volunteer for April Educational Program
Felix volunteered to repeat for us the presentation he will be doing in March for the Topical society. Topic of the presentation is the Magnolia stamp (Scott #1337) issued for the 150th anniversary of Mississippi statehood.
Show and Tell by Members
Several different items were shown:
Examples of the first stamp used in Europe – Swiss Canton stamps.
Odd shaped (triangle, diamond and parallelogram) early US covers.
Covers from the Art Cover Exchange where exchange members make and trade cachets.
First day cover made by Penn/art. In addition to a cachet the covers also have a foreign stamp with cancel. On the back is the number of the cachet and number produced.
A cover sent to Hawaii in 1935 via first flight of TWAb clipper airplane. The stamp on the cover was the 25 cent airmail issued specifically for clipper air mails to Hawaii
Meeting Adjourned at 3:30 pm.
Educational Presentation
Deferred – Show and Tell by members taking its place this month.
Robert T. Marousky (official minutes signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – List of Attendees
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Dr. John Barrett
Secretary Bob Marousky
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Board Member Gordon Nelms
Member Cathy Marousky
Member Felix Luis Perez-Folch
Member Timothy Stinson
Member Eric White
Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Report
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:46 pm by President Rob O’Dell Board members attending 6 with 3 other Club members attending. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
As of March 1st, the library is open but the Library Meeting room is still closed for an undetermined time.
Today’s meeting is being held at Mercy Housing in Gulfport, MS. Special thanks to Julie Sablich for allowing us to use their facilities. The room was perfect for social distancing and included the use of their WiFi.
2 Contact organizers of Cruising the Coast to see if our October show can be added to their calendar of events - Rob
Cruising the Coast organizers have been contacted. However they have not yet replied to our request. Deferred until after GULFPEX 2021.
3 Question on Club Library
Should the Club keep a library?
Keep only Scott Catalogs?
Sell all books including Scott Catalogs?
Sell other books at silent auction at GULFPEX 2021
Sell other books at online auction?
Donate unsold books to APS or a local charity?
Library contents at https://www.gulfcoaststampclub.org/gcsc-library.html
Deferred until after GULFPEX 2021
New Business Items
Quorum requirement for Business Meetings
After discussion a motion was made and carried that due to the current covid crisis we suspend the by-laws requirement to have 10 club members present to make a quorum at business meetings. Motion carried unanimously.
GULFPEX 2021 Planning
Dealers – Rob
Currently 7 dealers have paid and 2 additional dealers expressed interest in attending. The deadline for making payment was March 1, 2021. A motion was made to delay the payment date to March 15, 2021. After that time any other interested dealer may be offered tables. Motion carried unanimously.
Assigning of Tables
After all the dealers pay, Rob will put their names in a hat and draw for table assignment. He will give Gordon the information so he can put it on the website.
Layout – Gordon
Gordon showed a copy of the proposed layout. After discussion it was decided to move the registration inside the room instead of in the lobby. This is due to the limited number of Club members we have to work. Manning two tables would not be possible. (See attachment 2 – diagram of room layout for show)
Are we going to make a separate layout map with dealer contact information?
Who makes map and who prints it?
After discussion it is still undecided if we need a separate map for guests.
Facilities – Bob and Cathy pick up keys then open and close building.
Bob will coordinate payments needed with Mike.
Set Up and Cleaning Contract – Rob
Individual will be there at 5 am Friday to set up and then return Saturday after the show to do the set-up, tear down and cleaning. Rob has made verbal agreement with individual ( Steve Hanshaw 228-233-0391) to do this at a cost of $300.
Covid Protocols – Tom
Supplies needed? Instructional Signs? This will be decided after we learn what the governor’s and Community Center rules will be at show time.
What if someone doesn’t follow protocols? After discussion it was determined that we might not be able to force noncompliant guests. However we will make a strong suggestion that they do follow protocols. It is unclear if we can deny entry to show for individuals who do not follow protocols.
Do we need a disclaimer on Registration Form? To be determined later.
Hospitality – Cathy
We will have individually wrapped donuts, snacks, water and coffee available for dealers and Club members.
Fayard’s Menu for food that can be ordered for dealers (Club members?) lunch. We will pick up but orders will be cash only.
Exhibits – Tom and Al
Are we having a printed list of exhibits for visitors? Tom is going to work on how to handle this.
Have possible individual to help get and set up/take down frames. Tom needs to talk to the individual who is willing to help and negotiate terms.
Silent Auction – Dr. John –
How does bidding work? Each item in the auction will have a minimum bid price of at least one dollar. There will also be a buy it now price which will especially help any individuals won’t be available at the auction end. Auction will end at 2:30 pm on Saturday. If the buyer is not there and is local (and know to Club) the item could be held for pick up after the show.
Do we have bidding slips? Dr. John will provide the slips.
How do we account for money? Exact method still to be determined.
Where do people pay? Same as above.
Registration - ??
What type of sign in? Tom to work on registration form.
Covid Equipment and Protocols. Same as above
Disclaimer on Registration form? Same as above
Club Sales - ?? –
How much room is available? Currently only one table is available in the design.
How do we account for sales? To be determined.
Any limit on number of items a Club member put on table? To be determined
Cash Box – Mike
How many needed and how much money? Exact method still to be determined. Accounting is needed in four (4) areas: silent auction, raffle, memberships/club covers and members sales.
Security Overnight – Mike has chains and locks. Bob or Cathy will lock doors and Rob inform sheriff’s department like last year. Complete
Raffle – Dr. John?
Mike has tickets we can use.
What are we charging for tickets? In the past we said $5.00 and 3 for $10 but is that too much? It was determined that tickets will be two dollars ($2.00) each or 6 for ten dollars ($10.00). Raffle will end at 2 pm on Saturday giving the winner a chance to claim it by shows end.
What do we do if the winner is not present? Notify winner and make arrangements for pick up.
Take on TV? The person who does the TV publicity will be encouraged to take the plaque to show on air.
Show Program – Gordon’s
Trifold made by Gordon. The trifold which goes along with our show theme (Fred Haise and Apollo 13) was completed by Gordon. Rob will make 50 copies for the show. (See Attachment 3 – copy of trifold)
Need for dealer info with maps? To be determined.
List of Exhibits? Tom working on how to handle.
Show Cachet and Cancel - Mike
Undetermined. Mike has not been able to contact anyone at the post office to see if we can get the cancel. The cancel has been listed in Linn’s Stamp News with instructions to send requests the D’Iberville post office. The use of a facsimile cancel on covers was discussed but no conclusions reached.
Community Center Marquis – Bob – arrangements already completed.
Mailing – Mike/Bob to get APS listing. Waiting for list from APS to see the number of cards we would need to send out. Undetermined how we will use the information as only three (3) individuals indicated they learned about the show from the mailing.
Rob has sent a letter about the show to 11 different Clubs. Included with the letter were 3 copies of our show poster.
Copies of our show posters were given to members to post in the community. (See attachment 4 – Copy of show poster)
WLOX – Dr. John will contact the station and be the person to be on air. New member Tim volunteered to assist if he can arrange his work schedule with Rob as back up. Also to ask if they send a reporter and camera person out on Friday morning so it can be on the Friday evening news.
Other TV – Undetermined
Linn’s Ad – Mike Ad placed and will run for 4 weeks. Cost of ad fifty three (53.00) dollars
What about John Wright’s Sign? The wooden sign that John Wright had cannot be located. A different large sign was located at John Wright’s house. To used it the time and dates need to be changed. Possible location for the sign – northeast corner of Washington and LeMoyne.
Other Ideas: It was suggested that we contact the Gulf Coast Chamber of Commerce and have the show listed on their calendar of events. Rob will contact the Chamber. Another suggestion by Cathy was to have the show posted on www.istampshows.com. (Note: this was completed immediately following the business meeting). Tim knows of a local radio station where we might get some on air publicity.
Elaine LeGros will not be available for Publicity or Hospitality.
Other GULFPEX 2021 Items?
Fort Bayou Bridge (Washington Ave) might be closed during show dates. Actual closing dates have not yet been posted. This will inconvience some individuals but not prevent the serious collector from attending our show.
Open for other New Items
Suspending By-Laws during covid epidemic: A motion was made to suspend the By-Laws to reduce the number of members present for a quorum at Business Meetings to the number of individuals present (in person and virtually) at meeting. Also to postpone Club election of Officers to a later date still to be determined. Motion passed unanimously. This allows the Board to delay May elections until a later time. Also to reduce the number of members need to make a quorum at Business Meeting to the number of member in attendance (both virtually and in person)
GULFPEX email address: Mike has made an email address that can be used for show information. It is [email protected]. He will be the one to monitor this account.
Robert T. Marousky (official minutes signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 List of Attendees
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Dr. John Barrett
Secretary Bob Marousky
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Board Member Gordon Nelms
Member Cathy Marousky
Member Felix Luis Perez-Folch
Member Timothy Stinson
Member Eric White
Attachment 2 – Diagram of room layout for show
Attachment 3 – Copy of trifold handout
Attachment 4 – Copy of show poster
Business Meeting March 6, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 2:45 pm by President Rob O’Dell. Number of Members present 9. Quorum requirements under suspended by-laws have been met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Approval of October, November& December 2020 Plus January & February 2021 Minutes
Motion was made to accept the October, November, & December 2020 minutes and the January & February 2021 minutes as posted on the Club website. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
See Attachment 2 – March 2021 Treasurer’s Report.
GULFPEX 2021 - Rob
Update on Status (from discussions at Board Meeting)
See the March 2021 Board meeting for details on GULFPEX 2021.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
Gordon reported on the monthly website update.
Circuit Update– Bob
There appears to be a trend of members buying less each circuit. Reason is that their collections are to the point where they are not finding needed material in the circuit books. Bob asked for ideas on how we might improve the circuit to meet Club member’s needs.
Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon
No new information from the Southeastern Federation.
Old Business
None except that covered under GULFPEX 2021 Planning in the Board meeting.
New Business
The Board voted to suspend the by-laws requirement for holding the Club election in May to an undetermined date. Also to make the quorum requirement the number of members present (virtually and in person) at Business meetings.
Volunteer for April Educational Program
Felix volunteered to repeat for us the presentation he will be doing in March for the Topical society. Topic of the presentation is the Magnolia stamp (Scott #1337) issued for the 150th anniversary of Mississippi statehood.
Show and Tell by Members
Several different items were shown:
Examples of the first stamp used in Europe – Swiss Canton stamps.
Odd shaped (triangle, diamond and parallelogram) early US covers.
Covers from the Art Cover Exchange where exchange members make and trade cachets.
First day cover made by Penn/art. In addition to a cachet the covers also have a foreign stamp with cancel. On the back is the number of the cachet and number produced.
A cover sent to Hawaii in 1935 via first flight of TWAb clipper airplane. The stamp on the cover was the 25 cent airmail issued specifically for clipper air mails to Hawaii
Meeting Adjourned at 3:30 pm.
Educational Presentation
Deferred – Show and Tell by members taking its place this month.
Robert T. Marousky (official minutes signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – List of Attendees
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Dr. John Barrett
Secretary Bob Marousky
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Board Member Gordon Nelms
Member Cathy Marousky
Member Felix Luis Perez-Folch
Member Timothy Stinson
Member Eric White
Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Report
Draft for Virtual Board Meeting February 6, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:30 pm by President Rob O’Dell. Board members attending 5 with 2 Guests. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
Library Meeting room still closed for an undetermined time.
Since our normal meeting room will not be available any time soon, the Board decided to have an in person meeting in March at Mercy Housing 1135 Ford St., Gulfport, 39507. Members will be asked for a small donation for Mercy Housing.
2 Contact organizers of Cruising the Coast to see if our show can be added to their calendar of events - Rob
Cruising the Coast organizers have been contacted. However they have not yet replied to our request.
3 Invitation letter to new APS members within driving distance informing them of our Club and Activities 2021. – Rob and Bob
Initial mailing complete. Future letters will be sent out monthly to new APS members whose names appears in the monthly APS Journal.
Cost of Initial Mailing Color Copies of Letter $15.00, Stamps 50 at $0.55 = $27.50, envelopes $3.00. Total Cost for initial mailing $45.50.
Estimated monthly cost to continue $3.50
Any noticeable increase in website traffic since letters mailed? - Gordon
After the initial letters were sent, Gordon did notice an increase in website traffic. The Board voted to continue sending letters for the next few months.
4 Decision to Hold April GULFPEX 2021.
Any changes in Community Center restrictions
Covid and Vaccine projected status
Dealers and Other Clubs’ Input
President Rob O’Dell has contacted dealers to see who is willing to come to our April show.
The dealers are willing to come to our show. After examining diagrams of the show layout, it was determined that we could have 9 dealers and still meet the Community Center rule of 6 feet between dealers. The Board voted to hold our April show. A planning meeting will be held on Saturday February, 13 at Sicily’s in D’Iberville.
New Business Items
1 Question on Club Library
Should the Club keep a library?
Keep only Scott Catalogs?
Sell all books including Scott Catalogs?
Sell other books at silent auction at GULFPEX 2021
Sell other books at online auction?
Donate unsold books to APS or a local charity?
Deferred until more research can be done.
2 Should the Club continue making a donation to APS when a member passes? If so we need to make one in the name of Johnny Baughman who passed away in January. Should we continue making donations?
It was decided to continue to make donations in honor of members who pass to either the American Philatelic Research Library (APRL) or the National Postal Museum in Washington, DC.
Open for other New Items
Note: This item not discussed due to time constraints
Dr. John Barrett made a request for mint US postage from 1982 -1994 to add to Post Office Yearbooks. They will then be in the Silent Auction at the April show.
Official Minutes Signed
Robert T. Marousky
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 List of Attendees
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Dr. John Barrett
Secretary Bob Marousky
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Board Member Gordon Nelms
Board Member Tom Adams
Guest Cathy Marousky
Guest Felix Luis Perez-Folch
Minutes for Virtual Business Meeting February 6, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 2:03 pm by President Rob O’Dell
Number of Members present 9. Quorum requirement not met and meeting is Unofficial (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Approval of October, November& December 2020 & January 2021 Minutes
Deferred due to lack of quorum.
Treasurer’s Report
See Attachment 2 – February 2021 Treasurer’s Report.
GULFPEX 2021 - Rob
Update on Status (from discussions at Board Meeting)
The Board has voted to hold GULFPEX 2021 on April 16 & 17. It appears that we can host 9 dealers and still meet the 6 foot between dealers social distancing requirement for use of St. Martin Community Center. There will be a planning meeting about the show next Saturday, February 13, 2021. Please check website to confirm time and place.
The Board voted not to invite the Post Office this year so we can use that space for an additional dealer.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
There has been an increase in website traffic since the letters were sent to new APS members within driving distance of our show. The announcement for GULFPEX 2021 is at the top of the home page of the website. Webmaster Gordon Nelms encouraged members to submit suggestions to improve the website.
Circuit Update– Bob
Last month’s total circuit purchases amounted to over $400.00. For some reason APS sent us this month’s circuit based on last year’s requests. At this time we have sold over $200.00. APS circuit manager has suggested that we submit requests via email (also sent along with returning circuit). New member Timothy Stinson has requested to see propaganda stamps, labels and postcards from North Korea plus the following topical areas, Covid related, Space and Radio.
Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon
The Federation seems to have skipped 2021 and moved on their show in 2022. Otherwise no other activity noted.
Old Business
Invitation letter to new APS Members Rob & Bob
Initial letters mailed at cost of $45.50. Estimated monthly cost $3.50. Webmaster Gordon Nelms reported that he has seen an increase in website traffic since the letters were sent. The Board voted to continue sending letters at this time to new APS members within driving distance to our show.
New Business
Status of Club Library (discussion from Board Meeting)
Since no one has been using the Club library, a suggestion was made to sell the books at the silent auction to be held at GULFPEX 2021. Dr. John Barrett suggested we keep the Scotts catalogs. Librarian Gordon Nelms pointed out that our catalogs are 2016 which makes them outdated. There was discussion on what year Scott catalogs and which specific ones we should carry without any decisions being made. Item tabled for further research.
Club member Johnny Baughman passed away. A sympathy card from the Club has been sent to Cynthia. A donation (see Treasurers Report) to the National Postal Museum will be made in his honor.
Open for Other Announcements
March 2nd Stamp Club Meeting
The Gulf Coast Stamp Club meeting for March 2nd, 2021 will be an in-person meeting at the Mercy Housing build 1135 Ford St. Gulfport, MS. Members will also have the option to attend virtually using the Zoom account listed on our Club website. Meeting times will be 1:30 pm for Board meeting and 2 pm for business meeting.
Volunteer for March Educational Program
As the March meeting will be an in-person one, instead of a formal program all members are asked to bring items to show and tell.
Show and Tell by Members
New member Timothy Stinson showed some of his North Korea propaganda labels, stamps and postcards. A recurring theme found in all North Korea material is very Anti-American. Anything related to America is normally shown in gray.
Meeting Adjourned at 3:10 pm.
Educational Presentation
Felix Luis Perez-Foch presented a program on how to use and present information on Zoom. He demonstrated how a PowerPoint presentation can be shown. Also covered was information on the different controls that can be used. How to make your screen the control screen so you can make a presentation or show an item was shown. Club members thanked Felix for the presentation and for hosting our Zoom meetings in his dedicated room.
Robert T. Marousky (official minutes signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 List of Attendees
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Dr. John Barrett
Secretary Bob Marousky
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Board Member Gordon Nelms
Board Member Tom Adams
Member Cathy Marousky
Member Felix Luis Perez-Folch
Member Timothy Stinson
Attachment 2 – February Treasurer’s Report
Copies attached to official minutes
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:30 pm by President Rob O’Dell. Board members attending 5 with 2 Guests. Quorum requirement met and meeting is Official (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
Library Meeting room still closed for an undetermined time.
Since our normal meeting room will not be available any time soon, the Board decided to have an in person meeting in March at Mercy Housing 1135 Ford St., Gulfport, 39507. Members will be asked for a small donation for Mercy Housing.
2 Contact organizers of Cruising the Coast to see if our show can be added to their calendar of events - Rob
Cruising the Coast organizers have been contacted. However they have not yet replied to our request.
3 Invitation letter to new APS members within driving distance informing them of our Club and Activities 2021. – Rob and Bob
Initial mailing complete. Future letters will be sent out monthly to new APS members whose names appears in the monthly APS Journal.
Cost of Initial Mailing Color Copies of Letter $15.00, Stamps 50 at $0.55 = $27.50, envelopes $3.00. Total Cost for initial mailing $45.50.
Estimated monthly cost to continue $3.50
Any noticeable increase in website traffic since letters mailed? - Gordon
After the initial letters were sent, Gordon did notice an increase in website traffic. The Board voted to continue sending letters for the next few months.
4 Decision to Hold April GULFPEX 2021.
Any changes in Community Center restrictions
Covid and Vaccine projected status
Dealers and Other Clubs’ Input
President Rob O’Dell has contacted dealers to see who is willing to come to our April show.
The dealers are willing to come to our show. After examining diagrams of the show layout, it was determined that we could have 9 dealers and still meet the Community Center rule of 6 feet between dealers. The Board voted to hold our April show. A planning meeting will be held on Saturday February, 13 at Sicily’s in D’Iberville.
New Business Items
1 Question on Club Library
Should the Club keep a library?
Keep only Scott Catalogs?
Sell all books including Scott Catalogs?
Sell other books at silent auction at GULFPEX 2021
Sell other books at online auction?
Donate unsold books to APS or a local charity?
Deferred until more research can be done.
2 Should the Club continue making a donation to APS when a member passes? If so we need to make one in the name of Johnny Baughman who passed away in January. Should we continue making donations?
It was decided to continue to make donations in honor of members who pass to either the American Philatelic Research Library (APRL) or the National Postal Museum in Washington, DC.
Open for other New Items
Note: This item not discussed due to time constraints
Dr. John Barrett made a request for mint US postage from 1982 -1994 to add to Post Office Yearbooks. They will then be in the Silent Auction at the April show.
Official Minutes Signed
Robert T. Marousky
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 List of Attendees
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Dr. John Barrett
Secretary Bob Marousky
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Board Member Gordon Nelms
Board Member Tom Adams
Guest Cathy Marousky
Guest Felix Luis Perez-Folch
Minutes for Virtual Business Meeting February 6, 2021
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 2:03 pm by President Rob O’Dell
Number of Members present 9. Quorum requirement not met and meeting is Unofficial (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Approval of October, November& December 2020 & January 2021 Minutes
Deferred due to lack of quorum.
Treasurer’s Report
See Attachment 2 – February 2021 Treasurer’s Report.
GULFPEX 2021 - Rob
Update on Status (from discussions at Board Meeting)
The Board has voted to hold GULFPEX 2021 on April 16 & 17. It appears that we can host 9 dealers and still meet the 6 foot between dealers social distancing requirement for use of St. Martin Community Center. There will be a planning meeting about the show next Saturday, February 13, 2021. Please check website to confirm time and place.
The Board voted not to invite the Post Office this year so we can use that space for an additional dealer.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
There has been an increase in website traffic since the letters were sent to new APS members within driving distance of our show. The announcement for GULFPEX 2021 is at the top of the home page of the website. Webmaster Gordon Nelms encouraged members to submit suggestions to improve the website.
Circuit Update– Bob
Last month’s total circuit purchases amounted to over $400.00. For some reason APS sent us this month’s circuit based on last year’s requests. At this time we have sold over $200.00. APS circuit manager has suggested that we submit requests via email (also sent along with returning circuit). New member Timothy Stinson has requested to see propaganda stamps, labels and postcards from North Korea plus the following topical areas, Covid related, Space and Radio.
Southeastern Federation Update– Gordon
The Federation seems to have skipped 2021 and moved on their show in 2022. Otherwise no other activity noted.
Old Business
Invitation letter to new APS Members Rob & Bob
Initial letters mailed at cost of $45.50. Estimated monthly cost $3.50. Webmaster Gordon Nelms reported that he has seen an increase in website traffic since the letters were sent. The Board voted to continue sending letters at this time to new APS members within driving distance to our show.
New Business
Status of Club Library (discussion from Board Meeting)
Since no one has been using the Club library, a suggestion was made to sell the books at the silent auction to be held at GULFPEX 2021. Dr. John Barrett suggested we keep the Scotts catalogs. Librarian Gordon Nelms pointed out that our catalogs are 2016 which makes them outdated. There was discussion on what year Scott catalogs and which specific ones we should carry without any decisions being made. Item tabled for further research.
Club member Johnny Baughman passed away. A sympathy card from the Club has been sent to Cynthia. A donation (see Treasurers Report) to the National Postal Museum will be made in his honor.
Open for Other Announcements
March 2nd Stamp Club Meeting
The Gulf Coast Stamp Club meeting for March 2nd, 2021 will be an in-person meeting at the Mercy Housing build 1135 Ford St. Gulfport, MS. Members will also have the option to attend virtually using the Zoom account listed on our Club website. Meeting times will be 1:30 pm for Board meeting and 2 pm for business meeting.
Volunteer for March Educational Program
As the March meeting will be an in-person one, instead of a formal program all members are asked to bring items to show and tell.
Show and Tell by Members
New member Timothy Stinson showed some of his North Korea propaganda labels, stamps and postcards. A recurring theme found in all North Korea material is very Anti-American. Anything related to America is normally shown in gray.
Meeting Adjourned at 3:10 pm.
Educational Presentation
Felix Luis Perez-Foch presented a program on how to use and present information on Zoom. He demonstrated how a PowerPoint presentation can be shown. Also covered was information on the different controls that can be used. How to make your screen the control screen so you can make a presentation or show an item was shown. Club members thanked Felix for the presentation and for hosting our Zoom meetings in his dedicated room.
Robert T. Marousky (official minutes signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 List of Attendees
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Dr. John Barrett
Secretary Bob Marousky
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Board Member Gordon Nelms
Board Member Tom Adams
Member Cathy Marousky
Member Felix Luis Perez-Folch
Member Timothy Stinson
Attachment 2 – February Treasurer’s Report
Copies attached to official minutes
Virtual Board Meeting December 5, 2020
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:33 pm by President Robert O’Dell
Board members attending 4 with 3 Guests. Quorum requirement met and meeting is official. (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
The library is still using the meeting room for quarantining books. Does not look like the room will be available in the near future. Do we need to consider an alternate place for physical meetings? Dr. John Barrett suggest we consider using Mercy Housing in Gulfport which has volunteered the use of their building. Consensus is that we keep doing virtual meetings until at least March 2021. Hopefully by that time the vaccine should be distributed and working making a physical meeting possible.
2. Discussion on whether we want to hold a Christmas party this year.
The room we used last year at the Royal Buffet in Gulfport is available. After discussion is was decided that the danger from the Covid virus is still too great and the party is cancelled for this year.
3 Letter to support the issuing of a stamp honoring the Hurricane Hunters - Tom
Tom Adams has prepared the letter and it will be forwarded to President Rob O’Dell. He will have it printed on Club stationary, sign it and send it to the Citizens Stamp Committee. (See attachment 2 – Copy of Hurricane Hunters Letter)
4 Contact organizers of Cruising the Coast to see if our show can be added to their calendar of events - Rob
Still to be completed by Rob O’Dell.
5 Reservation of Room for Oct 2021 Bourse. - Bob
The reservation for October 1 & 2, 2021 was confirmed and paid for on November 24, 2020. We will still need to pay $200.00 cleaning fee when we pick up the keys. A waver form saying we would not hold the Community Center responsible for any Covid related illness was signed by Bob Marousky. (See Attachment 3 – Copies of the rental agreement and Covid waiver)
6 Invitation letter to new APS members within driving distance informing them of our Club and Activities 2021. - Rob
A letter has been prepared and will be signed by President Rob O’Dell. From June 2020 to November there were 50+ new APS members within reasonable driving distance. First Class postage for a mailing would be $41.00. (The December issue of the American Philatelist listed 15 more new members fitting our criteria). A budget of $50.00 was approved for Bob Marousky to send the letters.
Open for other New Items
1 Replacement of Board Member
Vice President Al Allegue has tendered his resignation from the Board due to Educational requirement (He is working on his PhD). A replacement will be needed.
Gordon Nelms volunteered to fill the position until elections in May of 2021. Gordon also volunteered to become the Club representative to the Southeastern Federation of Stamp Club. All the Club members present congratulated and thanked Gordon. Welcome to the Board Vice President Gordon Nelms.
Class for Learning to Use PowerPoint on the Internet.
There is going to be a 3 hour class on how to Use PowerPoint on the Internet. Cost is $25.00 for American Topical Association (ATA) members and $35.00 for nonmembers) Bob Marousky made a motion that the Club reimburse Club members who take the class and do an education presentation for the Club using skills learned. The motion was approved. Tom Adams and Bob Marousky are planning on taking the class. Members can sign up at (https://americantopical.org/event-4065380.
Attachment 1 – list of attendees:
Robert O’Dell – President
Mike Kayes – Treasurer
Bob Marousky – Secretary
Dr. John Barrett – Board member
Cathy Marousky – Guest
Gordon Nelms – Guest and Webmaster
Felix Luis Perez-Folch
Attachment 2 – Copy of Hurricane Hunters Letter (copy attached to the official minutes)
See Attachment 3 – Copies of the rental agreement and Covid waiver (copies attached to the official minutes)
Robert T. Marousky (official copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Virtual Business Meeting December 5, 2020.
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 2:03 pm by President Rob O’Dell
Number of Members present 8 which is not enough for a quorum and the meeting is not official (See Attachment 1 – List of attendees)
Approval of October & November Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Reports for Both October and November were presented. Approval of Report Deferred (See Attachment 2 – Copies of Treasurers Report for October and November).
Treasurer Mike Kayes reminded everyone that it is time to pay the 2021 Club Dues. Ten dollars for members and fifteen dollars for family.
Fee ($250.00) has been paid to reserve the Community Center for the October bourse. We will still owe $200.00 for cleaning when we pick up the keys.
Rob O’Dell is going to contact Eric White to check and see if the GULFPEX 2021 dealers for the show have been contacted.
Dr. John Barrett informed members that he brought items donated by the Dallas Club for our Silent Auction at the show.
Dr. John Barrett asked if a prospectus for exhibiting is available. Gordon Nelms reported that a copy is available on the Club website under the GULFPEX tab.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
The information on the contents of the monthly circuit will now have a separate page on the website. It is located under the Members tab at the top of the website.
Webmaster Gordon Nelms said that he is going to be trying some new ideas for the website in 2021.
Circuit Update– Bob
Last month we sold almost 200 dollars. Bill Dixon has made some changes to help tailor the circuit to our members. There was only one area that was weak which will be addressed with Mr. Dixon for next month’s circuit.
The renewal for the 2021 circuit is about to be submitted. Tom Adams has agreed to take on the role of Assistant Circuit Manager.
To help Clubs, the APS is eliminating for 2021 the normal 10 dollar a month insurance fee. That will save the Club 120 dollars. The APS will cover the costs and we will still be insured. (See Attachment 3 – 2021 Circuit agreement)
Southeastern Federation Update– Al
The 2021 Southeastern Stamp Expo normally held in Atlanta has been cancelled.
Gordon Nelms has volunteered to be the new Club representative to the Southeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs. Thank you Gordon.
Old Business
1 Decision on having a Christmas party.
Party cancelled due to Covid virus. Bob Marousky will notify the intended party site.
2 Progress on letter supporting a Hurricane Hunters Stamp
Letter completed and will be mailed next week. It will be printed on Club stationary and signed by President Rob O’Dell.
3 Invitation letter to new APS members within driving distance informing them of our Club and activities in 2021. Bob Marousky was given a budget of $50.00 to get started. Letter has been completed and Rob O’Dell will make copies on Club stationary and forward them to Bob Marousky for mailing.
New Business
No new business.
Gordon Nelms is now our Vice President filling the spot surrendered by Al Alleque. Al is working on his PhD. Gordon is also taking Al’s position as Club representative to the Southeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs.
Felix is the webmaster for the Penguins on Stamps group. He is also a POSSUM (Penguins on Stamps Study Unit Member). Check out his work at https://penguinstamps.org/.
The plan is to continue with Virtual meetings until possibly March 2021. If the Library meeting room is not available, we may need to use Mercy House in Gulfport. The Director has volunteered the use of their meeting room.
An individual associated with the Memphis Stamp Club is selling some Mississippi Duck Stamps. Information has been forwarded to all Club members.
Jean Stout, a former Club member and a POSSUM, is doing better and attending the Penguin Study Unit Zoom meetings.
Volunteers for Education Programs
Instead of doing his presentation on Roberto Clemente this month, it will be presented at the January meeting. He is also developing a presentation for the APS on the Turquoise Magnolia stamp Scott #1337. The stamp celebrates the 150th anniversary of Mississippi Statehood. Felix will be doing the presentation for the American Topical Association (ATA) in March 2021 and will be able to do a presentation for our club in April 2021
Show and Tell by Members
None this month
Meeting Adjourned at 2:33 pm
Educational Presentation
The presentation on Roberto Clemente by Felix Luis has been moved to the January meeting.
Attachment 1 – list of attendees:
Robert O’Dell – President
Gordon Nelms – Vice President, Webmaster and Southeaster Federation representative
Mike Kayes – Treasurer
Bob Marousky – Secretary
Dr. John Barrett – Board member
Tom Adams – Board Member
Cathy Marousky – Guest
Felix Luis Perez-Folch – Member and Zoom Director
Attachment 2 – Copies of Treasurer’s Report for October and November (copies attached too official minutes)
Attachment 3 – 2021 Circuit agreement (copy attached to official minutes)
Robert T. Marousky (official copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 1:33 pm by President Robert O’Dell
Board members attending 4 with 3 Guests. Quorum requirement met and meeting is official. (See Attachment 1 – list of attendees)
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
The library is still using the meeting room for quarantining books. Does not look like the room will be available in the near future. Do we need to consider an alternate place for physical meetings? Dr. John Barrett suggest we consider using Mercy Housing in Gulfport which has volunteered the use of their building. Consensus is that we keep doing virtual meetings until at least March 2021. Hopefully by that time the vaccine should be distributed and working making a physical meeting possible.
2. Discussion on whether we want to hold a Christmas party this year.
The room we used last year at the Royal Buffet in Gulfport is available. After discussion is was decided that the danger from the Covid virus is still too great and the party is cancelled for this year.
3 Letter to support the issuing of a stamp honoring the Hurricane Hunters - Tom
Tom Adams has prepared the letter and it will be forwarded to President Rob O’Dell. He will have it printed on Club stationary, sign it and send it to the Citizens Stamp Committee. (See attachment 2 – Copy of Hurricane Hunters Letter)
4 Contact organizers of Cruising the Coast to see if our show can be added to their calendar of events - Rob
Still to be completed by Rob O’Dell.
5 Reservation of Room for Oct 2021 Bourse. - Bob
The reservation for October 1 & 2, 2021 was confirmed and paid for on November 24, 2020. We will still need to pay $200.00 cleaning fee when we pick up the keys. A waver form saying we would not hold the Community Center responsible for any Covid related illness was signed by Bob Marousky. (See Attachment 3 – Copies of the rental agreement and Covid waiver)
6 Invitation letter to new APS members within driving distance informing them of our Club and Activities 2021. - Rob
A letter has been prepared and will be signed by President Rob O’Dell. From June 2020 to November there were 50+ new APS members within reasonable driving distance. First Class postage for a mailing would be $41.00. (The December issue of the American Philatelist listed 15 more new members fitting our criteria). A budget of $50.00 was approved for Bob Marousky to send the letters.
Open for other New Items
1 Replacement of Board Member
Vice President Al Allegue has tendered his resignation from the Board due to Educational requirement (He is working on his PhD). A replacement will be needed.
Gordon Nelms volunteered to fill the position until elections in May of 2021. Gordon also volunteered to become the Club representative to the Southeastern Federation of Stamp Club. All the Club members present congratulated and thanked Gordon. Welcome to the Board Vice President Gordon Nelms.
Class for Learning to Use PowerPoint on the Internet.
There is going to be a 3 hour class on how to Use PowerPoint on the Internet. Cost is $25.00 for American Topical Association (ATA) members and $35.00 for nonmembers) Bob Marousky made a motion that the Club reimburse Club members who take the class and do an education presentation for the Club using skills learned. The motion was approved. Tom Adams and Bob Marousky are planning on taking the class. Members can sign up at (https://americantopical.org/event-4065380.
Attachment 1 – list of attendees:
Robert O’Dell – President
Mike Kayes – Treasurer
Bob Marousky – Secretary
Dr. John Barrett – Board member
Cathy Marousky – Guest
Gordon Nelms – Guest and Webmaster
Felix Luis Perez-Folch
Attachment 2 – Copy of Hurricane Hunters Letter (copy attached to the official minutes)
See Attachment 3 – Copies of the rental agreement and Covid waiver (copies attached to the official minutes)
Robert T. Marousky (official copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Virtual Business Meeting December 5, 2020.
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order at 2:03 pm by President Rob O’Dell
Number of Members present 8 which is not enough for a quorum and the meeting is not official (See Attachment 1 – List of attendees)
Approval of October & November Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Reports for Both October and November were presented. Approval of Report Deferred (See Attachment 2 – Copies of Treasurers Report for October and November).
Treasurer Mike Kayes reminded everyone that it is time to pay the 2021 Club Dues. Ten dollars for members and fifteen dollars for family.
Fee ($250.00) has been paid to reserve the Community Center for the October bourse. We will still owe $200.00 for cleaning when we pick up the keys.
Rob O’Dell is going to contact Eric White to check and see if the GULFPEX 2021 dealers for the show have been contacted.
Dr. John Barrett informed members that he brought items donated by the Dallas Club for our Silent Auction at the show.
Dr. John Barrett asked if a prospectus for exhibiting is available. Gordon Nelms reported that a copy is available on the Club website under the GULFPEX tab.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
The information on the contents of the monthly circuit will now have a separate page on the website. It is located under the Members tab at the top of the website.
Webmaster Gordon Nelms said that he is going to be trying some new ideas for the website in 2021.
Circuit Update– Bob
Last month we sold almost 200 dollars. Bill Dixon has made some changes to help tailor the circuit to our members. There was only one area that was weak which will be addressed with Mr. Dixon for next month’s circuit.
The renewal for the 2021 circuit is about to be submitted. Tom Adams has agreed to take on the role of Assistant Circuit Manager.
To help Clubs, the APS is eliminating for 2021 the normal 10 dollar a month insurance fee. That will save the Club 120 dollars. The APS will cover the costs and we will still be insured. (See Attachment 3 – 2021 Circuit agreement)
Southeastern Federation Update– Al
The 2021 Southeastern Stamp Expo normally held in Atlanta has been cancelled.
Gordon Nelms has volunteered to be the new Club representative to the Southeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs. Thank you Gordon.
Old Business
1 Decision on having a Christmas party.
Party cancelled due to Covid virus. Bob Marousky will notify the intended party site.
2 Progress on letter supporting a Hurricane Hunters Stamp
Letter completed and will be mailed next week. It will be printed on Club stationary and signed by President Rob O’Dell.
3 Invitation letter to new APS members within driving distance informing them of our Club and activities in 2021. Bob Marousky was given a budget of $50.00 to get started. Letter has been completed and Rob O’Dell will make copies on Club stationary and forward them to Bob Marousky for mailing.
New Business
No new business.
Gordon Nelms is now our Vice President filling the spot surrendered by Al Alleque. Al is working on his PhD. Gordon is also taking Al’s position as Club representative to the Southeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs.
Felix is the webmaster for the Penguins on Stamps group. He is also a POSSUM (Penguins on Stamps Study Unit Member). Check out his work at https://penguinstamps.org/.
The plan is to continue with Virtual meetings until possibly March 2021. If the Library meeting room is not available, we may need to use Mercy House in Gulfport. The Director has volunteered the use of their meeting room.
An individual associated with the Memphis Stamp Club is selling some Mississippi Duck Stamps. Information has been forwarded to all Club members.
Jean Stout, a former Club member and a POSSUM, is doing better and attending the Penguin Study Unit Zoom meetings.
Volunteers for Education Programs
Instead of doing his presentation on Roberto Clemente this month, it will be presented at the January meeting. He is also developing a presentation for the APS on the Turquoise Magnolia stamp Scott #1337. The stamp celebrates the 150th anniversary of Mississippi Statehood. Felix will be doing the presentation for the American Topical Association (ATA) in March 2021 and will be able to do a presentation for our club in April 2021
Show and Tell by Members
None this month
Meeting Adjourned at 2:33 pm
Educational Presentation
The presentation on Roberto Clemente by Felix Luis has been moved to the January meeting.
Attachment 1 – list of attendees:
Robert O’Dell – President
Gordon Nelms – Vice President, Webmaster and Southeaster Federation representative
Mike Kayes – Treasurer
Bob Marousky – Secretary
Dr. John Barrett – Board member
Tom Adams – Board Member
Cathy Marousky – Guest
Felix Luis Perez-Folch – Member and Zoom Director
Attachment 2 – Copies of Treasurer’s Report for October and November (copies attached too official minutes)
Attachment 3 – 2021 Circuit agreement (copy attached to official minutes)
Robert T. Marousky (official copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Virtual Business Meeting November 7, 2020.
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Meeting called to order by President Rob O’Dell via Zoom. Special thanks to Felix Luis Perez-Foch. There were six members present, a quorum was not met and the meeting is not official. See Attachment 1 – List of members present.
Approval of October Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
What is New Orleans doing about their Show in January or February? - Bob
Bob Marousky contacted Dr. Creely of the Crescent City Stamp Club in New Orleans. He said they were hopeful that they could have a show in January or February. The problem is the hotel they use is not sure about having a show in this COVID 19 environment. Bob will keep members informed when they decide on their show.
2021 Shows
Our 2021 GULFPEX is scheduled for Friday/Saturday April 16 & 17, 2021.
A bourse (no exhibits, just dealers) will be held Friday/Saturday October 1 & 2. 2021. That is the weekend before Cruising the Coast and we hope to attract some of the Cruisers to come to the show.
Old Business
Ideas for holding Christmas Party
Bob Marousky will check to see if the place we had the party last year is still available. Tentative date for the party is December 12. Final decision on having a party will be made at the December 5th meeting.
Recruiting New Members
Tom Adams suggested placing an exhibit of aviators on stamps in the new Aviation Museum in Gulfport. It was also suggested that we might be able to place trains on Stamps exhibit in the Model Railroad Museum in Gulfport.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
Webmaster Gordon Nelms will add the 2021 show dates to the website. He will also be placing information about attending our Zoom meetings
Circuit Update– Bob
Last month we sold less than $100.00 which is low. The material in the circuit did not seem to fit the requirements of the members. The Circuit Manager contacted Willian (Bill) Dixon at APS about the problem. Willian Dixon is the person who hand picks our circuit. He tries to do the best he can with what he has in the APS files.
Southeastern Federation Update– Al
N/A representative not at meeting.
New Business
Hurricane Hunters Stamp
The Board of Directors voted to support the request from a member of the Memphis Stamp Club and support the idea of a stamp to honor the Hurricane Hunters. Tom Adams volunteered to draft a letter to be sent to the Stamp Selection Committee.
The Nashville Stamp Club is having a live Stamp Show this weekend, November 7 & 8.
The Huntsville Stamp Club has started to hold in person meetings this month. However they are meeting in a new location.
There is an excellent article in this month American Stamp Dealers Association magazine. It is by Tami Jackson and is about what information concerning your stamp collection you should leave your heirs. Bob Marousky will make a copy for anyone who desires one.
On November 10th the American Philatelic Society (APS) Stamp Chat will be on Chemistry on Stamps. This is the same presentation that Tom Adams praised. Also the one we were trying to get the Mississippi Gulf Coast Junior College Chemistry department to use in teaching chemistry. It will be recorded and on the APS website under Stamp Chats.
Felix Luis Perez-Foch has volunteered the use of his Zoom room to Club members to use for philatelic activities. Contact him to make arrangements. Attachment 2 – Information on using the Zoom room.
The 2021 list of meeting dates was approved by the Board of Directors. Attachment 3 – 2021 meeting dates.
Volunteer for Education Programs
For December’s meeting Felix Luis Perez-Foch volunteered to do a Zoom educational program on Roberto Clemente on Stamps.
Show and Tell by Members
The Memphis Stamp club is still looking for Show and Tell items. 1 or 2 scanned pages with information about stamps or covers.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:33 pm
Educational Presentation
Discussion on the file sent to all members. The file was a presentation on the US Airmail stamps during WWII that was prepared by David Saks of the Memphis Stamp Club.
Robert T. Marousky (official copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Members Present
Robert O’Dell – President
Bob Marousky – Secretary
Tom Adams – Director
Gordon Nelms – Member
Felix Luis Perez-Foch – Member
Cathy Marousky – Member
Attachment 2 - Mississippi Code on Raffles
2019 Mississippi Code
Title 97 - Crimes
Chapter 33 - Gambling and Lotteries
Charitable Bingo Law
§ 97-33-51. Exemptions for certain bingo games and raffles; funding of expenses of Charitable Bingo Law; deposit of user charges and fees authorized under this section into State General Fund
Universal Citation: MS Code § 97-33-51 (2019)
Attachment 3 - List of Meeting dates for 2021
January 9
February 6
March 6
April 3
April 16 & 17 GULFPEX
May 1
June 5
July 10
August 7
September 11
October 2 & 3 – Bourse (meeting after Bourse on Oct 3)
November 6
December 4
December 11 – Christmas Party (tentative date)
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Meeting called to order by President Rob O’Dell via Zoom. Special thanks to Felix Luis Perez-Foch. There were six members present, a quorum was not met and the meeting is not official. See Attachment 1 – List of members present.
Approval of October Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
What is New Orleans doing about their Show in January or February? - Bob
Bob Marousky contacted Dr. Creely of the Crescent City Stamp Club in New Orleans. He said they were hopeful that they could have a show in January or February. The problem is the hotel they use is not sure about having a show in this COVID 19 environment. Bob will keep members informed when they decide on their show.
2021 Shows
Our 2021 GULFPEX is scheduled for Friday/Saturday April 16 & 17, 2021.
A bourse (no exhibits, just dealers) will be held Friday/Saturday October 1 & 2. 2021. That is the weekend before Cruising the Coast and we hope to attract some of the Cruisers to come to the show.
Old Business
Ideas for holding Christmas Party
Bob Marousky will check to see if the place we had the party last year is still available. Tentative date for the party is December 12. Final decision on having a party will be made at the December 5th meeting.
Recruiting New Members
Tom Adams suggested placing an exhibit of aviators on stamps in the new Aviation Museum in Gulfport. It was also suggested that we might be able to place trains on Stamps exhibit in the Model Railroad Museum in Gulfport.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
Webmaster Gordon Nelms will add the 2021 show dates to the website. He will also be placing information about attending our Zoom meetings
Circuit Update– Bob
Last month we sold less than $100.00 which is low. The material in the circuit did not seem to fit the requirements of the members. The Circuit Manager contacted Willian (Bill) Dixon at APS about the problem. Willian Dixon is the person who hand picks our circuit. He tries to do the best he can with what he has in the APS files.
Southeastern Federation Update– Al
N/A representative not at meeting.
New Business
Hurricane Hunters Stamp
The Board of Directors voted to support the request from a member of the Memphis Stamp Club and support the idea of a stamp to honor the Hurricane Hunters. Tom Adams volunteered to draft a letter to be sent to the Stamp Selection Committee.
The Nashville Stamp Club is having a live Stamp Show this weekend, November 7 & 8.
The Huntsville Stamp Club has started to hold in person meetings this month. However they are meeting in a new location.
There is an excellent article in this month American Stamp Dealers Association magazine. It is by Tami Jackson and is about what information concerning your stamp collection you should leave your heirs. Bob Marousky will make a copy for anyone who desires one.
On November 10th the American Philatelic Society (APS) Stamp Chat will be on Chemistry on Stamps. This is the same presentation that Tom Adams praised. Also the one we were trying to get the Mississippi Gulf Coast Junior College Chemistry department to use in teaching chemistry. It will be recorded and on the APS website under Stamp Chats.
Felix Luis Perez-Foch has volunteered the use of his Zoom room to Club members to use for philatelic activities. Contact him to make arrangements. Attachment 2 – Information on using the Zoom room.
The 2021 list of meeting dates was approved by the Board of Directors. Attachment 3 – 2021 meeting dates.
Volunteer for Education Programs
For December’s meeting Felix Luis Perez-Foch volunteered to do a Zoom educational program on Roberto Clemente on Stamps.
Show and Tell by Members
The Memphis Stamp club is still looking for Show and Tell items. 1 or 2 scanned pages with information about stamps or covers.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:33 pm
Educational Presentation
Discussion on the file sent to all members. The file was a presentation on the US Airmail stamps during WWII that was prepared by David Saks of the Memphis Stamp Club.
Robert T. Marousky (official copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Members Present
Robert O’Dell – President
Bob Marousky – Secretary
Tom Adams – Director
Gordon Nelms – Member
Felix Luis Perez-Foch – Member
Cathy Marousky – Member
Attachment 2 - Mississippi Code on Raffles
2019 Mississippi Code
Title 97 - Crimes
Chapter 33 - Gambling and Lotteries
Charitable Bingo Law
§ 97-33-51. Exemptions for certain bingo games and raffles; funding of expenses of Charitable Bingo Law; deposit of user charges and fees authorized under this section into State General Fund
Universal Citation: MS Code § 97-33-51 (2019)
- (1) The provisions of Sections 97-33-1 through 97-33-49 shall not apply to any raffle wherein a ticket is sold and a prize is offered when such raffle is being held by and for the benefit of any nonprofit civic, educational, wildlife conservation or religious organization with all proceeds going to said organization.
- (2) The provisions of Sections 97-33-1 through 97-33-49 shall not apply to any bingo game wherein a prize is offered when such bingo game is being held in accordance with the provisions of the Charitable Bingo Law.
- (3) A bingo game or a raffle held pursuant to the provisions of the Charitable Bingo Law shall not be considered a game or gambling game for the purposes of Section 75-76-1 et seq.
- (4) From and after July 1, 2016, the expenses of the Charitable Bingo Law shall be defrayed by appropriation from the State General Fund and all user charges and fees authorized under this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund as authorized by law and as determined by the State Fiscal Officer.
- (5) From and after July 1, 2016, no state agency shall charge another state agency a fee, assessment, rent or other charge for services or resources received by authority of this section.
Attachment 3 - List of Meeting dates for 2021
January 9
February 6
March 6
April 3
April 16 & 17 GULFPEX
May 1
June 5
July 10
August 7
September 11
October 2 & 3 – Bourse (meeting after Bourse on Oct 3)
November 6
December 4
December 11 – Christmas Party (tentative date)
Virtual Board Meeting November 7, 2020
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order 1:30 pm via Zoom by President Rob O’Dell. Special thanks to Felix Luis Perez-Folch for the use of his Zoom Room. There were 7 members at the meeting including 4 Board members making the meeting official. Attendance roster attached as (Attachment 1)
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
The library is still using the meeting room for quarantining books. Does not look like the room will be available in the near future.
2. Update about getting the Apollo 13 plaque signing:
The plaque is ready. Since we had to change the show dates to April 16/17, there is a slight chance that Fred Haise might be able to visit our show. He will be in Biloxi that weekend for a conference.
3. Are raffles legal in Mississippi? - Rob
Rob O’Dell research the Mississippi Laws and found that raffles for nonprofit organizations like ours where the money earned goes to the organization are Legal. See Attachment 2 (Mississippi Code on raffles).
4. Discussion on when and how we could start development and presentation of online educational programs.
All Club members were sent both an invitation to view a pdf file containing a program on airmail transportation stamps issued during WWII. After the business meeting, members will be asked for comments on the program and discussion about the material in the presentation.
5. Open for discussion on how we can recruit new members, publicize the Club and the hobby.
Dr. John Barrett reported that using WLOX for publicity is on hold until the Covid problem is solved. Tom Adams suggested that we could put his Jimmy Doolittle display in the new Aviation Museum in Gulfport. Another suggestion was to put a train exhibit in the Model Railroad Museum in Gulfport.
Bob Marousky reported that we will be able to get the addresses of new APS members within reasonable driving distance to our Show. Rob O’Dell has prepared a letter to be sent to the selected individuals. Bob Marousky will send out letters after obtaining the addresses for the selected new APS members.
6. Discussion on whether we want to hold a Christmas party this year.
Tentative plans were made to hold the Club Christmas party on December 12 at the same location, Royal Super Buffet in Gulfport. Plans will be finalized at the December 5th meeting. Issues to be resolved are: Is the Royal Super Buffet opened for business and can we use the same room as last year. It also depends on how many members are interested in attending.
New Items
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Members Present
Robert O’Dell – President
Bob Marousky – Secretary
Tom Adams – Director
Dr. John Barrett – Director
Gordon Nelms – Member
Felix Luis Perez-Foch – Member
Cathy Marousky – Member
Attachment 2 - Mississippi Code on Raffles
2019 Mississippi Code
Title 97 - Crimes
Chapter 33 - Gambling and Lotteries
Charitable Bingo Law
§ 97-33-51. Exemptions for certain bingo games and raffles; funding of expenses of Charitable Bingo Law; deposit of user charges and fees authorized under this section into State General Fund
Universal Citation: MS Code § 97-33-51 (2019)
Attachment 3 - List of Meeting dates for 2021
January 9
February 6
March 6
April 3
April 16 & 17 Gulfpex
May 1
June 5
July 10
August 7
September 11
October 2 & 3 – Bourse (meeting after Bourse on Oct 3)
November 6
December 4
December 11 – Christmas Party (tentative date)
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Called to order 1:30 pm via Zoom by President Rob O’Dell. Special thanks to Felix Luis Perez-Folch for the use of his Zoom Room. There were 7 members at the meeting including 4 Board members making the meeting official. Attendance roster attached as (Attachment 1)
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
The library is still using the meeting room for quarantining books. Does not look like the room will be available in the near future.
2. Update about getting the Apollo 13 plaque signing:
The plaque is ready. Since we had to change the show dates to April 16/17, there is a slight chance that Fred Haise might be able to visit our show. He will be in Biloxi that weekend for a conference.
3. Are raffles legal in Mississippi? - Rob
Rob O’Dell research the Mississippi Laws and found that raffles for nonprofit organizations like ours where the money earned goes to the organization are Legal. See Attachment 2 (Mississippi Code on raffles).
4. Discussion on when and how we could start development and presentation of online educational programs.
All Club members were sent both an invitation to view a pdf file containing a program on airmail transportation stamps issued during WWII. After the business meeting, members will be asked for comments on the program and discussion about the material in the presentation.
5. Open for discussion on how we can recruit new members, publicize the Club and the hobby.
Dr. John Barrett reported that using WLOX for publicity is on hold until the Covid problem is solved. Tom Adams suggested that we could put his Jimmy Doolittle display in the new Aviation Museum in Gulfport. Another suggestion was to put a train exhibit in the Model Railroad Museum in Gulfport.
Bob Marousky reported that we will be able to get the addresses of new APS members within reasonable driving distance to our Show. Rob O’Dell has prepared a letter to be sent to the selected individuals. Bob Marousky will send out letters after obtaining the addresses for the selected new APS members.
6. Discussion on whether we want to hold a Christmas party this year.
Tentative plans were made to hold the Club Christmas party on December 12 at the same location, Royal Super Buffet in Gulfport. Plans will be finalized at the December 5th meeting. Issues to be resolved are: Is the Royal Super Buffet opened for business and can we use the same room as last year. It also depends on how many members are interested in attending.
New Items
- Request to support the suggestion to have a stamp issued honoring the Hurricane Hunters. A member of the Memphis stamp club has been working on getting a stamp issued featuring the Hurricane Hunters. After discussion, it was decided to support the idea. Tom Adams felt that not only the Hurricane Hunters that fly out of Keesler AFB here in Biloxi but it should include Hurricane Hunters that fly from other locations. Locations such as the NOAA flights out of Florida. He volunteered to draft a letter for the Club
- Approval of Dates for next year’s meetings. Meeting dates for 2021. The calendar for 2021 was reviewed and meeting dates were established. See Attachment
- Number 3 list of Meeting dates for 2021.
- Discussion to decide for date in October 2021 if we want to hold a second show in 2021.
- There were three available Friday/Saturday dates in October 2021 that we could have a show. They are October 1st and 2nd (which is the weekend before Cruising the Coast starts), October 23rd and 24th, and October 30th and 31st .The October 1st and 2nd was selected with hopes that we might be able to get some of the people coming down for Cruising the Coast. These individuals have the collecting gene and some may be stamp collectors. It was also decided that this would tentatively be a Bourse. That would mean no exhibits, cachet covers or special postmark. Rob O’Dell will contact organizers of Cruising the Coast to see if our show can be added to their calendar of events.
- Open for other New Items
- No new items were brought forward.
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Members Present
Robert O’Dell – President
Bob Marousky – Secretary
Tom Adams – Director
Dr. John Barrett – Director
Gordon Nelms – Member
Felix Luis Perez-Foch – Member
Cathy Marousky – Member
Attachment 2 - Mississippi Code on Raffles
2019 Mississippi Code
Title 97 - Crimes
Chapter 33 - Gambling and Lotteries
Charitable Bingo Law
§ 97-33-51. Exemptions for certain bingo games and raffles; funding of expenses of Charitable Bingo Law; deposit of user charges and fees authorized under this section into State General Fund
Universal Citation: MS Code § 97-33-51 (2019)
- (1) The provisions of Sections 97-33-1 through 97-33-49 shall not apply to any raffle wherein a ticket is sold and a prize is offered when such raffle is being held by and for the benefit of any nonprofit civic, educational, wildlife conservation or religious organization with all proceeds going to said organization.
- (2) The provisions of Sections 97-33-1 through 97-33-49 shall not apply to any bingo game wherein a prize is offered when such bingo game is being held in accordance with the provisions of the Charitable Bingo Law.
- (3) A bingo game or a raffle held pursuant to the provisions of the Charitable Bingo Law shall not be considered a game or gambling game for the purposes of Section 75-76-1 et seq.
- (4) From and after July 1, 2016, the expenses of the Charitable Bingo Law shall be defrayed by appropriation from the State General Fund and all user charges and fees authorized under this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund as authorized by law and as determined by the State Fiscal Officer.
- (5) From and after July 1, 2016, no state agency shall charge another state agency a fee, assessment, rent or other charge for services or resources received by authority of this section.
Attachment 3 - List of Meeting dates for 2021
January 9
February 6
March 6
April 3
April 16 & 17 Gulfpex
May 1
June 5
July 10
August 7
September 11
October 2 & 3 – Bourse (meeting after Bourse on Oct 3)
November 6
December 4
December 11 – Christmas Party (tentative date)
Virtual Board Meeting October 3, 2020 Stamp Club.
Minutes for Board Meeting
President Rob O’Dell called the virtual phone meeting to order at 1:30 pm. Five Board members were present plus three guests. The requirements for a quorum has been met making the meeting official. (See list of attendees at the end of these minutes on the Official Copy on file)
1 Library meeting room – Bob
Decision on holding physical Stamp Club Meetings
The Library is still using the meeting room to quarantine books. A majority of members present still leery about physically attending a Stamp Club meeting anywhere during this COVID-19 virus threat.
2 Further discussion exploring the idea of an online auction with other Clubs– Bob
The Memphis Club suggested that we have our own online auction and let their members bid. Our Club members are allowed to bid on items in their online Auction.
Bob will forward auction information from the Memphis Stamp Club to all members on the email list. If anyone does not want to receive this information, just let him know.
Tom Adams and Bob will examine possible ways our Club can do an online auction for members. (Did Robin Overstreet also volunteer to help on this?)
3. Discussion on holding a physical meeting at another location. Dr. John
Dr. John Barrett brought up the fact that Mercy Housing off Pass Road still available for meetings. They have an area we can use and still keep social distancing rules. Board voted to table having a physical meeting until after the New Year.
4. Update about getting the Apollo 13 plaque signing: Dr. John
Plaque has been signed. Image of signed plaque sent to Board Members. It already has been framed. The image of the plaque is to go on our website under GULFPEX 2021 tab. Discussion was held whether we could mention anything about raffling it off at the show. Rob O’Dell volunteered to research if raffles are legal in Mississippi or do we need to proceed in a different way.
5. Discussion on when and how we could start development and presentation of online educational programs.
We could have everyone view a Stamp Chat from the APS at home. Then after the meeting have individuals discuss what they learned from the Stamp Chat. Or if we get permission we could download the video and place it on our website.
6. Open for discussion on how we can recruit new members, publicize the Club and the hobby.
Dr. John: suggested a presentation on WLOX as a possibility but they are wearing masks online. He will check with the station.
Tom Adams reported that he has received permission to share the APS Presentation on Chemistry with local teachers. He has attempted to contact the Chemistry department from the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College but cannot find a phone number for the department.
7. Open for New Items
If anyone is exhibiting at the November Dallas show, Dr. John is willing to take and return your exhibit saving you the expense of mailing it.
Robert T. Marousky (Official Copy Signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Note: Virtual Sign in Sheet for meeting attached to official minutes.
Virtual Business Stamp Club Meeting September 12, 2020.
Agenda for Business Meeting
President Rob O’Dell called the virtual phone meeting to order at 2 pm. Five Board members were present plus five guests. The requirements for a quorum has been met making the meeting official. (See list of attendees at the end of these minutes on the Official Copy on file)
Approval of August & September Minutes – Minutes as posted on the Website were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Report as read was approved. (Full Treasure’s Report is attached to the official copy of the Minutes).
What is New Orleans doing about their Show in January or February? - Bob
Bob contacted Dr. Creely of the Crescent City Stamp Club in New Orleans. He said they were hopeful that they could have a show in January or February. The problem is the hotel they use is not sure about having a show in this COVID 19 environment.
The Apollo 13 plaque has been signed by Fred Haise and framed. A motion to reimburse Dr. John for expenses ($45.00) was made and passed. An image of the plaque will be added to the Club Website under the GULFPEX 2021 tab.
Our 2021 show is scheduled for Friday/Saturday April 23 & 24, 2021.
Old Business
Ideas for holding Christmas Party
A survey of members present showed that some members were ambivalent about attending a Christmas Party this year due to COVID 19. Bob Marousky will check to see if the place we had the party last year is still available. Final decision on having a party will be made at the November meeting.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
This month’s website features National Stamp Collecting Month. In addition, Octoberfest and Halloween stamps are shown. Mary Ann Graczyk suggested that since October is also Feast day for St. Francis, maybe the US St. Francis stamp (Scott #2623) could be added to the stamps shown.
Because we are still having inquiries about GULFPEX 2020 being cancelled, another notice about the cancellation will be placed on the website.
The Image of the finished Apollo 13 plaque will be added to the website under the GULFPEX 2021 tab.
Circuit Update– Bob
Last month we sold less than $100.00 which is low. The material in the circuit did not seem to fit the requirements of the members. The Circuit Manager contacted Willian Dixon at APS about the problem. Willian Dixon is the person who hand picks our circuit. He tries to do the best he can with what he has in the APS files.
Southeastern Federation Update– Al
N/A representative not at meeting.
New Business
Contacting new APS members that would live close enough to come to our Show - Bob
Every month the APS puts out a listing of new members and where they live. It was suggested that we could make a form letter telling about the Club and especially about the show. This would be sent to new members that live within a certain radius. Also enclosed would be a postcard to be returned to the Club if they would like more information about the Club or another notice closer to the Show.
President Rob O’Dell volunteered to write a form letter to be sent. Plan is to check a few months of back APS Journals to get information on new members within the selected radius. The letters would most likely have to be sent to APS to be forwarded to the new members.
Exhibits at the November Stamp Show in Dallas – Dr. John
Dr. John is willing to take and return any exhibits being shown at the November Dallas show. Please get them to him before October 20.
Info about former Club member Chris Chidester– Bob
Several members have recently spoken with former Club President Chris Chidester. Chris is now living in Orange Beach, AL. He is collecting on a limited basis using a large shed in his back yard for his Stamp Room. Hurricane Sally went directly over head in Orange Beach. Luckily Chris had only minor damage to his property and his Stamp Room came through ok.
ATA (American Topical Association) News
Felix has been elected to the Board of ATA. He also is doing an online presentation for them on October 29.
Tom Adams has an article on Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy) in the current ATA Magazine. Any of our Club members desiring a copy of his article please contact him.
Congratulations Felix and Tom!
ZOOM Update
Felix is going to have his own ZOOM room. He is graciously going to let the Club use it for meetings and presentations. A motion was made and passed to use ZOOM for the November meeting. Next month’s meeting notice will be by email only because it will include the password necessary for using Felix’s ZOOM room. The Club thanks Felix for the use of his room.
Post Office Article
Member John Sharp mentioned that there is an excellent article on the early Post Office in the current Smithsonian Magazine. Note: If you don’t get the Smithsonian, a copy is usually available from the Library. Individuals are permitted to use the Jackson/George Library if they make an appointment. Masks must be worn during library visits. John has also offered to send a copy of the article to those who ask for one.
Mentoring Children
John Sharp has been working with several children who are interested in stamps. It was suggested that we could have a section of our website that would be of interest to children. John Sharp and our webmaster Gordon Nelms will work on designing and developing information for our website. Several members volunteered to provide stamps to John Sharp.
Halloween Question
President Robert O’Dell brought up the following Halloween question.
Why didn’t the Skelton dance at the party?
He had no body to dance with!
Volunteer for Education Programs
No Action
Show and Tell by Members
The Memphis Stamp club is looking for Show and Tell items. 1 or 2 scanned pages with information about stamps or covers.
Both Dr. John and Bob have had items on their Show and Tell
Bob will send the Show and Tells to members unless they ask not to be included.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:33 pm
Educational Presentation
None this month.
Robert T. Marousky (official copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Minutes for Board Meeting
President Rob O’Dell called the virtual phone meeting to order at 1:30 pm. Five Board members were present plus three guests. The requirements for a quorum has been met making the meeting official. (See list of attendees at the end of these minutes on the Official Copy on file)
1 Library meeting room – Bob
Decision on holding physical Stamp Club Meetings
The Library is still using the meeting room to quarantine books. A majority of members present still leery about physically attending a Stamp Club meeting anywhere during this COVID-19 virus threat.
2 Further discussion exploring the idea of an online auction with other Clubs– Bob
The Memphis Club suggested that we have our own online auction and let their members bid. Our Club members are allowed to bid on items in their online Auction.
Bob will forward auction information from the Memphis Stamp Club to all members on the email list. If anyone does not want to receive this information, just let him know.
Tom Adams and Bob will examine possible ways our Club can do an online auction for members. (Did Robin Overstreet also volunteer to help on this?)
3. Discussion on holding a physical meeting at another location. Dr. John
Dr. John Barrett brought up the fact that Mercy Housing off Pass Road still available for meetings. They have an area we can use and still keep social distancing rules. Board voted to table having a physical meeting until after the New Year.
4. Update about getting the Apollo 13 plaque signing: Dr. John
Plaque has been signed. Image of signed plaque sent to Board Members. It already has been framed. The image of the plaque is to go on our website under GULFPEX 2021 tab. Discussion was held whether we could mention anything about raffling it off at the show. Rob O’Dell volunteered to research if raffles are legal in Mississippi or do we need to proceed in a different way.
5. Discussion on when and how we could start development and presentation of online educational programs.
We could have everyone view a Stamp Chat from the APS at home. Then after the meeting have individuals discuss what they learned from the Stamp Chat. Or if we get permission we could download the video and place it on our website.
6. Open for discussion on how we can recruit new members, publicize the Club and the hobby.
Dr. John: suggested a presentation on WLOX as a possibility but they are wearing masks online. He will check with the station.
Tom Adams reported that he has received permission to share the APS Presentation on Chemistry with local teachers. He has attempted to contact the Chemistry department from the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College but cannot find a phone number for the department.
7. Open for New Items
If anyone is exhibiting at the November Dallas show, Dr. John is willing to take and return your exhibit saving you the expense of mailing it.
Robert T. Marousky (Official Copy Signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Note: Virtual Sign in Sheet for meeting attached to official minutes.
Virtual Business Stamp Club Meeting September 12, 2020.
Agenda for Business Meeting
President Rob O’Dell called the virtual phone meeting to order at 2 pm. Five Board members were present plus five guests. The requirements for a quorum has been met making the meeting official. (See list of attendees at the end of these minutes on the Official Copy on file)
Approval of August & September Minutes – Minutes as posted on the Website were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Report as read was approved. (Full Treasure’s Report is attached to the official copy of the Minutes).
What is New Orleans doing about their Show in January or February? - Bob
Bob contacted Dr. Creely of the Crescent City Stamp Club in New Orleans. He said they were hopeful that they could have a show in January or February. The problem is the hotel they use is not sure about having a show in this COVID 19 environment.
The Apollo 13 plaque has been signed by Fred Haise and framed. A motion to reimburse Dr. John for expenses ($45.00) was made and passed. An image of the plaque will be added to the Club Website under the GULFPEX 2021 tab.
Our 2021 show is scheduled for Friday/Saturday April 23 & 24, 2021.
Old Business
Ideas for holding Christmas Party
A survey of members present showed that some members were ambivalent about attending a Christmas Party this year due to COVID 19. Bob Marousky will check to see if the place we had the party last year is still available. Final decision on having a party will be made at the November meeting.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
This month’s website features National Stamp Collecting Month. In addition, Octoberfest and Halloween stamps are shown. Mary Ann Graczyk suggested that since October is also Feast day for St. Francis, maybe the US St. Francis stamp (Scott #2623) could be added to the stamps shown.
Because we are still having inquiries about GULFPEX 2020 being cancelled, another notice about the cancellation will be placed on the website.
The Image of the finished Apollo 13 plaque will be added to the website under the GULFPEX 2021 tab.
Circuit Update– Bob
Last month we sold less than $100.00 which is low. The material in the circuit did not seem to fit the requirements of the members. The Circuit Manager contacted Willian Dixon at APS about the problem. Willian Dixon is the person who hand picks our circuit. He tries to do the best he can with what he has in the APS files.
Southeastern Federation Update– Al
N/A representative not at meeting.
New Business
Contacting new APS members that would live close enough to come to our Show - Bob
Every month the APS puts out a listing of new members and where they live. It was suggested that we could make a form letter telling about the Club and especially about the show. This would be sent to new members that live within a certain radius. Also enclosed would be a postcard to be returned to the Club if they would like more information about the Club or another notice closer to the Show.
President Rob O’Dell volunteered to write a form letter to be sent. Plan is to check a few months of back APS Journals to get information on new members within the selected radius. The letters would most likely have to be sent to APS to be forwarded to the new members.
Exhibits at the November Stamp Show in Dallas – Dr. John
Dr. John is willing to take and return any exhibits being shown at the November Dallas show. Please get them to him before October 20.
Info about former Club member Chris Chidester– Bob
Several members have recently spoken with former Club President Chris Chidester. Chris is now living in Orange Beach, AL. He is collecting on a limited basis using a large shed in his back yard for his Stamp Room. Hurricane Sally went directly over head in Orange Beach. Luckily Chris had only minor damage to his property and his Stamp Room came through ok.
ATA (American Topical Association) News
Felix has been elected to the Board of ATA. He also is doing an online presentation for them on October 29.
Tom Adams has an article on Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy) in the current ATA Magazine. Any of our Club members desiring a copy of his article please contact him.
Congratulations Felix and Tom!
ZOOM Update
Felix is going to have his own ZOOM room. He is graciously going to let the Club use it for meetings and presentations. A motion was made and passed to use ZOOM for the November meeting. Next month’s meeting notice will be by email only because it will include the password necessary for using Felix’s ZOOM room. The Club thanks Felix for the use of his room.
Post Office Article
Member John Sharp mentioned that there is an excellent article on the early Post Office in the current Smithsonian Magazine. Note: If you don’t get the Smithsonian, a copy is usually available from the Library. Individuals are permitted to use the Jackson/George Library if they make an appointment. Masks must be worn during library visits. John has also offered to send a copy of the article to those who ask for one.
Mentoring Children
John Sharp has been working with several children who are interested in stamps. It was suggested that we could have a section of our website that would be of interest to children. John Sharp and our webmaster Gordon Nelms will work on designing and developing information for our website. Several members volunteered to provide stamps to John Sharp.
Halloween Question
President Robert O’Dell brought up the following Halloween question.
Why didn’t the Skelton dance at the party?
He had no body to dance with!
Volunteer for Education Programs
No Action
Show and Tell by Members
The Memphis Stamp club is looking for Show and Tell items. 1 or 2 scanned pages with information about stamps or covers.
Both Dr. John and Bob have had items on their Show and Tell
Bob will send the Show and Tells to members unless they ask not to be included.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:33 pm
Educational Presentation
None this month.
Robert T. Marousky (official copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Agenda for Business Meeting
Call to Order – Rob
Approval of July Minutes - Bob
Treasurer’s Report – Mike
Holding stamp shows in COVID environment. Example St. Louis Stamp Show
What is New Orleans doing about their Show in January or February
Old Business
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
Circuit Update– Bob
Southeastern Federation Update– Al
Deferred due to Al’s absence
New Business
Ideas for holding Christmas Party
Holding future meetings – Rob
Telephone, Zoom or Physical meeting
Virtual Collecting – Bob/ Dr. John
The Collectors Club of New York has a virtual philatelic program every week. Last Wednesday it was about how to exhibit postcards. Excellent program with lots of good ideas on how to do layouts. That program available for viewing at their website www.collectorsclub.org. Their next program is next Wednesday and it will be on rarities from the collection in the British Museum.
If you are looking for stamp related items to fill time while stuck at home, there are plenty of programs on YouTube and the APS site www.stamps.org. Take advantage of these program in your “spare” time.
The Memphis Stamp Club hold online auctions and will allow our Club members to bid but not submit items. Check with Bob for more information. They also do a weekly online show and tell. You can submit 1 or 2 page exhibit type pages for their consideration. Dr. John and Bob have already submitted items for their consideration. To be put on the list to receive their emails with the Show and Tell, contact Bob.
Call for exhibits at the Dallas Stamp Show in November. Contact Dr. John for more information.
Open for other Announcements
Volunteer for Education Programs
Open for results of discussion at Board Meeting.
Show and Tell by Members
Meeting Adjourned at
Educational Presentation
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Call to Order – Rob
Approval of July Minutes - Bob
Treasurer’s Report – Mike
Holding stamp shows in COVID environment. Example St. Louis Stamp Show
What is New Orleans doing about their Show in January or February
Old Business
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
Circuit Update– Bob
Southeastern Federation Update– Al
Deferred due to Al’s absence
New Business
Ideas for holding Christmas Party
Holding future meetings – Rob
Telephone, Zoom or Physical meeting
Virtual Collecting – Bob/ Dr. John
The Collectors Club of New York has a virtual philatelic program every week. Last Wednesday it was about how to exhibit postcards. Excellent program with lots of good ideas on how to do layouts. That program available for viewing at their website www.collectorsclub.org. Their next program is next Wednesday and it will be on rarities from the collection in the British Museum.
If you are looking for stamp related items to fill time while stuck at home, there are plenty of programs on YouTube and the APS site www.stamps.org. Take advantage of these program in your “spare” time.
The Memphis Stamp Club hold online auctions and will allow our Club members to bid but not submit items. Check with Bob for more information. They also do a weekly online show and tell. You can submit 1 or 2 page exhibit type pages for their consideration. Dr. John and Bob have already submitted items for their consideration. To be put on the list to receive their emails with the Show and Tell, contact Bob.
Call for exhibits at the Dallas Stamp Show in November. Contact Dr. John for more information.
Open for other Announcements
Volunteer for Education Programs
Open for results of discussion at Board Meeting.
Show and Tell by Members
Meeting Adjourned at
Educational Presentation
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Virtual Business Meeting August 1, 2020 Stamp Club.
President Rob O’Dell called the meeting to order at 2 pm. Ten members were present making the meeting official (See list of attendees at the end of these minutes on the Official Copy on file)
Approval of July Minutes – The July minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report – The treasurer’s report was approved as read. (Treasurer’s report attached to the Official Copy of minutes on file)
Announcement: Board of Directors has decided to Cancel GULFPEX 2020 in October.
The next date for a show we have reserved is Friday & Saturday April 23 & 24, 2021. Community Center fees paid for the October show will now be used for the April show.
It was decided to send a postcard to dealers confirming the cancellation of the October show. Their money has already been refunded in anticipation of the show being cancelled. We have only paid money in one place, Linn’s Stamp News, and that money is nonrefundable.
Dr. John Barrett will work on getting the Apollo 13 plaque signed by Biloxi Astronaut Fred Haise. It will be used for the raffle at the April 2021 GULFPEX or donated to the library.
The question arose as to what to use for a theme with GULFPEX 2021 in April. After discussion it was decided that we will use the Apollo 13 theme for the April show.
Tom Adams reported that we will have an Apollo 13 exhibit from Ray Cartier.
Old Business
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
The theme for August is World War 1. Dr. Barrett has contributed an excellent exhibit of various WWI labels (poster stamps). Please take a look at it. Bob Marousky has contributed a Red Cross Postcard sent right after the war finished.
Circuit Update– Bob
The 5% penalty for purchasing less than $150 is now being waved until clubs begin in person meetings. Thanks to the one who suggested we ask about the fee being waved. Wendy the APS sales manager sent thanks to our Club for the suggestion.
Southeastern Federation Update– Al
New Business
Mary Ann Graczyk made a motion to keep the Apollo 13 theme for the April 2021 GULFPEX. The motion was seconded by Tom Adams. The motion was carried by voice vote.
Ray Cartier from Dallas intended to enter his Apollo 13 Exhibit in GULFPEX 2020. Since the
GULFPEX 2021 theme will be Apollo 13, Tom Adams will ask him to enter his exhibit in
GULFPEX 2021 if the exhibit remains intact until then.
Holding future meetings – Rob
Board of Directors has decided to continue to hold virtual telephone Stamp Club meetings during this COVID-19 virus threat.
Virtual Collecting - Bob
The Collectors’ Club of New York has a virtual philatelic program about every two weeks.
The APS has a weekly stamp chat along with a presentation.
There will be a Virtual Stamp Show August 17 to 22, 2020.
Contact Bob Marousky for more information on above events.
Volunteer for Education Programs
Dr. John has a PowerPoint presentation he wanted to share. Maybe on the website? Discussion was held about using Zoom for presentations. Several members noted that you can use PowerPoint for the graphics and still talk about the material while showing the slides.
Show and Tell by Members
It was mentioned that we could also show graphics if we held our virtual meeting using Zoom.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:20 pm.
Educational Presentation
Robert T. Marousky (Official Copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
See list of Attendees on Page 3
List of Attendees
Rob O’Dell President Al Allegue Vice President
Mike Kayes Treasurer Robert T. Marousky Secretary
Tom Adams Director Dr. John Barrett Director
Cathy Marousky Member Mary Ann Grazck Member
John Sharp Member Elaine LeGros Member
Eric White Member
Minutes for August Board Meeting
August 1, 2020
President Rob O’Dell called the virtual phone meeting to order at 1:30 pm. All the Board members were present plus two guests. That made the meeting official. (See list of attendees at the end of these minutes on the Official Copy on file)
1 Library meeting room – Bob
Decision on holding physical Stamp Club Meetings
The Library is still using the meeting room to quarantine books. A majority of members present declined to physically attend a Stamp Club meeting anywhere during this COVID-19 virus threat.
2 Decision on whether or not to cancel GULFPEX in October – Rob, Dr. John and Bob
Rob O’Dell spoke with dealer Eric White. Eric talked to most of the dealers and they said they would not attend our show until the COVID-19 virus threat is over. A motion was made and seconded to cancel the October GULFPEX 2020. Motion was carried.
3 If we cancel the October show what are we going to do with the Apollo 13 plaque we purchased? Are we still going to try and get it signed by Fred Haise? – Dr. John
After discussion, it was decided to go ahead and get the plaque signed. Suggestions were made to either donate it to the library or use it for the raffle at the April GULFPEX 2021.
4 Report on Zoom Trial – Tom
Tom Adams reported that 4 Board members had a successful second trial of ZOOM. (One Officer and one Director have not participated in either the first or second trial.) Participants in the second trial confirmed the conclusion from the first trial: that ZOOM has potential applications that can enhance our club. It was suggested that we attempt a Board meeting via ZOOM.
5 Report on change in Circuit rules – Bob
At the last Club meeting it was suggested that we ask APS to wave the 5% fee for Circuit sales less than $150.00 during the duration of the pandemic. The APS sales manager was contacted and she thought it was an excellent idea. Starting in August, all Club Circuit sales will not be charged the 5%. . (See attached Email from Wendy Masorti, APS Sales Manager, at the end of these minutes on the Official Copy on file)
6 Report on delinquent members. – Mike
Mike Kayes reported that there were 12 delinquent members. Two members delinquent from 2018 and the rest from 2019. It was decided to drop the 2018 delinquent members and give the 2019 delinquent member a last chance to pay dues.
7 Report on Huntsville Stamp Club influx of Facebook members – Bob
Bob Marousky reported that the Huntsville Stamp Club’s Facebook page gained about 30 new members since the pandemic started. Their Facebook manager, Mike O’Reilly, said they are working to determine if these individuals are actually stamp collectors and if so, do they want to see about recruiting them for the Club. The Board held discussion on the benefits of having a Facebook page for our club. Consensus was that it would be a good idea. Problem is that you need someone to manage the Facebook page. We did not have a volunteer to set up and manage the page. Item tabled for further discussion.
8 Open for other business
Bob Marousky requested members’ opinions on using Zoom for a Club auction. Idea was discussed but no decision made.
Dr. John Barrett volunteered some educational material for the website.
Robert T. Marousky (Official Copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Rob O’Dell President
Al Allegue Vice President
Mike Kayes Treasurer
Robert T. Marousky Secretary
Tom Adams Director
Dr. John Barrett Director
Cathy Marousky Member
Mary Ann Grazck Member
President Rob O’Dell called the meeting to order at 2 pm. Ten members were present making the meeting official (See list of attendees at the end of these minutes on the Official Copy on file)
Approval of July Minutes – The July minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report – The treasurer’s report was approved as read. (Treasurer’s report attached to the Official Copy of minutes on file)
Announcement: Board of Directors has decided to Cancel GULFPEX 2020 in October.
The next date for a show we have reserved is Friday & Saturday April 23 & 24, 2021. Community Center fees paid for the October show will now be used for the April show.
It was decided to send a postcard to dealers confirming the cancellation of the October show. Their money has already been refunded in anticipation of the show being cancelled. We have only paid money in one place, Linn’s Stamp News, and that money is nonrefundable.
Dr. John Barrett will work on getting the Apollo 13 plaque signed by Biloxi Astronaut Fred Haise. It will be used for the raffle at the April 2021 GULFPEX or donated to the library.
The question arose as to what to use for a theme with GULFPEX 2021 in April. After discussion it was decided that we will use the Apollo 13 theme for the April show.
Tom Adams reported that we will have an Apollo 13 exhibit from Ray Cartier.
Old Business
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
The theme for August is World War 1. Dr. Barrett has contributed an excellent exhibit of various WWI labels (poster stamps). Please take a look at it. Bob Marousky has contributed a Red Cross Postcard sent right after the war finished.
Circuit Update– Bob
The 5% penalty for purchasing less than $150 is now being waved until clubs begin in person meetings. Thanks to the one who suggested we ask about the fee being waved. Wendy the APS sales manager sent thanks to our Club for the suggestion.
Southeastern Federation Update– Al
New Business
Mary Ann Graczyk made a motion to keep the Apollo 13 theme for the April 2021 GULFPEX. The motion was seconded by Tom Adams. The motion was carried by voice vote.
Ray Cartier from Dallas intended to enter his Apollo 13 Exhibit in GULFPEX 2020. Since the
GULFPEX 2021 theme will be Apollo 13, Tom Adams will ask him to enter his exhibit in
GULFPEX 2021 if the exhibit remains intact until then.
Holding future meetings – Rob
Board of Directors has decided to continue to hold virtual telephone Stamp Club meetings during this COVID-19 virus threat.
Virtual Collecting - Bob
The Collectors’ Club of New York has a virtual philatelic program about every two weeks.
The APS has a weekly stamp chat along with a presentation.
There will be a Virtual Stamp Show August 17 to 22, 2020.
Contact Bob Marousky for more information on above events.
Volunteer for Education Programs
Dr. John has a PowerPoint presentation he wanted to share. Maybe on the website? Discussion was held about using Zoom for presentations. Several members noted that you can use PowerPoint for the graphics and still talk about the material while showing the slides.
Show and Tell by Members
It was mentioned that we could also show graphics if we held our virtual meeting using Zoom.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:20 pm.
Educational Presentation
Robert T. Marousky (Official Copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
See list of Attendees on Page 3
List of Attendees
Rob O’Dell President Al Allegue Vice President
Mike Kayes Treasurer Robert T. Marousky Secretary
Tom Adams Director Dr. John Barrett Director
Cathy Marousky Member Mary Ann Grazck Member
John Sharp Member Elaine LeGros Member
Eric White Member
Minutes for August Board Meeting
August 1, 2020
President Rob O’Dell called the virtual phone meeting to order at 1:30 pm. All the Board members were present plus two guests. That made the meeting official. (See list of attendees at the end of these minutes on the Official Copy on file)
1 Library meeting room – Bob
Decision on holding physical Stamp Club Meetings
The Library is still using the meeting room to quarantine books. A majority of members present declined to physically attend a Stamp Club meeting anywhere during this COVID-19 virus threat.
2 Decision on whether or not to cancel GULFPEX in October – Rob, Dr. John and Bob
Rob O’Dell spoke with dealer Eric White. Eric talked to most of the dealers and they said they would not attend our show until the COVID-19 virus threat is over. A motion was made and seconded to cancel the October GULFPEX 2020. Motion was carried.
3 If we cancel the October show what are we going to do with the Apollo 13 plaque we purchased? Are we still going to try and get it signed by Fred Haise? – Dr. John
After discussion, it was decided to go ahead and get the plaque signed. Suggestions were made to either donate it to the library or use it for the raffle at the April GULFPEX 2021.
4 Report on Zoom Trial – Tom
Tom Adams reported that 4 Board members had a successful second trial of ZOOM. (One Officer and one Director have not participated in either the first or second trial.) Participants in the second trial confirmed the conclusion from the first trial: that ZOOM has potential applications that can enhance our club. It was suggested that we attempt a Board meeting via ZOOM.
5 Report on change in Circuit rules – Bob
At the last Club meeting it was suggested that we ask APS to wave the 5% fee for Circuit sales less than $150.00 during the duration of the pandemic. The APS sales manager was contacted and she thought it was an excellent idea. Starting in August, all Club Circuit sales will not be charged the 5%. . (See attached Email from Wendy Masorti, APS Sales Manager, at the end of these minutes on the Official Copy on file)
6 Report on delinquent members. – Mike
Mike Kayes reported that there were 12 delinquent members. Two members delinquent from 2018 and the rest from 2019. It was decided to drop the 2018 delinquent members and give the 2019 delinquent member a last chance to pay dues.
7 Report on Huntsville Stamp Club influx of Facebook members – Bob
Bob Marousky reported that the Huntsville Stamp Club’s Facebook page gained about 30 new members since the pandemic started. Their Facebook manager, Mike O’Reilly, said they are working to determine if these individuals are actually stamp collectors and if so, do they want to see about recruiting them for the Club. The Board held discussion on the benefits of having a Facebook page for our club. Consensus was that it would be a good idea. Problem is that you need someone to manage the Facebook page. We did not have a volunteer to set up and manage the page. Item tabled for further discussion.
8 Open for other business
Bob Marousky requested members’ opinions on using Zoom for a Club auction. Idea was discussed but no decision made.
Dr. John Barrett volunteered some educational material for the website.
Robert T. Marousky (Official Copy signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Rob O’Dell President
Al Allegue Vice President
Mike Kayes Treasurer
Robert T. Marousky Secretary
Tom Adams Director
Dr. John Barrett Director
Cathy Marousky Member
Mary Ann Grazck Member
Virtual Business & Board Meeting August 1, 2020 Stamp Club
Virtual Board Meeting July 11, 2020 Stamp Club.
Agenda for Board Meeting
Please Note: The items here are for discussion and decisions. Then in the regular meeting it will be mainly announcements.
Call to order 1:30 pm via telephone Conference by President Rob O’Dell. All 6 Board members and 3 participants on last page) guests attended. A quorum was met and the meeting is official. (Note: See list of
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
As of now, the Library Meeting Room will not be available in the near future. It is being used for quarantining returned books. Discussion was held on alternative meeting sites and Dr. John Barrett suggested that he check out the place on Pass Road that offered their facilities in the past. Mary Ann Grazyk reported that the Jubilee Center where she works would also be available for an alternative meeting site.
2 Decision on whether to continue the idea of an online stamp show or selling items from our website – Gordon
After a report by Gordon Nelms on the difficulties of setting up on online site to sell our stamps, it was decided to have a Club Auction instead. Suggested time for the auction was any time after the October show. Possibly November or some time early in the New Year.
3 Decision to continue use of phone teleconferencing or switching to software like Zoom – Tom
After a Report by Tom Adams, it was decided to continue holding the monthly business meeting via telephone conference unless an alternative meeting site if found. It was suggested that the Board might be able to use Zoom for meetings or just for an informal meeting. Tom Adams agreed to set up a test of using Zoom with Board members. He will send out specific information on when, with a link to Zoom via email.
4 October GULFPEX
5 Report and Action: At the last meeting Mike reported that 16 members had not paid their 2020 dues. We now need an update and decision on what action to take concerning those members who have still not paid their dues. – Mike
Mike Kayes reported that he put a special notice on the meeting postcard he sent to delinquent members. No response so far. No decision on what to do about these members at this time.
6 Open for New Items
Mike Kayes reported that the request to the Post Office for a cancel device for GULFPEX was returned. He will check and resend them again. We still have time to get the cancel device.
7 Meeting Adjourned at 2:05 pm
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
July Board Meeting Attendance
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Al Allgue
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Secretary Robert T. Marousky
Director Tom Adams
Director Dr. John Barrett
Guest Cathy Marousky
Guest Mary Ann Grazyk
Guest Eric White
Virtual Business Meeting July 11, 2020 Stamp Club.
Draft of Minutes for Business Meeting
Call to order 2:10 pm via telephone Conference by President Rob O’Dell. Ten members were present, a quorum was met and the meeting is official. (Note: See list of Participants on Last Page of Official Minutes.)
Approval of June Minutes – Bob
Minutes of the June Meeting as posted were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Mike
The Treasurer’s Report was read and approved.
Announcement: Community Center open and right now the show is a go.
The Community Center is open for use with a limit of 100 people so the show is still on for October 23 & 24, 2020.
Care of Frames – Rob Commend
In the July Board Meeting President Rob O’Dell praised and thanked Tom Adams, Al Allegue, and Dr. John Barrett for the work they did with the frames.
Reports: Any input from committees
Eric White volunteered to check with the dealers when he attends the next Fort Walton Stamp Show.
Gordon Nelms asked for an updated list of dealers so he can post it on the Club website.
Call for exhibits - Tom
Tom Adams reported that J. Stotts has agreed to be the exhibit judge at our show. He is an APS accredited judge. A stipend of $ 200 is agreeable to him. Also arrangements have been made for him to stay at Gulf Hills Resort.
Dr. John Barrett was given an updated list of expected exhibits.
A question was asked if there is any danger that the paper the exhibits are arranged on is capable of carrying the Corvid Virus. It was thought that there is very little chance of this happening. However the exhibition committee will check it out
Open for discussion on show.
No additional items discussed at this time.
Old Business
Members delinquent on 2020 dues – Mike
. A due notice was sent out to delinquent members and only one member has paid their delinquent dues. Unpaid members will be stricken from the roster.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
Gordon Nelms reported that the theme for the August Home Page of the Club website site will be World War I. He has requested examples of philatelic items from World War I. If you have any please scan them and send to him.
Gordon Nelms thanked Rob O’Dell and Bob Marousky for contributing to the request for information on what the 4th of July meant to them. They along with Gordon provided a short vignette about the 4th of July.
Circuit Update– Bob
The American Philatelic Society is sending out the circuit again. We did receive a June and July circuit and they were seen by members mostly from Jackson County. If other members want to see the August circuit please contact Bob Marousky. It will be posted on the website when it arrives and is ready for viewing.
The June circuit did not meet the required $150 and we had to pay a 5% penalty. The July circuit was over that amount and we did not have to pay the penalty. It was agreed that in lieu of the COVID-19 impact, APS should waive the penalty for not meeting the minimum purchase requirement. Bob Marousky will communicate this to APS.
Southeastern Federation Update– Al
It was reported at the Board meeting that the Southeastern Stamp Federation has suggested that all stamp shows be cancelled up to the end of the year.
New Business
No new business was discussed.
Status of St. Martin Library Bob
The St. Martin Library meeting room will not be available in the near future. The Board did discuss the possibility of holding a meeting at an alternate site depending on what virus recommendations are in effect.
Ability to check out Club Library Books (catalog of books on website)
Members may check out Club Library books which are stored at the St. Martin Library. All you need to do is check the Website to see what book you want. Then call the library, tell them you are from the Stamp Club and then let them know what book you want to check out. The library staff will get the book for you and you can pick it up using their curbside service. The staff will tell you what day you can pick the book up depending on their different library hours.
Holding future meetings – Rob
The Board of Directors at their meeting earlier this afternoon decided to continue using the telephone conference instead of software such as Zoom for future club meetings. Dr. John and Mary Ann agreed to investigate alternate sites to hold physical meetings
Open for other Announcements
No other announcements.
Volunteer for Education Programs
Dr. John Barrett volunteered to develop a program using PowerPoint that might be used on the Internet. He said he would need some help with developing the program. Rob agreed to help as needed.
Show and Tell by Members
Meeting Adjourned at 2:30 pm
Educational Presentation
Robert T. Marousky
Official Copy Signed
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
July Business Meeting Attendance
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Al Allgue
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Secretary Robert T. Marousky
Director Tom Adams
Director Dr. John Barrett
Member Cathy Marousky
Member Mary Ann Grazyk
Member Eric White
Member John Sharp
Call to order 1:30 pm via telephone Conference by President Rob O’Dell. All 6 Board members and 3 participants on last page) guests attended. A quorum was met and the meeting is official. (Note: See list of
Old Business:
1 Report on availability of Library Meeting Room – Bob
As of now, the Library Meeting Room will not be available in the near future. It is being used for quarantining returned books. Discussion was held on alternative meeting sites and Dr. John Barrett suggested that he check out the place on Pass Road that offered their facilities in the past. Mary Ann Grazyk reported that the Jubilee Center where she works would also be available for an alternative meeting site.
2 Decision on whether to continue the idea of an online stamp show or selling items from our website – Gordon
After a report by Gordon Nelms on the difficulties of setting up on online site to sell our stamps, it was decided to have a Club Auction instead. Suggested time for the auction was any time after the October show. Possibly November or some time early in the New Year.
3 Decision to continue use of phone teleconferencing or switching to software like Zoom – Tom
After a Report by Tom Adams, it was decided to continue holding the monthly business meeting via telephone conference unless an alternative meeting site if found. It was suggested that the Board might be able to use Zoom for meetings or just for an informal meeting. Tom Adams agreed to set up a test of using Zoom with Board members. He will send out specific information on when, with a link to Zoom via email.
4 October GULFPEX
- Report on availability of the Community Center for GULFPEX 2020 in October – Bob
- Report on dealers’ interest in attending show – Rob
- Special Thanks to Tom Adams, Al Allegue and Dr. John Barrett for their work on storage for our frames - Rob
- Report on possible virus precautions needed at the show – Open
- Decision: do we still want the Go or No Go decision for the show to be made at the August meeting (this is from old minutes) – Open
- Decision: do we want to see about renting the Community Center for Thursday prior to the show so we can set up the exhibit and tables early. This would cost us $125.00 extra – Open
- From Dr. John about GULFPEX
- Make sure you are going to contact the APS re GULFPEX 2020 'Showtime' listing! As per the May minutes; if not i can do this OK..
- >>Am in contact with Fred Haise. all OK..I might wait until he is down here the week PRIOR to GULFPEX at the Beau Rivage to get signatures + pics,etc. I want to meet him personally..
- >>Silent auction lots are OK!
- Deferred due to time constraints.
5 Report and Action: At the last meeting Mike reported that 16 members had not paid their 2020 dues. We now need an update and decision on what action to take concerning those members who have still not paid their dues. – Mike
Mike Kayes reported that he put a special notice on the meeting postcard he sent to delinquent members. No response so far. No decision on what to do about these members at this time.
6 Open for New Items
Mike Kayes reported that the request to the Post Office for a cancel device for GULFPEX was returned. He will check and resend them again. We still have time to get the cancel device.
7 Meeting Adjourned at 2:05 pm
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
July Board Meeting Attendance
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Al Allgue
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Secretary Robert T. Marousky
Director Tom Adams
Director Dr. John Barrett
Guest Cathy Marousky
Guest Mary Ann Grazyk
Guest Eric White
Virtual Business Meeting July 11, 2020 Stamp Club.
Draft of Minutes for Business Meeting
Call to order 2:10 pm via telephone Conference by President Rob O’Dell. Ten members were present, a quorum was met and the meeting is official. (Note: See list of Participants on Last Page of Official Minutes.)
Approval of June Minutes – Bob
Minutes of the June Meeting as posted were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Mike
The Treasurer’s Report was read and approved.
Announcement: Community Center open and right now the show is a go.
The Community Center is open for use with a limit of 100 people so the show is still on for October 23 & 24, 2020.
Care of Frames – Rob Commend
In the July Board Meeting President Rob O’Dell praised and thanked Tom Adams, Al Allegue, and Dr. John Barrett for the work they did with the frames.
Reports: Any input from committees
Eric White volunteered to check with the dealers when he attends the next Fort Walton Stamp Show.
Gordon Nelms asked for an updated list of dealers so he can post it on the Club website.
Call for exhibits - Tom
Tom Adams reported that J. Stotts has agreed to be the exhibit judge at our show. He is an APS accredited judge. A stipend of $ 200 is agreeable to him. Also arrangements have been made for him to stay at Gulf Hills Resort.
Dr. John Barrett was given an updated list of expected exhibits.
A question was asked if there is any danger that the paper the exhibits are arranged on is capable of carrying the Corvid Virus. It was thought that there is very little chance of this happening. However the exhibition committee will check it out
Open for discussion on show.
No additional items discussed at this time.
Old Business
Members delinquent on 2020 dues – Mike
. A due notice was sent out to delinquent members and only one member has paid their delinquent dues. Unpaid members will be stricken from the roster.
Standard Agenda Items
Website Update– Gordon
Gordon Nelms reported that the theme for the August Home Page of the Club website site will be World War I. He has requested examples of philatelic items from World War I. If you have any please scan them and send to him.
Gordon Nelms thanked Rob O’Dell and Bob Marousky for contributing to the request for information on what the 4th of July meant to them. They along with Gordon provided a short vignette about the 4th of July.
Circuit Update– Bob
The American Philatelic Society is sending out the circuit again. We did receive a June and July circuit and they were seen by members mostly from Jackson County. If other members want to see the August circuit please contact Bob Marousky. It will be posted on the website when it arrives and is ready for viewing.
The June circuit did not meet the required $150 and we had to pay a 5% penalty. The July circuit was over that amount and we did not have to pay the penalty. It was agreed that in lieu of the COVID-19 impact, APS should waive the penalty for not meeting the minimum purchase requirement. Bob Marousky will communicate this to APS.
Southeastern Federation Update– Al
It was reported at the Board meeting that the Southeastern Stamp Federation has suggested that all stamp shows be cancelled up to the end of the year.
New Business
No new business was discussed.
Status of St. Martin Library Bob
The St. Martin Library meeting room will not be available in the near future. The Board did discuss the possibility of holding a meeting at an alternate site depending on what virus recommendations are in effect.
Ability to check out Club Library Books (catalog of books on website)
Members may check out Club Library books which are stored at the St. Martin Library. All you need to do is check the Website to see what book you want. Then call the library, tell them you are from the Stamp Club and then let them know what book you want to check out. The library staff will get the book for you and you can pick it up using their curbside service. The staff will tell you what day you can pick the book up depending on their different library hours.
Holding future meetings – Rob
The Board of Directors at their meeting earlier this afternoon decided to continue using the telephone conference instead of software such as Zoom for future club meetings. Dr. John and Mary Ann agreed to investigate alternate sites to hold physical meetings
Open for other Announcements
No other announcements.
Volunteer for Education Programs
Dr. John Barrett volunteered to develop a program using PowerPoint that might be used on the Internet. He said he would need some help with developing the program. Rob agreed to help as needed.
Show and Tell by Members
Meeting Adjourned at 2:30 pm
Educational Presentation
Robert T. Marousky
Official Copy Signed
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
July Business Meeting Attendance
President Rob O’Dell
Vice President Al Allgue
Treasurer Mike Kayes
Secretary Robert T. Marousky
Director Tom Adams
Director Dr. John Barrett
Member Cathy Marousky
Member Mary Ann Grazyk
Member Eric White
Member John Sharp
May 2020 Virtual Board Stamp Club – Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Note: meeting was via telephone conference
Attendance: Rob O’Dell – President
Mike Kayes – Treasurer
Robert Marousky – Secretary
Tom Adams – Director
Gordon Nelms – Member
Cathy Marousky – Member
The meeting began at 1pm and was conducted by President Rob O’Dell. Four Board members attended making the meeting official.
There were no reports from the Secretary or Treasurer.
1 June Stamp Club meeting – Rob O’Dell
The Board voted to have either a virtual or telephone conference general meeting for June. If there are not enough members online, we will consider the meeting a Board Meeting. Tom Adams will send instructions on how to use Zoom. A test of Zoom will be held and if very successful may be used for the June meeting. There was some concern about some older members willing to use the technology. Once it is determined how we will conduct the meeting, Mike Kayes will send a postcard with the information.
2 Virtual Stamp Show Idea – Bob Marousky
Gordon Nelms thought it was a good idea. He said there were two ideas here. One was the Virtual Stamp Show and the other was a business site where members can sell their stamps. This is complicated and is under investigation. The question was asked about would we need to pay taxes. The general consensus was that if the stamps were sold by a hobbyist, there would be no tax. Rob O’Dell said he would look into the issue with Mike Kayes. Gordon reported that on Webley (our current website host) a business site would cost about $26 a month or just a little over $300 a year. Question was raised how would we pay for the site and that would need to be determined. Rob to contact the American Stamp Dealers Association (ASDA) and possibly the American Philatelic Society ((APS) to get more input. Rob is to contact Felix, a member who is developing an Internet site like this for his business.
3. Continuation of APS Circuit – Bob Marousky
Bob spoke with Ken Martin and it is projected that no staff will allowed in their building until after May 18. Ken will give a message to the circuit department to send our Club a circuit as soon as possible. We should have it for the June meeting.
4 Website Update – Gordon Nelms
Gordon reported the website is going along fine. The topic for May is Mother’s Day. Bob complimented him on the home page.
5 APS Town Hall Meeting – Bob Marousky
Bob reminded APS members about the meeting (Monday, May 4th at 6 pm) and encouraged them to sign up. He will send the link to members who asked.
6 Huntspex Cancelled – Bob Marousky
Bob reported that he just was notified that the Summer stamp show in Huntsville, AL is now cancelled. That sparked discussion about what we should do about our upcoming show, 23 & 24 October 2020. The Board voted to keep the show open until we learn more about quarantine conditions. Bob to list show on APS site. Rob to contact Eric White about other advertising sites.
Meeting finished at 1:45 pm
Note: meeting was via telephone conference
Attendance: Rob O’Dell – President
Mike Kayes – Treasurer
Robert Marousky – Secretary
Tom Adams – Director
Gordon Nelms – Member
Cathy Marousky – Member
The meeting began at 1pm and was conducted by President Rob O’Dell. Four Board members attended making the meeting official.
There were no reports from the Secretary or Treasurer.
1 June Stamp Club meeting – Rob O’Dell
The Board voted to have either a virtual or telephone conference general meeting for June. If there are not enough members online, we will consider the meeting a Board Meeting. Tom Adams will send instructions on how to use Zoom. A test of Zoom will be held and if very successful may be used for the June meeting. There was some concern about some older members willing to use the technology. Once it is determined how we will conduct the meeting, Mike Kayes will send a postcard with the information.
2 Virtual Stamp Show Idea – Bob Marousky
Gordon Nelms thought it was a good idea. He said there were two ideas here. One was the Virtual Stamp Show and the other was a business site where members can sell their stamps. This is complicated and is under investigation. The question was asked about would we need to pay taxes. The general consensus was that if the stamps were sold by a hobbyist, there would be no tax. Rob O’Dell said he would look into the issue with Mike Kayes. Gordon reported that on Webley (our current website host) a business site would cost about $26 a month or just a little over $300 a year. Question was raised how would we pay for the site and that would need to be determined. Rob to contact the American Stamp Dealers Association (ASDA) and possibly the American Philatelic Society ((APS) to get more input. Rob is to contact Felix, a member who is developing an Internet site like this for his business.
3. Continuation of APS Circuit – Bob Marousky
Bob spoke with Ken Martin and it is projected that no staff will allowed in their building until after May 18. Ken will give a message to the circuit department to send our Club a circuit as soon as possible. We should have it for the June meeting.
4 Website Update – Gordon Nelms
Gordon reported the website is going along fine. The topic for May is Mother’s Day. Bob complimented him on the home page.
5 APS Town Hall Meeting – Bob Marousky
Bob reminded APS members about the meeting (Monday, May 4th at 6 pm) and encouraged them to sign up. He will send the link to members who asked.
6 Huntspex Cancelled – Bob Marousky
Bob reported that he just was notified that the Summer stamp show in Huntsville, AL is now cancelled. That sparked discussion about what we should do about our upcoming show, 23 & 24 October 2020. The Board voted to keep the show open until we learn more about quarantine conditions. Bob to list show on APS site. Rob to contact Eric White about other advertising sites.
Meeting finished at 1:45 pm
Agenda for Stamp Club Board of Directors Meeting
March 7, 2020
The meeting was called to order by President Rob O’Dell at 1 pm.
All 6 Board members were present. Three Club members gave reports during the meeting. (See Attachment 1, Sign in Sheet)
Old Business:
GULFPEX 2020 Review of Committee – Progress Reports, Needs, etc.
New Business for Show
Coronavirus Considerations
If there is a government shut down because of the virus, then dealers money will be refunded. Otherwise no refund.
Draft Postcard - Mike
The draft postcard was examined by all members. There were several suggestions to improve the postcard. Mike Kayes was complimented for the fine work he did on the postcard.
Marketing: Eric, Rob, Elaine, and Mike
Eric White reported that radio ads were effective for the New Orleans show. Cost is $150 for 25 ads on 10 radio stations. That means each station runs 25 ads. No action taken
Mike Kayes was given criteria on who to send the postcards too.
Marketing committee seems to be on target.
Cynthia Baughman and Cathy Marousky reported that except for some minor details, they are ready for the show.
Tom Adams will provide a “People’s Choice” voting ballot to go in the show booklet.
Silent Auction (Dr. John)
Dr. John Barrett will conduct the Silent Auction on the stage.
Cancelation – Mike
The show cancellation will be applied and sold at the Club Table.
Tom Adams received several new exhibit for the show. Dr. John Barrett has a location where the frames can be stored after the show.
Program Booklet, Flyers, and leaflets – Al
No Report
Finance - Mike
Bob Marousky will need a Check for $200 (Clean up fees) and $75 Cash for Set up
Tom Adams needs Check or Cash ($100.00) to pay the people setting up the frames.
Security – Mike
Mike Kayes has the chains and locks for all the side doors.
Set-up – Bob
Sandra Seymour the Community Center Director said her husband would be able to help us set up the tables and chairs for the show. She was unsure when he would do this because there was a training session in that room on Thursday which will not finish until after 7 pm. She will let us now when he is doing the set up so we can have someone there to ensure it is correct.
Open for Club New Business
No new business at this time.
Adjourned at: 1:55 pm
Official copy in file signed
Robert T. Marousky,
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Gulf Coast Stamp Club March 7, 2020
Monthly Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 pm by President Robert O’Dell.
Thirteen members were present making a quorum and official meeting. There was one visitor, John Sharp from Grand Bay, AL. John joined our Club after the meeting – welcome John. (See Attachment 1, Sign in sheet).
Minutes for February were moved and approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report was read, moved and approved. (See Attachment 2, Treasurer Report)
The information from Board Meeting was shared with members. Time for set up will be announced later.
Old Business
Storage of Frames after show
Dr. Barrett has found a place to store the frames. Item Closed
Progress on Club Library
The Club library is almost complete. Librarian Gordon Nelms explained how to sign out book. He offered a tour of the library after the meeting.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
Members were shown the countdown clock for GULFPEX on the Home page.
Gordon also showed members where to find the forms needed if they are planning on exhibiting at GULFPEX.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allegue
Nothing to Report
Circuit – Bob Marousky
Sales in the January circuit were low and we had to pay a 5% penalty on items sold. February, we sold over $500 so no penalty.
New Business
There is going to be an unusual First Day Ceremony in Maine which will be held on a Sunday. The Sunday program is rare.
The February APS Journal has some excellent articles on Black History and Women.
Any stamp dealer who wants to stay at the Jubilee Center, the cost is $25 per day. They have full facilities there. See Mary Ann Graczyk.
Volunteer for April Education Programs
Time will be used for GULFPEX debriefing.
Show and Tell by Members
Meeting Adjourned at 2:40
Educational Presentation
Mary Ann Graczyk presented a program about Women on early US stamps. She also blended black history philatelic items in her presentation. She had a program on Black History on Saturday which had 8 people attending. Her audience was fascinated by all the history that can be found on stamps.
Robert T. Marousky – Original signature on file copy a
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Page 1 of 3
March 7, 2020
The meeting was called to order by President Rob O’Dell at 1 pm.
All 6 Board members were present. Three Club members gave reports during the meeting. (See Attachment 1, Sign in Sheet)
Old Business:
GULFPEX 2020 Review of Committee – Progress Reports, Needs, etc.
New Business for Show
Coronavirus Considerations
If there is a government shut down because of the virus, then dealers money will be refunded. Otherwise no refund.
Draft Postcard - Mike
The draft postcard was examined by all members. There were several suggestions to improve the postcard. Mike Kayes was complimented for the fine work he did on the postcard.
Marketing: Eric, Rob, Elaine, and Mike
Eric White reported that radio ads were effective for the New Orleans show. Cost is $150 for 25 ads on 10 radio stations. That means each station runs 25 ads. No action taken
Mike Kayes was given criteria on who to send the postcards too.
Marketing committee seems to be on target.
Cynthia Baughman and Cathy Marousky reported that except for some minor details, they are ready for the show.
Tom Adams will provide a “People’s Choice” voting ballot to go in the show booklet.
Silent Auction (Dr. John)
Dr. John Barrett will conduct the Silent Auction on the stage.
Cancelation – Mike
The show cancellation will be applied and sold at the Club Table.
Tom Adams received several new exhibit for the show. Dr. John Barrett has a location where the frames can be stored after the show.
Program Booklet, Flyers, and leaflets – Al
No Report
Finance - Mike
Bob Marousky will need a Check for $200 (Clean up fees) and $75 Cash for Set up
Tom Adams needs Check or Cash ($100.00) to pay the people setting up the frames.
Security – Mike
Mike Kayes has the chains and locks for all the side doors.
Set-up – Bob
Sandra Seymour the Community Center Director said her husband would be able to help us set up the tables and chairs for the show. She was unsure when he would do this because there was a training session in that room on Thursday which will not finish until after 7 pm. She will let us now when he is doing the set up so we can have someone there to ensure it is correct.
Open for Club New Business
No new business at this time.
Adjourned at: 1:55 pm
Official copy in file signed
Robert T. Marousky,
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Gulf Coast Stamp Club March 7, 2020
Monthly Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 pm by President Robert O’Dell.
Thirteen members were present making a quorum and official meeting. There was one visitor, John Sharp from Grand Bay, AL. John joined our Club after the meeting – welcome John. (See Attachment 1, Sign in sheet).
Minutes for February were moved and approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report was read, moved and approved. (See Attachment 2, Treasurer Report)
The information from Board Meeting was shared with members. Time for set up will be announced later.
Old Business
Storage of Frames after show
Dr. Barrett has found a place to store the frames. Item Closed
Progress on Club Library
The Club library is almost complete. Librarian Gordon Nelms explained how to sign out book. He offered a tour of the library after the meeting.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
Members were shown the countdown clock for GULFPEX on the Home page.
Gordon also showed members where to find the forms needed if they are planning on exhibiting at GULFPEX.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allegue
Nothing to Report
Circuit – Bob Marousky
Sales in the January circuit were low and we had to pay a 5% penalty on items sold. February, we sold over $500 so no penalty.
New Business
There is going to be an unusual First Day Ceremony in Maine which will be held on a Sunday. The Sunday program is rare.
The February APS Journal has some excellent articles on Black History and Women.
Any stamp dealer who wants to stay at the Jubilee Center, the cost is $25 per day. They have full facilities there. See Mary Ann Graczyk.
Volunteer for April Education Programs
Time will be used for GULFPEX debriefing.
Show and Tell by Members
Meeting Adjourned at 2:40
Educational Presentation
Mary Ann Graczyk presented a program about Women on early US stamps. She also blended black history philatelic items in her presentation. She had a program on Black History on Saturday which had 8 people attending. Her audience was fascinated by all the history that can be found on stamps.
Robert T. Marousky – Original signature on file copy a
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Page 1 of 3
Gulf Coast Stamp Club February 1, 2020
Monthly Business Meeting - Draft
Called to Order at 2:05 pm by President Robert O’Dell
There were 16 members present and no guests. Quorum met. (See Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet)
The January 2020 Minutes were approved with grammatical corrections. Secretary Bob Marousky thanked Mike Kayes for doing the January Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
Approved as read. (See Attachment 2 – Submitted Treasurer’s Reports for February 2020). Mike Kayes reminded everyone that it is time to pay yearly dues.
Dr. John Barrett brought in 2 boxes of philatelic material that will be in the Silent Auction.
President Rob O’Dell reported that he has sent letters to Stamp Clubs in neighboring states inviting them to attend our show.
Eric White reported that we might have 12 dealers.
Dr. John Barrett and Mike Kayes volunteered to get quotes for the cost of framing the Apollo 13 arrangement. They were reminded to check with Randy Puritt who made the Apollo 13 arrangement because his also frames his work. Dr. Barrett is getting the raffle prize signed by Astronaut Fred Haise on March 21st when the Astronaut attends a scientific meeting at a local Casino.
Al Allegue show a draft of the show booklet. If we have 100 booklets printed it will cost us $167.00. Hopefully the sale of advertising space in the booklet will help pay for the printing.
Tom Adams reported that the APS exhibit judge we had last year cannot attend because his daughter is getting married that weekend. Tom is searching for a replacement judge.
After discussion with several team leaders, it was decided that we will have a meeting devoted to taking care of show details. Saturday, February 15 was selected. The Club already has that date reserved at the library. Team leaders will meet with their team members to make final plans for their part in GULFPEX 2020. Meeting will be here at the library meeting room starting at 1 pm. All Club members are invited to attend to help finish planning for the show.
Old Business
Storage of Frames after show
A possible storage location has been identified.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
Deferred due to show planning.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allegue
Deferred due to show planning.
Circuit – Bob Marousky
Deferred due to show planning.
New Business
Mike Kayes mentioned that the Post Office has Stamp Puzzles. He suggested that jigsaw puzzles could be used as an activity for kids at the show. No motion or discussion.
Saturday, February 15 at 1 pm we will have a workshop to get ready for GULFPEX 2020 here at the library meeting room.
Volunteer for Education Programs
Deferred due to show planning.
Show and Tell by Members
Dr. John Barrett brought in a modern Swiss stamp to show Club members.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:40 pm.
Educational Presentation
Mike Kayes reviewed the steps he had to take to get our show cancel approved. He showed a copy of our cancel for this year and discussed the symbolism of the cancel. Then Mike talked about how difficult it was to reach the correct postal official who could approve our a post office substation at our show..
Robert T. Marousky
(Signed copy of Minutes on file)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Monthly Business Meeting - Draft
Called to Order at 2:05 pm by President Robert O’Dell
There were 16 members present and no guests. Quorum met. (See Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet)
The January 2020 Minutes were approved with grammatical corrections. Secretary Bob Marousky thanked Mike Kayes for doing the January Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
Approved as read. (See Attachment 2 – Submitted Treasurer’s Reports for February 2020). Mike Kayes reminded everyone that it is time to pay yearly dues.
Dr. John Barrett brought in 2 boxes of philatelic material that will be in the Silent Auction.
President Rob O’Dell reported that he has sent letters to Stamp Clubs in neighboring states inviting them to attend our show.
Eric White reported that we might have 12 dealers.
Dr. John Barrett and Mike Kayes volunteered to get quotes for the cost of framing the Apollo 13 arrangement. They were reminded to check with Randy Puritt who made the Apollo 13 arrangement because his also frames his work. Dr. Barrett is getting the raffle prize signed by Astronaut Fred Haise on March 21st when the Astronaut attends a scientific meeting at a local Casino.
Al Allegue show a draft of the show booklet. If we have 100 booklets printed it will cost us $167.00. Hopefully the sale of advertising space in the booklet will help pay for the printing.
Tom Adams reported that the APS exhibit judge we had last year cannot attend because his daughter is getting married that weekend. Tom is searching for a replacement judge.
After discussion with several team leaders, it was decided that we will have a meeting devoted to taking care of show details. Saturday, February 15 was selected. The Club already has that date reserved at the library. Team leaders will meet with their team members to make final plans for their part in GULFPEX 2020. Meeting will be here at the library meeting room starting at 1 pm. All Club members are invited to attend to help finish planning for the show.
Old Business
Storage of Frames after show
A possible storage location has been identified.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
Deferred due to show planning.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allegue
Deferred due to show planning.
Circuit – Bob Marousky
Deferred due to show planning.
New Business
Mike Kayes mentioned that the Post Office has Stamp Puzzles. He suggested that jigsaw puzzles could be used as an activity for kids at the show. No motion or discussion.
Saturday, February 15 at 1 pm we will have a workshop to get ready for GULFPEX 2020 here at the library meeting room.
Volunteer for Education Programs
Deferred due to show planning.
Show and Tell by Members
Dr. John Barrett brought in a modern Swiss stamp to show Club members.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:40 pm.
Educational Presentation
Mike Kayes reviewed the steps he had to take to get our show cancel approved. He showed a copy of our cancel for this year and discussed the symbolism of the cancel. Then Mike talked about how difficult it was to reach the correct postal official who could approve our a post office substation at our show..
Robert T. Marousky
(Signed copy of Minutes on file)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Note: Minutes taken by Mike Kayes due to Secretary Bob Marousky not at meeting due to illness.
Gulf Coast Stamp Club Executive Board Meeting
January 4, 2020
Meeting was called to order at 1PM by President Robert O’Dell
Robert O’Dell
Mike Kayes
Al Alleque
Tom Adams
Dr. John Barret.
Paid $28.00 for matted Apollo 13 cover with period patch to be signed for door prize. Given to Dr Barret to be signed.
Discussed show committies:
1 Marketing – print media / Radio/ TV etc, Eric, Rob, Elaine, Mike
2 Registration / Raffle / Club Sales / Hospitality – ask for volunteers
3 Cancelation / Cachet /USPS Contact – Mike … may need help
4 Exhibits / GCSC Show Display – Dr John, Tom, Felix
5 Program Booklet / Flyers / leaflets -- Al
6 Finance Mike
7 Security – Mike
8 Junior Activities Table– Mary Ann can assist but not chair.
Expenses expected:
Setup / take down / clean up approximately $350
Judge and awards $300
Publicity / mailing $300
Rest unknown
Committees and volunteers will be discussed during regular meeting to follow.
Ask for approval of Judge ~ $200 (as above 200+100)
Meeting adjourned 1:40PM
Mike Kayes, Treasurer
For Secretary Bob Marousky
Official Copy on file
Note: Minutes taken by Mike Kayes due to Secretary Bob Marousky not at meeting due to illness.
Gulf Coast Stamp Club Monthly Business Meeting
January 4, 2020
Gulf Coast Stamp Club Meeting was called to order at 2PM by President Robert O’Dell
Robert O’Dell Eric White
Mike Kayes Cynthia Baughman
Al Alleque Maryann Graczyk
Tom Adams Robin Overstreet
Gordon Nelms Bob Kilroy
Dr. John Barret.
Minutes for October & November were moved and approved.
No Minutes for informal Christmas Party Meeting due to lack of quorum.
Treasures report for end of FY 2019 and Beginning of FY 2020, presented along with December corrected reports. Moved and approved.
Maryann Graczyk was presented with a plaque which recognized her leadership and dedicated service to the club and Presented with a GCSC life Membership.
Announced the club paid $28.00 for matted Apollo 13 cover with period patch to be signed for GUFPEX 2020 raffle prize. Dr Barret will ensure it is signed for the show.
Discussed show committees:
1 Marketing – print media / Radio/ TV etc, Eric, Rob, Elaine, Mike
2 Registration / Raffle / Club Sales / Hospitality – asked for volunteers, Cynthia Bauman volunteered hopefully with help from Elaine and Cathy who took these positions last year.
Rob discussed the pros and cons of the professional judge for the show.
A motion was made and seconded to pay for the APS judge. Not to exceed $300 for judge and awards.
Al announced he will be letting his storage locker go in April. The club will have to make new arrangements to store our Frames. It was pointed out that some work needed to be done on the maintenance of these frames. Volunteers will get together to resolve this maintenance issue.
The storage issue was tabled till next meeting.
Rob indicated Bob Marouski disappointment with the circuit content s. He requested input as to what people would like to see in the circuit. A couple of topical suggestions were made: 19th Amendment (Maryann is working on this) and Medical topics were requested.
Mike suggested only a one day cancel, the 17th which is the actual day Apollo 13 splashed down, thus the safe return.
It was pointed out that the 18th of April is actually the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
Gordon Nelms discussed what was new on the website.
Mike agreed to do a program describing the process of obtaining official cancels for the February meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:45.
2020 dues are currently payable. Several people went ahead and payed them.
Robert O’Dell gave a very good discussion about printing methods a synopsis of which is on the web site.
Mike Kayes, Treasurer
For Secretary Bob Marousky
Official Copy on file
Gulf Coast Stamp Club Executive Board Meeting
January 4, 2020
Meeting was called to order at 1PM by President Robert O’Dell
Robert O’Dell
Mike Kayes
Al Alleque
Tom Adams
Dr. John Barret.
Paid $28.00 for matted Apollo 13 cover with period patch to be signed for door prize. Given to Dr Barret to be signed.
Discussed show committies:
1 Marketing – print media / Radio/ TV etc, Eric, Rob, Elaine, Mike
2 Registration / Raffle / Club Sales / Hospitality – ask for volunteers
3 Cancelation / Cachet /USPS Contact – Mike … may need help
4 Exhibits / GCSC Show Display – Dr John, Tom, Felix
5 Program Booklet / Flyers / leaflets -- Al
6 Finance Mike
7 Security – Mike
8 Junior Activities Table– Mary Ann can assist but not chair.
Expenses expected:
Setup / take down / clean up approximately $350
Judge and awards $300
Publicity / mailing $300
Rest unknown
Committees and volunteers will be discussed during regular meeting to follow.
Ask for approval of Judge ~ $200 (as above 200+100)
Meeting adjourned 1:40PM
Mike Kayes, Treasurer
For Secretary Bob Marousky
Official Copy on file
Note: Minutes taken by Mike Kayes due to Secretary Bob Marousky not at meeting due to illness.
Gulf Coast Stamp Club Monthly Business Meeting
January 4, 2020
Gulf Coast Stamp Club Meeting was called to order at 2PM by President Robert O’Dell
Robert O’Dell Eric White
Mike Kayes Cynthia Baughman
Al Alleque Maryann Graczyk
Tom Adams Robin Overstreet
Gordon Nelms Bob Kilroy
Dr. John Barret.
Minutes for October & November were moved and approved.
No Minutes for informal Christmas Party Meeting due to lack of quorum.
Treasures report for end of FY 2019 and Beginning of FY 2020, presented along with December corrected reports. Moved and approved.
Maryann Graczyk was presented with a plaque which recognized her leadership and dedicated service to the club and Presented with a GCSC life Membership.
Announced the club paid $28.00 for matted Apollo 13 cover with period patch to be signed for GUFPEX 2020 raffle prize. Dr Barret will ensure it is signed for the show.
Discussed show committees:
1 Marketing – print media / Radio/ TV etc, Eric, Rob, Elaine, Mike
2 Registration / Raffle / Club Sales / Hospitality – asked for volunteers, Cynthia Bauman volunteered hopefully with help from Elaine and Cathy who took these positions last year.
Rob discussed the pros and cons of the professional judge for the show.
A motion was made and seconded to pay for the APS judge. Not to exceed $300 for judge and awards.
Al announced he will be letting his storage locker go in April. The club will have to make new arrangements to store our Frames. It was pointed out that some work needed to be done on the maintenance of these frames. Volunteers will get together to resolve this maintenance issue.
The storage issue was tabled till next meeting.
Rob indicated Bob Marouski disappointment with the circuit content s. He requested input as to what people would like to see in the circuit. A couple of topical suggestions were made: 19th Amendment (Maryann is working on this) and Medical topics were requested.
Mike suggested only a one day cancel, the 17th which is the actual day Apollo 13 splashed down, thus the safe return.
It was pointed out that the 18th of April is actually the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
Gordon Nelms discussed what was new on the website.
Mike agreed to do a program describing the process of obtaining official cancels for the February meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:45.
2020 dues are currently payable. Several people went ahead and payed them.
Robert O’Dell gave a very good discussion about printing methods a synopsis of which is on the web site.
Mike Kayes, Treasurer
For Secretary Bob Marousky
Official Copy on file
Gulf Coast Stamp Club November 2, 2019
Monthly Business Meeting
Meeting called to order at 2:00 pm by President Rob O’Dell. There were 13 members present and one guest. The guest was Linda, the granddaughter of Johnny and Cynthia Baughman. A quorum was met and the meeting was official. (See Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet.)
The September minutes were approved as posted on the Club Website.
The October meeting was not official and the minutes did not need to be approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Mike Kayes gave an unofficial Treasurer’s report. He found a slight discrepancy in his official report and it will be submitted at the December meeting.
With the resignation of the Director of Shows, President Rob O’Dell will take the position of Chairman Pro Temp for both GULFPEX and the Fall Bourse. The actual work will be done by committees.
The Executive Committee is looking at an Apollo 13 item for the raffle at the show. More information is needed before we purchase the item.
Old Business
Plans for Christmas Party
A proposal was made to have the Club Christmas Party on Saturday, December 7 at the Royal Super Buffet on Hwy 49 (same place as last year). It was suggested that instead of having a Club meeting that afternoon, a short business meeting could be held before the party. Please check the Club website (www.gulfcoaststampclub.org) for details.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
Gordon took members on a tour of the November website. A unique item on the site is a stamp calendar on the home page. He also reminded the members to use the message board if they are looking for specific philatelic items or have items to trade.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allegue
No new information.
Circuit – Bob Marousky
The October circuit sales totaled $150. Because the sales were under $200 we have to pay a 5% penalty. This will not happen in 2020 because of changes made by the American Philatelic Society (APS).
Circuit requests for 2020 were completed and sent to APS. Changes can be made and if you have a request see the circuit manager. A check for $120 (for 2020 circuit) was sent to APS to cover the new $10 monthly service.
New Business
A 1951 United States Stamp Album was donated to the club. Sadly the stamps in the album were mostly damaged. Several things combined to damage the stamps. The things that caused the damage include; the acid in the pages of the album, lick and stick to affix stamps directly to the album pages and the use of scotch tape to mount the stamps. The album was an excellent example of how not to mount and save stamps. Members had a chance to examine the album and stamps. A thank you letter was sent to the family who donated the album.
Mary Ann Graczyk is now recovering at home
Tonight is when we “fall back” the time for the winter. Don’t forget to reset your clocks.
Volunteer for December Education Program
The Club Christmas Party will be at the Royal Super Buffet on Hwy 49 in Gulfport. This is the same location as last year’s party. There will be a meet and greet starting at 5 pm. A short meeting at 5:30 pm, which will be the December Club meeting, with party immediately after.
Show and Tell by Members
New issued US Halloween Stamps were shown to members. They include several security features such as the use of tinfoil in the background of the stamps.
Rob O’Dell showed two new blocks of Confederate stamps (Scott #2) he recently obtained. One of the blocks is a highly desirable margin block.
Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 2:32 pm.
Education Presentation – Al Alleque on Oddities on Cuban Stamps
Al gave a short history of Cuban stamps and then talked about how and why there are so many varieties in the early Cuban stamps.
It started with when the United States took possession of Cuba from Spain. In 1897 Cuba was using the stamp showing the image of young King Alphonso of Spain. Then in 1898 Teddy Roosevelt liberated Cuba from Spanish control to United States protection. Initially they did not have US stamps to use, so they overprinted the stamps they had on hand. A local printer was asked to overprint the young King Alphonso stamps. The printer did not have enough of the same typeface numbers causing each stamp to have a different looking number font. Another problem occurred because the funds from selling the stamps was going to Spain. The UPU (Universal Postal Union) policy is that the funds from sale of the stamps goes to the country issuing the stamps. In this case, the US only overprinted the stamps so the funds went to Spain.
To prevent the funds from stamp sales going to Spain, United States stamps were overprinted. This also led to the formation of many different collectible varieties. One stamp was overprinted 2 ½ cents instead of 2 cents. The stamp was sold for 2 cents and this was the only time the US Post Office ever sold a stamp for less than the face value.
When collecting these early overprinted stamps, collectors must be careful because there are numerous counterfeits. One way to identify real stamps from counterfeits on the overprinted Cuban stamps is by checking the ink. If it is sticky, that is one of the real stamps. That is because the printer had to dilute the indian ink with olive oil, thus the sticky problem.
Later during the Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, his Postmaster General Farley would print two imperforate sheets of the current US stamp being printed. This led to protests by collectors in that only the President and Postmaster General would have this variety. To appease collectors, more imperforate sheets of stamps were printed. Since the stamps for Cuba were being printed here in the United States, collectors in Cuba demanded that additional imperforated sheets of Cuban stamps be printed. Those stamps became another collectable variety.
Around the 1960s, another group of Cuban stamps were printed in the imperforate variety. These stamps were not meant for postage and were put on display in Cuba. The stamps were stolen and some were recovered in the United States. These are extremely rare and Al was only able to show us photographs of the stamps.
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy of minutes signed)
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1– sign in sheet.
Attachment 2 – Thank you Letter to Jarrett Family
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Executive Board Meeting
November 2, 2019
Five Board members were present. Quorum was met. (See Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet)
Time started: 1:15 pm
Old Business
Club Library Storage
Board members examined a space for the Stamp Club to use to store the Club Library. The space measures 26 inches deep and exactly 36 inches wide. There is a fixed shelf at about the 5 foot level that cannot be removed. Board members will be looking for a bookcase or shelving unit to fit the space.
Gordon Nelms will remain Club Librarian and he furnished the Board a list of books and items from the current Library. (See Attachment 2 – Library Listing)
New Business
Filling Director’s Slot
Several Club members (Robert Endt, Tom Adams, Elaine LeGros, and Cathy Marousky) have been asked if they would be interested in filling the Directors slot and they all declined citing personal reasons. The search continues.
Replacement for Director of Shows
Club President Robert O’Dell will fill this role in a Chairman Pro Temp role. Eric White is in charge of working with dealers for both shows, GULFPEX 2020 and Fall 2020 Bourse.
Raffle Item for Gulfpex 2020
Photos of the Apollo 13 Item that Dr. John found at the ReDo Antique Mall were viewed. It is being sold by former Club member Randy Pruitt. The item is a matted Apollo 13 Colorado Silk cover mounted with the Apollo 8 photo of Earthrise and the mission patch. Randy said he could frame it for 18 dollars. Dr. John Barrett also had some framing quotes from Hobby Lobby. The question was asked if we could get this item signed (before framing) by Local Apollo 13 crew member Fred Haise. Dr. John Barrett is going to investigate how to get the signature and what would it be cost.
There are other Apollo 13 items for sale on the Internet if this does not work out as the item for the raffle.
Meeting adjourned at 1:45 pm
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy of minutes signed)
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1– sign in sheet.
Attachment 2– Library content listing
Monthly Business Meeting
Meeting called to order at 2:00 pm by President Rob O’Dell. There were 13 members present and one guest. The guest was Linda, the granddaughter of Johnny and Cynthia Baughman. A quorum was met and the meeting was official. (See Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet.)
The September minutes were approved as posted on the Club Website.
The October meeting was not official and the minutes did not need to be approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Mike Kayes gave an unofficial Treasurer’s report. He found a slight discrepancy in his official report and it will be submitted at the December meeting.
With the resignation of the Director of Shows, President Rob O’Dell will take the position of Chairman Pro Temp for both GULFPEX and the Fall Bourse. The actual work will be done by committees.
The Executive Committee is looking at an Apollo 13 item for the raffle at the show. More information is needed before we purchase the item.
Old Business
Plans for Christmas Party
A proposal was made to have the Club Christmas Party on Saturday, December 7 at the Royal Super Buffet on Hwy 49 (same place as last year). It was suggested that instead of having a Club meeting that afternoon, a short business meeting could be held before the party. Please check the Club website (www.gulfcoaststampclub.org) for details.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
Gordon took members on a tour of the November website. A unique item on the site is a stamp calendar on the home page. He also reminded the members to use the message board if they are looking for specific philatelic items or have items to trade.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allegue
No new information.
Circuit – Bob Marousky
The October circuit sales totaled $150. Because the sales were under $200 we have to pay a 5% penalty. This will not happen in 2020 because of changes made by the American Philatelic Society (APS).
Circuit requests for 2020 were completed and sent to APS. Changes can be made and if you have a request see the circuit manager. A check for $120 (for 2020 circuit) was sent to APS to cover the new $10 monthly service.
New Business
A 1951 United States Stamp Album was donated to the club. Sadly the stamps in the album were mostly damaged. Several things combined to damage the stamps. The things that caused the damage include; the acid in the pages of the album, lick and stick to affix stamps directly to the album pages and the use of scotch tape to mount the stamps. The album was an excellent example of how not to mount and save stamps. Members had a chance to examine the album and stamps. A thank you letter was sent to the family who donated the album.
Mary Ann Graczyk is now recovering at home
Tonight is when we “fall back” the time for the winter. Don’t forget to reset your clocks.
Volunteer for December Education Program
The Club Christmas Party will be at the Royal Super Buffet on Hwy 49 in Gulfport. This is the same location as last year’s party. There will be a meet and greet starting at 5 pm. A short meeting at 5:30 pm, which will be the December Club meeting, with party immediately after.
Show and Tell by Members
New issued US Halloween Stamps were shown to members. They include several security features such as the use of tinfoil in the background of the stamps.
Rob O’Dell showed two new blocks of Confederate stamps (Scott #2) he recently obtained. One of the blocks is a highly desirable margin block.
Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 2:32 pm.
Education Presentation – Al Alleque on Oddities on Cuban Stamps
Al gave a short history of Cuban stamps and then talked about how and why there are so many varieties in the early Cuban stamps.
It started with when the United States took possession of Cuba from Spain. In 1897 Cuba was using the stamp showing the image of young King Alphonso of Spain. Then in 1898 Teddy Roosevelt liberated Cuba from Spanish control to United States protection. Initially they did not have US stamps to use, so they overprinted the stamps they had on hand. A local printer was asked to overprint the young King Alphonso stamps. The printer did not have enough of the same typeface numbers causing each stamp to have a different looking number font. Another problem occurred because the funds from selling the stamps was going to Spain. The UPU (Universal Postal Union) policy is that the funds from sale of the stamps goes to the country issuing the stamps. In this case, the US only overprinted the stamps so the funds went to Spain.
To prevent the funds from stamp sales going to Spain, United States stamps were overprinted. This also led to the formation of many different collectible varieties. One stamp was overprinted 2 ½ cents instead of 2 cents. The stamp was sold for 2 cents and this was the only time the US Post Office ever sold a stamp for less than the face value.
When collecting these early overprinted stamps, collectors must be careful because there are numerous counterfeits. One way to identify real stamps from counterfeits on the overprinted Cuban stamps is by checking the ink. If it is sticky, that is one of the real stamps. That is because the printer had to dilute the indian ink with olive oil, thus the sticky problem.
Later during the Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, his Postmaster General Farley would print two imperforate sheets of the current US stamp being printed. This led to protests by collectors in that only the President and Postmaster General would have this variety. To appease collectors, more imperforate sheets of stamps were printed. Since the stamps for Cuba were being printed here in the United States, collectors in Cuba demanded that additional imperforated sheets of Cuban stamps be printed. Those stamps became another collectable variety.
Around the 1960s, another group of Cuban stamps were printed in the imperforate variety. These stamps were not meant for postage and were put on display in Cuba. The stamps were stolen and some were recovered in the United States. These are extremely rare and Al was only able to show us photographs of the stamps.
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy of minutes signed)
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1– sign in sheet.
Attachment 2 – Thank you Letter to Jarrett Family
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Executive Board Meeting
November 2, 2019
Five Board members were present. Quorum was met. (See Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet)
Time started: 1:15 pm
Old Business
Club Library Storage
Board members examined a space for the Stamp Club to use to store the Club Library. The space measures 26 inches deep and exactly 36 inches wide. There is a fixed shelf at about the 5 foot level that cannot be removed. Board members will be looking for a bookcase or shelving unit to fit the space.
Gordon Nelms will remain Club Librarian and he furnished the Board a list of books and items from the current Library. (See Attachment 2 – Library Listing)
New Business
Filling Director’s Slot
Several Club members (Robert Endt, Tom Adams, Elaine LeGros, and Cathy Marousky) have been asked if they would be interested in filling the Directors slot and they all declined citing personal reasons. The search continues.
Replacement for Director of Shows
Club President Robert O’Dell will fill this role in a Chairman Pro Temp role. Eric White is in charge of working with dealers for both shows, GULFPEX 2020 and Fall 2020 Bourse.
Raffle Item for Gulfpex 2020
Photos of the Apollo 13 Item that Dr. John found at the ReDo Antique Mall were viewed. It is being sold by former Club member Randy Pruitt. The item is a matted Apollo 13 Colorado Silk cover mounted with the Apollo 8 photo of Earthrise and the mission patch. Randy said he could frame it for 18 dollars. Dr. John Barrett also had some framing quotes from Hobby Lobby. The question was asked if we could get this item signed (before framing) by Local Apollo 13 crew member Fred Haise. Dr. John Barrett is going to investigate how to get the signature and what would it be cost.
There are other Apollo 13 items for sale on the Internet if this does not work out as the item for the raffle.
Meeting adjourned at 1:45 pm
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy of minutes signed)
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1– sign in sheet.
Attachment 2– Library content listing
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Executive Board Meeting
October 5, 2019
Four Board members were present. Quorum was met. (See Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet)
Time started: 1:35 pm
Old Business
1 Library
The Club has signed a memo of understanding with the St. Martin Library allowing the Club to store meeting materials there.
2 Gordon Item 1
Gordon Nelms announced that he is resigning from the position of Director. This will be his last meeting. (See Attachment 2 – Letter of Resignation – Director)
3 Gordon Item 2
Gordon Nelms announced that he is resigning from the positon of Director of Shows effective immediately. He turned in all files about the show that he developed during his time as Director of Shows. President Robert O’Dell thanked Gordon for his work as a Director and the Director of Shows. (See Attachment 3 – Letter of Resignation – Director of Shows)
4 Webmaster
Gordon said that he will continue as the Club Webmaster until we find a replacement. He reminded the Club that he paid the website hosting fees with one of his credit cards and was then reimbursed by the Club. The website host will only accept payment by credit card and Gordon has now cancelled the credit card he used to pay the fees.
5 Changes in Circuit for 2020.
Circuit Manager Bob Marousky gave each Director a copy of a letter from APS explaining changes in the circuit for 2020. Mainly the change involves the club paying $10 in advance for each circuit the Club requests. Since the Club gets a circuit every month, the Circuit Manager was given a check for $120.00 to pay for the entire 12 monthly 2020 circuits. There are provisions for the Club to get money back depending on the amount purchased from the circuit on a monthly basis. (See Attachment 4 – APS letter about Circuit changes)
6 Meeting Dates for 2020
The Board approved the below calendar dates for meetings in 2020. Two meetings will be on the Second Saturday of the month due to conflicts with holidays. Those months are July and September. The request for use of the Library Meeting Room will be submitted for these dates. These are also the dates the APS will use to determine when to send our Club Circuit.
2020 Stamp Club Meeting Dates
January 4
February 1
March 7
April 4
May 2
June 6
July 11 (second Saturday)
August 1
September 12 (second Saturday)
October 3
November 7
December 5
Meeting adjourned at 1:50 pm
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy of minutes signed)
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1– sign in sheet.
Attachment 2– Gordon Nelms Letter of Resignation - Director
Attachment 3 – Gordon Nelms Letter of Resignation – Director of Shows
Attachment 4 – Letter from APS about 2020 Circuit fee changes
Executive Board Meeting
October 5, 2019
Four Board members were present. Quorum was met. (See Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet)
Time started: 1:35 pm
Old Business
1 Library
The Club has signed a memo of understanding with the St. Martin Library allowing the Club to store meeting materials there.
2 Gordon Item 1
Gordon Nelms announced that he is resigning from the position of Director. This will be his last meeting. (See Attachment 2 – Letter of Resignation – Director)
3 Gordon Item 2
Gordon Nelms announced that he is resigning from the positon of Director of Shows effective immediately. He turned in all files about the show that he developed during his time as Director of Shows. President Robert O’Dell thanked Gordon for his work as a Director and the Director of Shows. (See Attachment 3 – Letter of Resignation – Director of Shows)
4 Webmaster
Gordon said that he will continue as the Club Webmaster until we find a replacement. He reminded the Club that he paid the website hosting fees with one of his credit cards and was then reimbursed by the Club. The website host will only accept payment by credit card and Gordon has now cancelled the credit card he used to pay the fees.
5 Changes in Circuit for 2020.
Circuit Manager Bob Marousky gave each Director a copy of a letter from APS explaining changes in the circuit for 2020. Mainly the change involves the club paying $10 in advance for each circuit the Club requests. Since the Club gets a circuit every month, the Circuit Manager was given a check for $120.00 to pay for the entire 12 monthly 2020 circuits. There are provisions for the Club to get money back depending on the amount purchased from the circuit on a monthly basis. (See Attachment 4 – APS letter about Circuit changes)
6 Meeting Dates for 2020
The Board approved the below calendar dates for meetings in 2020. Two meetings will be on the Second Saturday of the month due to conflicts with holidays. Those months are July and September. The request for use of the Library Meeting Room will be submitted for these dates. These are also the dates the APS will use to determine when to send our Club Circuit.
2020 Stamp Club Meeting Dates
January 4
February 1
March 7
April 4
May 2
June 6
July 11 (second Saturday)
August 1
September 12 (second Saturday)
October 3
November 7
December 5
Meeting adjourned at 1:50 pm
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy of minutes signed)
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1– sign in sheet.
Attachment 2– Gordon Nelms Letter of Resignation - Director
Attachment 3 – Gordon Nelms Letter of Resignation – Director of Shows
Attachment 4 – Letter from APS about 2020 Circuit fee changes
Gulf Coast Stamp Club September 7, 2019
Agenda - Monthly Business Meeting
Meeting called to order at 2:10 pm by President Rob O’Dell. There were 13 members present and no guests. A quorum was met and the meeting is official. (See Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet.
Minutes August 2019 Minutes
A motion was made and passed to accept the Minutes as posted on the Club Website (www.gulfcoaststampclub.org).
Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Mike Kayes. Treasurer’s report
A motion was made and passed to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read. (See Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Report)
Director of Stamp Shows – Gordon Nelms
Gordon spoke about the committees that we will need for GULFPEX 2020. A sheet was passed around and Gordon asked members to sign up for committees they would like to work on.
Here is the committee index for GULFPEX 2020:
Marketing - Print Media
Marketing - Radio/Television
Registration/Raffle/Club Sales
Cancellation/Cachet/USPS Contact
Program Booklet/Flyers/Leaflets
Exhibits/GCSC Show Displays
Old Business
Rob O’Dell – Dolphin Stamps We have not heard anything from the student who received the stamps. Decision was made to close this item.
Rob O’Dell - Naming New Director
President Rob O’Dell announced that the replacement Director to fill out Mary Ann Graczyk’s term is Dr. John Barrett
Rob O’Dell – Presentation of Lifetime Certificate to Mary Ann Graczyk.
The framed signed certificate was shown to Club members. Mary Ann was not present and the framed certificate will be delivered to her at her work place or home.
Dr. John Barrett – distribution of wooden Frames
Dr. Barrett had eight frames in his truck outside. Members who requested a frame or frames can pick them up after the meeting.
Boxes of stamps from APS
The stamps in the large boxes we received from American Philatelic Society (APS) were divided into several smaller boxes. Members can take a box home then pay the Treasurer for how many stamps taken. Stamps or pieces of paper with several stamps are five cents ($0.05) per item.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
Gordon discussed the contents of the September Club website. Feature article was on the Biloxi Lighthouse. Philatelic word for the month is ATM - In the United States, panes of self-adhesive stamps on a liner the approximate size and shape of U.S. currency, designed for dispensing from automatic teller machines
There were two other feature articles. One was on VJ Day 2 September 1945 covers. Also included was a picture of one of the Atomic Bomb protest stamps. Second article was on Postage Stamps: A Convergence of Metallurgy, Art and History.
2nd Monthly Meeting – Bob Marousky
Tabled until we have some plans are made.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allegue
Club representative to the Southeastern Federation was not present at the meeting due to planned vacation.
Treasurer Mike Kayes did receive an email from someone at the Federation stating that we would be getting an invoice for the 2019 dues sometime in the next month.
Circuit – Bob Marousky
The circuit is doing well. Sales in the circuit have been above the two hundred dollar ($200.00), below which we pay a 5 percent (5%) surcharge. If any member would like a country or topic added (or deleted) please contact Bob Marousky.
New Business
Discussion on Raffle Prize for GULFPEX 2020
A member noticed that there was a 4 margin Penny Black with a red Maltese Cross in the circuit. They asked if we should purchase it for the raffle at GULFPEX 2020 like we did last year. There was discussion on possible items for the raffle including signed photo of Fred Haise the Biloxi astronaut who was on Apollo 13 or something else. Item in circuit (penny black) not purchased.
Felix Perez-Folch suggested that maybe we could use a cutout of the state of Mississippi decorated with stamps that relate to the State. He would be willing to bring in a sample.
Since the theme of our show is Apollo 13, it was suggested that we have something related to Fred Haise. Gordon, Director of Stamp Shows, mentioned that he has researched the cost of Fred Haise memorabilia and it is very expensive. We also have to be careful how we use his name because his name is copyrighted. Note: this discussion will be carried as an open item under Director of Stamp Shows.
Open for members announcements
Volunteer for October Education Program
Elaine LeGros will present how to see the micro printing on some US stamps.
Show and Tell by Members
Bundles of Stamps – Bob Marousky brought in examples of bundles stamps. Each bundle usually contained 100 copies of the stamps. The bundles were made for dealers to make up packets of stamps. An article by Herman Herst describing bundling of stamps was presented to members to read
A recent issue of the ASDA (American Stamp Dealer Association) magazine featured an article about stamps relating to Alfred E. Newman mascot of MAD. Bob Marousky showed the article from a book on Political Campaign Material that talked about where the original Alfred was first seen. Alfred’s image was first used in the 1932 Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) Presidential Campaign. The image was used by FDR’s opponent to show what a typical FDR voter looked like
Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 2:55 pm.
Education Presentation
Felix Perez-Folch, Jr – Scott US #801 – the La Fortaleza stamp, San Juan Puerto Rico (PR).
This is the stamp that got Felix interested in stamp collecting. It shows a picture of the Puerto Rican Governor’s Mansion which is “the oldest still in use Governor’s Mansion in this side of the world”. The stamp is a part of an issue to honor the Territories of the United States.
His goal is to have a multiframe exhibit on the stamp ready for the International 2026 Stamp Show in Boston, MA. Felix’s dream is to win a gold medal and maybe Best of Show. The exhibit will have everything you wanted to know about this stamp including different cacheted First Day Covers, covers from naval ships that stopped in PR, errors in the stamp, paper trail covering the design and printing of the stamps, collateral material like postcards, etc. In addition Felix has the first copy of Scott 801 that he purchased. He even had it certified.
It was a very impressive presentation that encouraged lots of questions and discussion. After he finishes this exhibit he plans on doing an exhibit on the 1957 100th Anniversary of Mississippi Statehood. He has already started collecting material.
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – sign in sheet.
Attachment 2 – Treasurers Report
Agenda - Monthly Business Meeting
Meeting called to order at 2:10 pm by President Rob O’Dell. There were 13 members present and no guests. A quorum was met and the meeting is official. (See Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet.
Minutes August 2019 Minutes
A motion was made and passed to accept the Minutes as posted on the Club Website (www.gulfcoaststampclub.org).
Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Mike Kayes. Treasurer’s report
A motion was made and passed to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read. (See Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Report)
Director of Stamp Shows – Gordon Nelms
Gordon spoke about the committees that we will need for GULFPEX 2020. A sheet was passed around and Gordon asked members to sign up for committees they would like to work on.
Here is the committee index for GULFPEX 2020:
Marketing - Print Media
Marketing - Radio/Television
Registration/Raffle/Club Sales
Cancellation/Cachet/USPS Contact
Program Booklet/Flyers/Leaflets
Exhibits/GCSC Show Displays
Old Business
Rob O’Dell – Dolphin Stamps We have not heard anything from the student who received the stamps. Decision was made to close this item.
Rob O’Dell - Naming New Director
President Rob O’Dell announced that the replacement Director to fill out Mary Ann Graczyk’s term is Dr. John Barrett
Rob O’Dell – Presentation of Lifetime Certificate to Mary Ann Graczyk.
The framed signed certificate was shown to Club members. Mary Ann was not present and the framed certificate will be delivered to her at her work place or home.
Dr. John Barrett – distribution of wooden Frames
Dr. Barrett had eight frames in his truck outside. Members who requested a frame or frames can pick them up after the meeting.
Boxes of stamps from APS
The stamps in the large boxes we received from American Philatelic Society (APS) were divided into several smaller boxes. Members can take a box home then pay the Treasurer for how many stamps taken. Stamps or pieces of paper with several stamps are five cents ($0.05) per item.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
Gordon discussed the contents of the September Club website. Feature article was on the Biloxi Lighthouse. Philatelic word for the month is ATM - In the United States, panes of self-adhesive stamps on a liner the approximate size and shape of U.S. currency, designed for dispensing from automatic teller machines
There were two other feature articles. One was on VJ Day 2 September 1945 covers. Also included was a picture of one of the Atomic Bomb protest stamps. Second article was on Postage Stamps: A Convergence of Metallurgy, Art and History.
2nd Monthly Meeting – Bob Marousky
Tabled until we have some plans are made.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allegue
Club representative to the Southeastern Federation was not present at the meeting due to planned vacation.
Treasurer Mike Kayes did receive an email from someone at the Federation stating that we would be getting an invoice for the 2019 dues sometime in the next month.
Circuit – Bob Marousky
The circuit is doing well. Sales in the circuit have been above the two hundred dollar ($200.00), below which we pay a 5 percent (5%) surcharge. If any member would like a country or topic added (or deleted) please contact Bob Marousky.
New Business
Discussion on Raffle Prize for GULFPEX 2020
A member noticed that there was a 4 margin Penny Black with a red Maltese Cross in the circuit. They asked if we should purchase it for the raffle at GULFPEX 2020 like we did last year. There was discussion on possible items for the raffle including signed photo of Fred Haise the Biloxi astronaut who was on Apollo 13 or something else. Item in circuit (penny black) not purchased.
Felix Perez-Folch suggested that maybe we could use a cutout of the state of Mississippi decorated with stamps that relate to the State. He would be willing to bring in a sample.
Since the theme of our show is Apollo 13, it was suggested that we have something related to Fred Haise. Gordon, Director of Stamp Shows, mentioned that he has researched the cost of Fred Haise memorabilia and it is very expensive. We also have to be careful how we use his name because his name is copyrighted. Note: this discussion will be carried as an open item under Director of Stamp Shows.
Open for members announcements
Volunteer for October Education Program
Elaine LeGros will present how to see the micro printing on some US stamps.
Show and Tell by Members
Bundles of Stamps – Bob Marousky brought in examples of bundles stamps. Each bundle usually contained 100 copies of the stamps. The bundles were made for dealers to make up packets of stamps. An article by Herman Herst describing bundling of stamps was presented to members to read
A recent issue of the ASDA (American Stamp Dealer Association) magazine featured an article about stamps relating to Alfred E. Newman mascot of MAD. Bob Marousky showed the article from a book on Political Campaign Material that talked about where the original Alfred was first seen. Alfred’s image was first used in the 1932 Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) Presidential Campaign. The image was used by FDR’s opponent to show what a typical FDR voter looked like
Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 2:55 pm.
Education Presentation
Felix Perez-Folch, Jr – Scott US #801 – the La Fortaleza stamp, San Juan Puerto Rico (PR).
This is the stamp that got Felix interested in stamp collecting. It shows a picture of the Puerto Rican Governor’s Mansion which is “the oldest still in use Governor’s Mansion in this side of the world”. The stamp is a part of an issue to honor the Territories of the United States.
His goal is to have a multiframe exhibit on the stamp ready for the International 2026 Stamp Show in Boston, MA. Felix’s dream is to win a gold medal and maybe Best of Show. The exhibit will have everything you wanted to know about this stamp including different cacheted First Day Covers, covers from naval ships that stopped in PR, errors in the stamp, paper trail covering the design and printing of the stamps, collateral material like postcards, etc. In addition Felix has the first copy of Scott 801 that he purchased. He even had it certified.
It was a very impressive presentation that encouraged lots of questions and discussion. After he finishes this exhibit he plans on doing an exhibit on the 1957 100th Anniversary of Mississippi Statehood. He has already started collecting material.
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – sign in sheet.
Attachment 2 – Treasurers Report
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Executive Board Meeting
October 5, 2019
Four Board members were present. Quorum was met. (See Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet)
Time started: 1:35 pm
Old Business
1 Library
The Club has signed a memo of understanding with the St. Martin Library allowing the Club to store meeting materials there.
2 Gordon Item 1
Gordon Nelms announced that he is resigning from the position of Director. This will be his last meeting. (See Attachment 2 – Letter of Resignation – Director)
3 Gordon Item 2
Gordon Nelms announced that he is resigning from the position of Director of Shows effective immediately. He turned in all files about the show that he developed during his time as Director of Shows. President Robert O’Dell thanked Gordon for his work as a Director and the Director of Shows. (See Attachment 3 – Letter of Resignation – Director of Shows)
4 Webmaster
Gordon said that he will continue as the Club Webmaster until we find a replacement. He reminded the Club that he paid the website hosting fees with one of his credit cards and was then reimbursed by the Club. The website host will only accept payment by credit card and Gordon has now cancelled the credit card he used to pay the fees.
5 Changes in Circuit for 2020.
Circuit Manager Bob Marousky gave each Director a copy of a letter from APS explaining changes in the circuit for 2020. Mainly the change involves the club paying $10 in advance for each circuit the Club requests. Since the Club gets a circuit every month, the Circuit Manager was given a check for $120.00 to pay for the entire 12 monthly 2020 circuits. There are provisions for the Club to get money back depending on the amount purchased from the circuit on a monthly basis. (See Attachment 4 – APS letter about Circuit changes)
6 Meeting Dates for 2020
The Board approved the below calendar dates for meetings in 2020. Two meetings will be on the Second Saturday of the month due to conflicts with holidays. Those months are July and September. The request for use of the Library Meeting Room will be submitted for these dates. These are also the dates the APS will use to determine when to send our Club Circuit.
2020 Stamp Club Meeting Dates
January 4
February 1
March 7
April 4
May 2
June 6
July 11 (second Saturday)
August 1
September 12 (second Saturday)
October 3
November 7
December 5
Meeting adjourned at 1:50 pm
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy of minutes signed)
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1– sign in sheet.
Attachment 2– Gordon Nelms Letter of Resignation - Director
Attachment 3 – Gordon Nelms Letter of Resignation – Director of Shows
Attachment 4 – Letter from APS about 2020 Circuit fee changes
Executive Board Meeting
October 5, 2019
Four Board members were present. Quorum was met. (See Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet)
Time started: 1:35 pm
Old Business
1 Library
The Club has signed a memo of understanding with the St. Martin Library allowing the Club to store meeting materials there.
2 Gordon Item 1
Gordon Nelms announced that he is resigning from the position of Director. This will be his last meeting. (See Attachment 2 – Letter of Resignation – Director)
3 Gordon Item 2
Gordon Nelms announced that he is resigning from the position of Director of Shows effective immediately. He turned in all files about the show that he developed during his time as Director of Shows. President Robert O’Dell thanked Gordon for his work as a Director and the Director of Shows. (See Attachment 3 – Letter of Resignation – Director of Shows)
4 Webmaster
Gordon said that he will continue as the Club Webmaster until we find a replacement. He reminded the Club that he paid the website hosting fees with one of his credit cards and was then reimbursed by the Club. The website host will only accept payment by credit card and Gordon has now cancelled the credit card he used to pay the fees.
5 Changes in Circuit for 2020.
Circuit Manager Bob Marousky gave each Director a copy of a letter from APS explaining changes in the circuit for 2020. Mainly the change involves the club paying $10 in advance for each circuit the Club requests. Since the Club gets a circuit every month, the Circuit Manager was given a check for $120.00 to pay for the entire 12 monthly 2020 circuits. There are provisions for the Club to get money back depending on the amount purchased from the circuit on a monthly basis. (See Attachment 4 – APS letter about Circuit changes)
6 Meeting Dates for 2020
The Board approved the below calendar dates for meetings in 2020. Two meetings will be on the Second Saturday of the month due to conflicts with holidays. Those months are July and September. The request for use of the Library Meeting Room will be submitted for these dates. These are also the dates the APS will use to determine when to send our Club Circuit.
2020 Stamp Club Meeting Dates
January 4
February 1
March 7
April 4
May 2
June 6
July 11 (second Saturday)
August 1
September 12 (second Saturday)
October 3
November 7
December 5
Meeting adjourned at 1:50 pm
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy of minutes signed)
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1– sign in sheet.
Attachment 2– Gordon Nelms Letter of Resignation - Director
Attachment 3 – Gordon Nelms Letter of Resignation – Director of Shows
Attachment 4 – Letter from APS about 2020 Circuit fee changes
Gulf Coast Stamp Club August 3, 2019
Monthly Business Meeting
Meeting called to order at 2 pm by President Rob O’Dell. There were 16 members present and no guests. A quorum was met and the meeting is official. (See Attachment – Sign in Sheet)
Minutes June 2019 Minutes
A motion was made and passed to accept the Minutes as posted on the Club website.
Treasurer’s Report
A motion was made and passed to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read. (See Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Report)
GULFPEX 2020 - Gordon
Because the person who is the Director of GULFPEX is also going to be the Director for the Fall Bourse, the Executive Board voted to change that person’s title to Director of Stamp Shows.
The Fall show will be a Bourse only (no exhibits) to be held on Friday/Saturday, October 9-10.
At the Fall Bourse we will be trying to attract more visitors by allowing dealers to sell coins and small ephemera. At least half of each dealer’s tables must be philatelic items (stamps, covers, postcards, supplies).
Old Business
Rob O’Dell sent the Dolphin Stamps to the young lady who requested them. He has not heard anything back as yet.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
On the Home page just above the information for the next meeting there is a tab that will let you navigate between: Meeting Information, USPS New Issues, Circuit Content, and Contact GCSC.
Another new feature added to the Home page is a section devoted to how to pronounce Philatelic terms, such as this month’s term –
Intaglio: /inˈtalyō,inˈtälyō/ which is a method of printing stamps.
Also on the Home page was an article on the Richard E. Bryd stamp that is better known as the “Little America Stamp”. You can read how the stamp was used to fund Byrd’s Antarctic expedition.
2nd Monthly Meeting – Bob Marousky
Bob suggested that we have a stamp soaking party for one of our second monthly meetings. The idea was rejected hands down.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allgue
There are concerns about the Southeastern Federation’s website. They do not have a full time webmaster so the site does not get updated as it should.
Al participated in the quarterly Federation conference call. He had nothing to bring to the members from that call.
We are still considering maintaining our membership in the federation if for nothing more that advertising of the Club and our Shows.
Circuit – Bob Marousky
Again last month we exceeded the $200 dollar mark. If sales are below that mark we pay an extra 5% on the sales.
New Business
1 Mary Ann Graczyk’s resignation as director:
For her numerous contributions to the Club, the Executive Board voted to make her a Life Member.
2 Status of Wooden Frames:
The Club has 13 of the wooden frames made by Robert Whitaker. They are double sided, 16 pages each side and need to be on a table. The Executive Board has decided to make frames available to club members free. The following members have asked for frame(s): Dr. John – 3, Rob – 1, Mike – 1, Cynthia – 2, Bob M. – 1. That means there are 5 more frames available. If Club members do not take the frames we will see about donating them to libraries or schools.
3 Donation of 2 boxes of stamps from the APS:
Thanks to Felix, we have two boxes of stamps, US and Foreign, on and off paper.
Members can take the boxes home and go through them. Each stamp or piece with stamps will cost 5 cents.
August Birthdays
Happy Birthday to three Club members: Mary Ann Graczyk, Bob Whitaker and Robert “Bob” Marousky
Volunteer for September Education Program
If Felix is available, he will do the program on the Puerto Rican stamp. If he is not available, Rob O’Dell will do a program.
Show and Tell by Members
Examples of the 1933/4 Richard Byrd stamps:
Gordon brought in several examples including a First Day Cover. Bob’s examples were covers sent to Little America in 1934 and 1935. Both covers were returned in 1935. The 1934 cover had a note explaining that there were delays in handling and it was being returned a year late.
Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm.
Education Presentation
Dr. John did a presentation on the Red Mercury Newspaper Stamp. During the early Austria Hungarian Empire, newspapers were the main way information was moved throughout the Empire. The color of the stamp told how many newspapers were being mailed. Blue was 1 paper, yellow 10, Rose 50, and Red 10 which replaced the earlier yellow stamp. The stamp showed the head and winged helmet of the god Mercury, thus the name. The Red Mercury was introduced as the newspaper service was ending and is the rarest of these stamps. Because of their rarity there are many, many fakes on the market. You should have this stamp expertise before spending 8 to 10 thousand dollars.
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy of minutes signed)
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – sign in sheet.
Attachment 2 – Treasurers Report
Monthly Business Meeting
Meeting called to order at 2 pm by President Rob O’Dell. There were 16 members present and no guests. A quorum was met and the meeting is official. (See Attachment – Sign in Sheet)
Minutes June 2019 Minutes
A motion was made and passed to accept the Minutes as posted on the Club website.
Treasurer’s Report
A motion was made and passed to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read. (See Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Report)
GULFPEX 2020 - Gordon
Because the person who is the Director of GULFPEX is also going to be the Director for the Fall Bourse, the Executive Board voted to change that person’s title to Director of Stamp Shows.
The Fall show will be a Bourse only (no exhibits) to be held on Friday/Saturday, October 9-10.
At the Fall Bourse we will be trying to attract more visitors by allowing dealers to sell coins and small ephemera. At least half of each dealer’s tables must be philatelic items (stamps, covers, postcards, supplies).
Old Business
Rob O’Dell sent the Dolphin Stamps to the young lady who requested them. He has not heard anything back as yet.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
On the Home page just above the information for the next meeting there is a tab that will let you navigate between: Meeting Information, USPS New Issues, Circuit Content, and Contact GCSC.
Another new feature added to the Home page is a section devoted to how to pronounce Philatelic terms, such as this month’s term –
Intaglio: /inˈtalyō,inˈtälyō/ which is a method of printing stamps.
Also on the Home page was an article on the Richard E. Bryd stamp that is better known as the “Little America Stamp”. You can read how the stamp was used to fund Byrd’s Antarctic expedition.
2nd Monthly Meeting – Bob Marousky
Bob suggested that we have a stamp soaking party for one of our second monthly meetings. The idea was rejected hands down.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allgue
There are concerns about the Southeastern Federation’s website. They do not have a full time webmaster so the site does not get updated as it should.
Al participated in the quarterly Federation conference call. He had nothing to bring to the members from that call.
We are still considering maintaining our membership in the federation if for nothing more that advertising of the Club and our Shows.
Circuit – Bob Marousky
Again last month we exceeded the $200 dollar mark. If sales are below that mark we pay an extra 5% on the sales.
New Business
1 Mary Ann Graczyk’s resignation as director:
For her numerous contributions to the Club, the Executive Board voted to make her a Life Member.
2 Status of Wooden Frames:
The Club has 13 of the wooden frames made by Robert Whitaker. They are double sided, 16 pages each side and need to be on a table. The Executive Board has decided to make frames available to club members free. The following members have asked for frame(s): Dr. John – 3, Rob – 1, Mike – 1, Cynthia – 2, Bob M. – 1. That means there are 5 more frames available. If Club members do not take the frames we will see about donating them to libraries or schools.
3 Donation of 2 boxes of stamps from the APS:
Thanks to Felix, we have two boxes of stamps, US and Foreign, on and off paper.
Members can take the boxes home and go through them. Each stamp or piece with stamps will cost 5 cents.
August Birthdays
Happy Birthday to three Club members: Mary Ann Graczyk, Bob Whitaker and Robert “Bob” Marousky
Volunteer for September Education Program
If Felix is available, he will do the program on the Puerto Rican stamp. If he is not available, Rob O’Dell will do a program.
Show and Tell by Members
Examples of the 1933/4 Richard Byrd stamps:
Gordon brought in several examples including a First Day Cover. Bob’s examples were covers sent to Little America in 1934 and 1935. Both covers were returned in 1935. The 1934 cover had a note explaining that there were delays in handling and it was being returned a year late.
Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm.
Education Presentation
Dr. John did a presentation on the Red Mercury Newspaper Stamp. During the early Austria Hungarian Empire, newspapers were the main way information was moved throughout the Empire. The color of the stamp told how many newspapers were being mailed. Blue was 1 paper, yellow 10, Rose 50, and Red 10 which replaced the earlier yellow stamp. The stamp showed the head and winged helmet of the god Mercury, thus the name. The Red Mercury was introduced as the newspaper service was ending and is the rarest of these stamps. Because of their rarity there are many, many fakes on the market. You should have this stamp expertise before spending 8 to 10 thousand dollars.
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy of minutes signed)
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – sign in sheet.
Attachment 2 – Treasurers Report
Gulf Coast Stamp Club February 2, 2019 Monthly Business Meeting - Agenda
February 2, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 2 pm by President Robert O’Dell in the St. Martin Library Meeting Room. There were 16 members present and no guests. A Quorum was met for an official meeting. (See attachment 1, sign-in sheet)
Minutes The January 2019 minutes were approved as posted.
Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Mike Kayes corrected an error on the January 2019 report at the meeting. Report for February, 2019 was approved as read. (See attachments 2 – Corrected January 2019 Report, 3 – February Report, and 4 – Comprehensive Report 2019)
Open items from January Meeting
Show Poster – Mary Ann
Poster will be posted in Library
Having the Library involved in encouraging students to come to the show – Mary Ann
Invitations to be mailed 4 February 2019
Suggestions to have speakers from Woman’s groups – Mary Ann
We will be having visitors not speakers at the show
Show Cancellation – Mike Kayes
Submitted to Post Office – Complete
Help may be needed at the Cancelation table during the show, especially on Friday.
Raffle Prize – Rob O’Dell
Price of tickets for the Penny Black Stamp and framed Queen Victoria picture will be $1.00 for 1 ticket and $5.00 for 6 ticketsExhibits – Dr. John Barrett
As of today we have 27 of 32 frames with committed exhibits
The APS Judge will not charge the Club
Transportation of frames to and from the show will be coordinated by Tom Adams and Al Alleque.
Other GULFPEX 2019 Items
There will be 4 round tables for workshops coordinated by Mary Ann Grazcyk. She has requested at least one long table instead of round tables.
8 confirmed and 2 more possible dealers.
Eric White will submit a floorplan of the show to Mary Ann Grazxyk for show booklet and Gordon Nelms for website.
Gordon Nelms will be ordering 1000 postcards from Vista print to advertise the show. Most of the cards will be mailed by Mike Kayes with help from members. Other cards to be used as drop advertising.
300 trifold brochures for advertising were folded by members. They will be used as drop advertising.
Elaine LeGros asked to borrow another postal decoder to be used at one of the workshops. Mike Kayes volunteered his on the condition it not be left unattended. The decoders are no longer made and the price on ebay is around $50.
Old Business
Theme ideas for 2020 Show – On Hold until after Show
The Board of Directors announced that the date for GULFPEX 2020 will be Friday and Saturday, April 17 &18, 2020. That is the week after Easter.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
Requested the names of Women’s Clubs and Organizations so they can be posted on the website.
Requested final list of dealers to post on website.
Additional information to be covered in today’s educational Program.
2nd Monthly Meeting – Bob Marousky
Thanks to Dr John Barrett, we now have a possible place in Gulfport for the second meeting. Mike Kayes and Bob Marousky visited Julie Egressy Executive Director of the. Mercy Housing & Human Development Center at 1135 Ford St. Gulfport, MS 39507 (phone # 228 896 1945 and found this facility acceptable for meetings. There are two rooms that will hold 20+ club members. It also has kitchen facilities. It is located off Pass Road just east of Cowen Rd and is right before the large Mardi Gras Store.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allgue
The GULFPEX 2019 show information has been updated on the Federation site.
Gordon Nelms requested AL to contact the Federation and get their seal image along with permission for us to use it on our website.
Circuit – Bob Marousky
This is the third straight month that we have over $200 in sales.
One request for addition to the circuit content was made.
New Business
Cacheted covers made by the Huntsville Stamp Club for Alabama 200th anniversary stamp First Day Ceremony were shown. The event will be Feb 23, 2019 in Huntsville.
February is the month to form Nomination Committee for the May election of officers. President O’Dell asked for volunteers. Cathy Marousky, Robin Overstreet, Tom and Margie Nolan volunteered. They will be given the necessary information on their duties.
Mary Ann Grazcyk announced that there will be a form for individuals to submit if they want to honor a woman in the show program. Listing is free.
There was discussion on the possible need for extra tables for the show. It was suggested that we ask the library if we can use some of their tables. Bob Marousky will contact Meg Henderson, Head Librarian.
It was announced that Board of Director Chris Chidcester was resigning his position because he will be moving to the Alabama Gulf Coast on Valentine’s Day. Gordon Nelms will fill the rest of Chris’s term on the Board. Chris was praised for all he has done for our Club. He has served in many positions such as Show Chairman, President, Vice President and Director. He will be missed and everyone wishes him good luck.
Volunteer for March Education Program
Eric White will present a program on selling stamps online using ebay and hipstamps.
Adjournment 2:37 pm
Education Presentation by Gordon Nelms
Gordon started out by doing a survey of how many members used the website frequently. Sadly it was less than 50%. He said that his goal for this presentation was to help members understand and use the website more effectively. Starting with a review of the homepage, he talked about how he plans the theme for each month. He then researches US and worldwide stamps that go along with the theme to add to the website.
One of the Themes for February was Candlemas and some members were not familiar with the holiday. That demonstrated how the website is used as a learning tool. Members are encouraged to share philatelic information that can be used, such as the Valentine ’s Day postcards and the Valentine’s Day Naval cover on this month’s site. At the bottom of the homepage members will find what is in the current months APS circuit.
Gordon then went over each of the different tabs found on the homepage. Those tabs are:
• About/Contact Us – you can send Gordon emails from here.
• President’s Message
• Minutes and ByLaws – Minutes for the previous 12 months can be found here. You can also check the Club ByLaws.
• GULFPEX – Here you can find information on this year’s show along with information and photos from previous years.
• Calendar/Links – A philatelic calendar of events and links to other philatelic websites that might be of interest. Also information for people who have inherited collections and want to know what they can do with the collection.
• Members’ Activities – Items submitted by members to share with others.
• Club Presentations
Gordon finished by reminding members this is their website. Members comments and submissions are always welcome.
Official Copy Signed
Robert T. Marousky, Secretary
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheets
Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Reports
Executive Board Meeting
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
February 2, 2019
The meeting of the Executive Board was called to order at 1 pm by President Rob O’Dell. Five board members present (one absent) and two guests. (See attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet). Quorum met and Meeting official
1 Selection of a date for the 2020 GULFPEX show. After discussion Friday/Saturday April 17/18, 2020 was chosen as the show date.
2 Raffle ticket prices: Decision was made that the raffle tickets for the Penny Black Stamp will be one dollar each or six for five dollars.
3 Decision of using postcard developed by member Gordon Nelms: After review and minor corrections, the Board decided to order 1000 postcards. Gordon will order them and notify us when they arrive. Mike will purchase and print the labels along with furnishing postage at a discount to the club. Board members volunteered to help put labels and postage on the cards.
4. Moving display frames from storage to show and back: Tom Adams volunteered to find individuals for this task. Remuneration will be $100.00 for the complete task. Note: After the meeting, Al Alleque volunteered a truck to move the frames.
5. Data Capture at Show: The Club needs to develop a way to find out how people attending the show learned about it. Open item.
6. Need show floor plan: Eric White did not have it complete at this time. A deadline of Feb 15 was set for him to send it to Mary Ann (for booklet) and Gordon (to put on Website).
7. Plan for board meeting to finalize all show plans: The date Saturday, February 23 was suggested. Bob Marousky will check with the library to see if the room is available.
8. APS Election: Board voted to pass on voting this year.
9. Letter to delinquent members: Board reviewed a letter to be sent out to all dues delinquent Club members. Letter approved and will be mailed on Monday (February 4, 2019).
10. Honoring women in show program: Mary Any Grazyk will distribute a form that members can fill out if they want a woman’s name to be printed in the tribute to women section of the show program. This will be free.
11. Show Budget: There are several items that we did not have in this year’s budget. After the show, the Board will examine all expenses to develop a budget for the 2020 show.
12. Resignation: Chris Chidcester tendered his resignation as a Club Director because he will be moving out of state. Everyone thanked Chris for all the work he has done to improve our Club and he will be missed. After discussion, the Board decided to ask Gordon Nelms if he would be willing to fill the vacancy until elections in May. Gordon agreed and will fill Chris’s position.
13. Ask New Orleans to list a link to our website on their site.
14. Rob O’Dell reported that he and or Eric White has contacted all the sites to advertise our show that was on the list we received from one of our dealers (Burdic). Mary Ann added some additional places to list the show.
Official Copy Signed
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet
February 2, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 2 pm by President Robert O’Dell in the St. Martin Library Meeting Room. There were 16 members present and no guests. A Quorum was met for an official meeting. (See attachment 1, sign-in sheet)
Minutes The January 2019 minutes were approved as posted.
Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Mike Kayes corrected an error on the January 2019 report at the meeting. Report for February, 2019 was approved as read. (See attachments 2 – Corrected January 2019 Report, 3 – February Report, and 4 – Comprehensive Report 2019)
Open items from January Meeting
Show Poster – Mary Ann
Poster will be posted in Library
Having the Library involved in encouraging students to come to the show – Mary Ann
Invitations to be mailed 4 February 2019
Suggestions to have speakers from Woman’s groups – Mary Ann
We will be having visitors not speakers at the show
Show Cancellation – Mike Kayes
Submitted to Post Office – Complete
Help may be needed at the Cancelation table during the show, especially on Friday.
Raffle Prize – Rob O’Dell
Price of tickets for the Penny Black Stamp and framed Queen Victoria picture will be $1.00 for 1 ticket and $5.00 for 6 ticketsExhibits – Dr. John Barrett
As of today we have 27 of 32 frames with committed exhibits
The APS Judge will not charge the Club
Transportation of frames to and from the show will be coordinated by Tom Adams and Al Alleque.
Other GULFPEX 2019 Items
There will be 4 round tables for workshops coordinated by Mary Ann Grazcyk. She has requested at least one long table instead of round tables.
8 confirmed and 2 more possible dealers.
Eric White will submit a floorplan of the show to Mary Ann Grazxyk for show booklet and Gordon Nelms for website.
Gordon Nelms will be ordering 1000 postcards from Vista print to advertise the show. Most of the cards will be mailed by Mike Kayes with help from members. Other cards to be used as drop advertising.
300 trifold brochures for advertising were folded by members. They will be used as drop advertising.
Elaine LeGros asked to borrow another postal decoder to be used at one of the workshops. Mike Kayes volunteered his on the condition it not be left unattended. The decoders are no longer made and the price on ebay is around $50.
Old Business
Theme ideas for 2020 Show – On Hold until after Show
The Board of Directors announced that the date for GULFPEX 2020 will be Friday and Saturday, April 17 &18, 2020. That is the week after Easter.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
Requested the names of Women’s Clubs and Organizations so they can be posted on the website.
Requested final list of dealers to post on website.
Additional information to be covered in today’s educational Program.
2nd Monthly Meeting – Bob Marousky
Thanks to Dr John Barrett, we now have a possible place in Gulfport for the second meeting. Mike Kayes and Bob Marousky visited Julie Egressy Executive Director of the. Mercy Housing & Human Development Center at 1135 Ford St. Gulfport, MS 39507 (phone # 228 896 1945 and found this facility acceptable for meetings. There are two rooms that will hold 20+ club members. It also has kitchen facilities. It is located off Pass Road just east of Cowen Rd and is right before the large Mardi Gras Store.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allgue
The GULFPEX 2019 show information has been updated on the Federation site.
Gordon Nelms requested AL to contact the Federation and get their seal image along with permission for us to use it on our website.
Circuit – Bob Marousky
This is the third straight month that we have over $200 in sales.
One request for addition to the circuit content was made.
New Business
Cacheted covers made by the Huntsville Stamp Club for Alabama 200th anniversary stamp First Day Ceremony were shown. The event will be Feb 23, 2019 in Huntsville.
February is the month to form Nomination Committee for the May election of officers. President O’Dell asked for volunteers. Cathy Marousky, Robin Overstreet, Tom and Margie Nolan volunteered. They will be given the necessary information on their duties.
Mary Ann Grazcyk announced that there will be a form for individuals to submit if they want to honor a woman in the show program. Listing is free.
There was discussion on the possible need for extra tables for the show. It was suggested that we ask the library if we can use some of their tables. Bob Marousky will contact Meg Henderson, Head Librarian.
It was announced that Board of Director Chris Chidcester was resigning his position because he will be moving to the Alabama Gulf Coast on Valentine’s Day. Gordon Nelms will fill the rest of Chris’s term on the Board. Chris was praised for all he has done for our Club. He has served in many positions such as Show Chairman, President, Vice President and Director. He will be missed and everyone wishes him good luck.
Volunteer for March Education Program
Eric White will present a program on selling stamps online using ebay and hipstamps.
Adjournment 2:37 pm
Education Presentation by Gordon Nelms
Gordon started out by doing a survey of how many members used the website frequently. Sadly it was less than 50%. He said that his goal for this presentation was to help members understand and use the website more effectively. Starting with a review of the homepage, he talked about how he plans the theme for each month. He then researches US and worldwide stamps that go along with the theme to add to the website.
One of the Themes for February was Candlemas and some members were not familiar with the holiday. That demonstrated how the website is used as a learning tool. Members are encouraged to share philatelic information that can be used, such as the Valentine ’s Day postcards and the Valentine’s Day Naval cover on this month’s site. At the bottom of the homepage members will find what is in the current months APS circuit.
Gordon then went over each of the different tabs found on the homepage. Those tabs are:
• About/Contact Us – you can send Gordon emails from here.
• President’s Message
• Minutes and ByLaws – Minutes for the previous 12 months can be found here. You can also check the Club ByLaws.
• GULFPEX – Here you can find information on this year’s show along with information and photos from previous years.
• Calendar/Links – A philatelic calendar of events and links to other philatelic websites that might be of interest. Also information for people who have inherited collections and want to know what they can do with the collection.
• Members’ Activities – Items submitted by members to share with others.
• Club Presentations
Gordon finished by reminding members this is their website. Members comments and submissions are always welcome.
Official Copy Signed
Robert T. Marousky, Secretary
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheets
Attachment 2 – Treasurer’s Reports
Executive Board Meeting
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
February 2, 2019
The meeting of the Executive Board was called to order at 1 pm by President Rob O’Dell. Five board members present (one absent) and two guests. (See attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet). Quorum met and Meeting official
1 Selection of a date for the 2020 GULFPEX show. After discussion Friday/Saturday April 17/18, 2020 was chosen as the show date.
2 Raffle ticket prices: Decision was made that the raffle tickets for the Penny Black Stamp will be one dollar each or six for five dollars.
3 Decision of using postcard developed by member Gordon Nelms: After review and minor corrections, the Board decided to order 1000 postcards. Gordon will order them and notify us when they arrive. Mike will purchase and print the labels along with furnishing postage at a discount to the club. Board members volunteered to help put labels and postage on the cards.
4. Moving display frames from storage to show and back: Tom Adams volunteered to find individuals for this task. Remuneration will be $100.00 for the complete task. Note: After the meeting, Al Alleque volunteered a truck to move the frames.
5. Data Capture at Show: The Club needs to develop a way to find out how people attending the show learned about it. Open item.
6. Need show floor plan: Eric White did not have it complete at this time. A deadline of Feb 15 was set for him to send it to Mary Ann (for booklet) and Gordon (to put on Website).
7. Plan for board meeting to finalize all show plans: The date Saturday, February 23 was suggested. Bob Marousky will check with the library to see if the room is available.
8. APS Election: Board voted to pass on voting this year.
9. Letter to delinquent members: Board reviewed a letter to be sent out to all dues delinquent Club members. Letter approved and will be mailed on Monday (February 4, 2019).
10. Honoring women in show program: Mary Any Grazyk will distribute a form that members can fill out if they want a woman’s name to be printed in the tribute to women section of the show program. This will be free.
11. Show Budget: There are several items that we did not have in this year’s budget. After the show, the Board will examine all expenses to develop a budget for the 2020 show.
12. Resignation: Chris Chidcester tendered his resignation as a Club Director because he will be moving out of state. Everyone thanked Chris for all the work he has done to improve our Club and he will be missed. After discussion, the Board decided to ask Gordon Nelms if he would be willing to fill the vacancy until elections in May. Gordon agreed and will fill Chris’s position.
13. Ask New Orleans to list a link to our website on their site.
14. Rob O’Dell reported that he and or Eric White has contacted all the sites to advertise our show that was on the list we received from one of our dealers (Burdic). Mary Ann added some additional places to list the show.
Official Copy Signed
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet
Gulf Coast Stamp Club March 3, 2019 Monthly Business Meeting - Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 2:06 pm by President Robert O’Dell in the St. Martin Library Meeting Room. There were 15 members present and one guest. (The guest was Larry D. who just moved to the area. Sadly he lost his boyhood collection in the move. He does not have any specific collecting interests but collects what he finds interesting and attractive – if he likes the stamp, he collects it. Larry has joined our Club.) A Quorum was met for an official meeting. (See attachment 1, sign-in sheet)
Minutes The February 2019 minutes were approved as posted.
Treasurer’s Report Report approved as read. Mike Kayes also gave an overview of GULFPEX expenses. (See attachment 2, Treasurer’s Reports).
Open items from February Meeting
Show Poster – Mary Ann
Mary Ann was not given any information about the poster even though she asked several times. (Note: As we were leaving the meeting, we found a colored poster for our show on the Library door. They also had posters printed on lavender paper to be given out.)
Having the Library involved in encouraging students to come to the show – Mary Ann
No responses have been received at this time. A copy of the letter sent out was shown to the members. (See Attachment 3)
Visitors from Women’s groups – Mary Ann
There are 6 to 8 planning to visit the show on Saturday. Before the business meeting, the Executive Board approved the purchase of 50 guest bags to be given out at the show or to new members.
Raffle Prize – Rob O’Dell
Suggestion to get the picture of Queen Victoria matted was approved. We need to sell $140 in tickets to pay for stamp and picture.
Exhibits – Dr. John Barrett
At this time plans are for 27 frames. The frames will be delivered to the show room Thursday evening, but exhibits will not be set up until Friday morning. Judge Ray Pietruszka will do a critique of exhibits and awards for exhibitors. Awards will be APS medals with a special award for the best exhibit on women.
Other GULFPEX 2019 Items
Coordinate Frame set up time with Room set up. When to fill frames. Frames will be delivered Thursday night. Exhibitors need to bring their exhibits and plan to set them up between 7 & 9 am Friday morning.
Currently we have 8 dealers. We did lose dealers to the big show in Texas on the same weekend. Doors will be opened at 7 am on Friday for dealers to set up. Club members were asked to come early to help dealers move into the room and set up the exhibits.
Eric White provided a listing of dealers coming to the show along with the set up diagram floor plan for the show. (See attachment 4)
One Club member (Felix) asked to set up a table for display.
Old Business
Report from Nominating Committee (Cathy)
Before the business meeting, the nominating committee (Cathy Marousky, Tom & Margie Nolan, and Robin Overstreet) reviewed the By-Laws concerning qualifications to be an officer. According to By-Laws, a member must attend at least 8 events in the year prior to being nominated. A year is from February to February and an event is any organized club activity. Events include Monthly Business Meetings, Auctions, 2nd Monthly Meetings, and GULFPEX. Sign-in sheets need to be used at these events. The committee will announce the slate of candidates at the April meeting. Voting will be at the May meeting.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
Gordon reported on some changes on the website. He has changed some of the colors to make it more attractive. This month has a slide show about women on stamps; why March is National Woman’s Month; information about Mardi Gras saying that there are no US Mardi Gras stamps but there are some foreign Carnival stamps. The monthly question was: what year did Hawaii issue its last stamp? 1900 – No one answered correctly.
2nd Monthly Meeting – Bob Marousky
No second meeting in March because of the show. A possible topic for an April meeting is “Buying Stamps Online”.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allgue
No new items. The past problem with login has been solved.
Circuit – Bob Marousky
Circuit is doing well and we have sold more than $200 each month this year. No changes are planned in the want list.
New Business
The last founding member of our club, Harry Steindiender, passed away recently. Several members of the Club attended the viewing and funeral. A motion was made and passed to donate $50.00 to a philatelic organization in his memory. There will be a statement about his passing in the show program and a small memorial at the show.
Passing of Harry Steinwinder – see above
Show and Tell
Bob & Cathy Marousky and Felix attended the First Day of Issue ceremony for the Alabama 200th anniversary stamp. Covers made for and cancelled at the event were shown.
An Ertl metal truck model from 1982 that is also a coil stamp holder was shown.
Volunteer for April Education Program
Eric White volunteered to do a program on Revenue Stamps of the World in April. Members were asked to bring in examples of Revenue Stamps.
Adjournment 2:45 pm
Education Presentation by Eric White
Eric gave an interesting and valuable presentation on where to sell stamps online. He gave the advantages and disadvantages of each site. Online sites included Ebay, Delcamp, Hipstamps, Stamps2Go.com and the American Philatelic Society StampStore.org. He also suggested that members look at the Mystic Stamp Company website. The Mystic site provides excellent information on the US stamps that they sell. A collector can learn a lot from looking through their site. A copy of his handout is attached (see Attachment 5).
Official Copy Signed
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
1. Sign in sheet
2. Treasurer’s Report
3. Letter to Teachers
4. List of show dealers and floor plan
5. Handout on selling stamps on line by Eric White
Executive Board Meeting
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
March 2, 2019
The meeting of the Executive Board was called to order at 1 pm by President Rob O’Dell. Five board members present (one absent) and one guest. (See attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet). Quorum met and Meeting official. Note: The Nomination Committee met at the same time and their sign in is included on this Sheet)
Open items from February Board Meeting
1. Data Capture at Show: The Club needs to develop a way to find out how people attending the show learned about it. Open item.
Al Allegue has designed a form to be used at the show sign-in to help us determine where our advertising budget is best spent.
2. Need show floor plan: Eric White did not have it complete at this time. A deadline of Feb 15 was set for him to send it to Mary Ann (for booklet) and Gordon (to put on Website).
Eric White provided the dealer listing and floor plan for the show (See attachment 4 of the March Business Meeting Minutes)
3. Results of Letter sent to delinquent members?
Non respondents will be stricken from the membership listing. One former member, Ed Parrish has rejoined the Club.
New Items from Gordon
1. Southeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs has not changed the sign on to their site despite prompts from Al. This is now becoming a serious problem with web development.
Situation correct by Al
2. Can we get paper logo bags for our show guests and new members? Budget approx. $60 for 25 size 7.5 x 8.3
Gordon showed several designs that could be used on bags. Committee selected one asking that font colors be changed. It was decided to order 50 bags for $98.00 to be given out to guests and new members.
3. How many guests are we having? I need to prepare guest badges. Need specific names or just Guest on badges
No information
4. Need a list of vendors (with address, products, contact)
Provided by Eric White to Webmaster.
5. Need a list of women's organizations.
No information.
Any GULFPEX items
1. What info on outside sign?
Community Center will be asked to add the words “Stamp Show” to the sign.
2. Nominating Committee? What is a year? Jan to Jan or committee assigned date to same
A year for the Nominating Committee will be February to February.
3. Frame for Victoria’s Picture.
After discussion it was decided that the picture of Queen Victoria that will be included with the Penny Black Stamp auction would look better if it was matted. Funds up to $25.00 were approved to buy a mat for the picture.
Official Copy Signed
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Sign-in sheets for Executive and Nomination Committee.
The meeting was called to order at 2:06 pm by President Robert O’Dell in the St. Martin Library Meeting Room. There were 15 members present and one guest. (The guest was Larry D. who just moved to the area. Sadly he lost his boyhood collection in the move. He does not have any specific collecting interests but collects what he finds interesting and attractive – if he likes the stamp, he collects it. Larry has joined our Club.) A Quorum was met for an official meeting. (See attachment 1, sign-in sheet)
Minutes The February 2019 minutes were approved as posted.
Treasurer’s Report Report approved as read. Mike Kayes also gave an overview of GULFPEX expenses. (See attachment 2, Treasurer’s Reports).
Open items from February Meeting
Show Poster – Mary Ann
Mary Ann was not given any information about the poster even though she asked several times. (Note: As we were leaving the meeting, we found a colored poster for our show on the Library door. They also had posters printed on lavender paper to be given out.)
Having the Library involved in encouraging students to come to the show – Mary Ann
No responses have been received at this time. A copy of the letter sent out was shown to the members. (See Attachment 3)
Visitors from Women’s groups – Mary Ann
There are 6 to 8 planning to visit the show on Saturday. Before the business meeting, the Executive Board approved the purchase of 50 guest bags to be given out at the show or to new members.
Raffle Prize – Rob O’Dell
Suggestion to get the picture of Queen Victoria matted was approved. We need to sell $140 in tickets to pay for stamp and picture.
Exhibits – Dr. John Barrett
At this time plans are for 27 frames. The frames will be delivered to the show room Thursday evening, but exhibits will not be set up until Friday morning. Judge Ray Pietruszka will do a critique of exhibits and awards for exhibitors. Awards will be APS medals with a special award for the best exhibit on women.
Other GULFPEX 2019 Items
Coordinate Frame set up time with Room set up. When to fill frames. Frames will be delivered Thursday night. Exhibitors need to bring their exhibits and plan to set them up between 7 & 9 am Friday morning.
Currently we have 8 dealers. We did lose dealers to the big show in Texas on the same weekend. Doors will be opened at 7 am on Friday for dealers to set up. Club members were asked to come early to help dealers move into the room and set up the exhibits.
Eric White provided a listing of dealers coming to the show along with the set up diagram floor plan for the show. (See attachment 4)
One Club member (Felix) asked to set up a table for display.
Old Business
Report from Nominating Committee (Cathy)
Before the business meeting, the nominating committee (Cathy Marousky, Tom & Margie Nolan, and Robin Overstreet) reviewed the By-Laws concerning qualifications to be an officer. According to By-Laws, a member must attend at least 8 events in the year prior to being nominated. A year is from February to February and an event is any organized club activity. Events include Monthly Business Meetings, Auctions, 2nd Monthly Meetings, and GULFPEX. Sign-in sheets need to be used at these events. The committee will announce the slate of candidates at the April meeting. Voting will be at the May meeting.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
Gordon reported on some changes on the website. He has changed some of the colors to make it more attractive. This month has a slide show about women on stamps; why March is National Woman’s Month; information about Mardi Gras saying that there are no US Mardi Gras stamps but there are some foreign Carnival stamps. The monthly question was: what year did Hawaii issue its last stamp? 1900 – No one answered correctly.
2nd Monthly Meeting – Bob Marousky
No second meeting in March because of the show. A possible topic for an April meeting is “Buying Stamps Online”.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allgue
No new items. The past problem with login has been solved.
Circuit – Bob Marousky
Circuit is doing well and we have sold more than $200 each month this year. No changes are planned in the want list.
New Business
The last founding member of our club, Harry Steindiender, passed away recently. Several members of the Club attended the viewing and funeral. A motion was made and passed to donate $50.00 to a philatelic organization in his memory. There will be a statement about his passing in the show program and a small memorial at the show.
Passing of Harry Steinwinder – see above
Show and Tell
Bob & Cathy Marousky and Felix attended the First Day of Issue ceremony for the Alabama 200th anniversary stamp. Covers made for and cancelled at the event were shown.
An Ertl metal truck model from 1982 that is also a coil stamp holder was shown.
Volunteer for April Education Program
Eric White volunteered to do a program on Revenue Stamps of the World in April. Members were asked to bring in examples of Revenue Stamps.
Adjournment 2:45 pm
Education Presentation by Eric White
Eric gave an interesting and valuable presentation on where to sell stamps online. He gave the advantages and disadvantages of each site. Online sites included Ebay, Delcamp, Hipstamps, Stamps2Go.com and the American Philatelic Society StampStore.org. He also suggested that members look at the Mystic Stamp Company website. The Mystic site provides excellent information on the US stamps that they sell. A collector can learn a lot from looking through their site. A copy of his handout is attached (see Attachment 5).
Official Copy Signed
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
1. Sign in sheet
2. Treasurer’s Report
3. Letter to Teachers
4. List of show dealers and floor plan
5. Handout on selling stamps on line by Eric White
Executive Board Meeting
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
March 2, 2019
The meeting of the Executive Board was called to order at 1 pm by President Rob O’Dell. Five board members present (one absent) and one guest. (See attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet). Quorum met and Meeting official. Note: The Nomination Committee met at the same time and their sign in is included on this Sheet)
Open items from February Board Meeting
1. Data Capture at Show: The Club needs to develop a way to find out how people attending the show learned about it. Open item.
Al Allegue has designed a form to be used at the show sign-in to help us determine where our advertising budget is best spent.
2. Need show floor plan: Eric White did not have it complete at this time. A deadline of Feb 15 was set for him to send it to Mary Ann (for booklet) and Gordon (to put on Website).
Eric White provided the dealer listing and floor plan for the show (See attachment 4 of the March Business Meeting Minutes)
3. Results of Letter sent to delinquent members?
Non respondents will be stricken from the membership listing. One former member, Ed Parrish has rejoined the Club.
New Items from Gordon
1. Southeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs has not changed the sign on to their site despite prompts from Al. This is now becoming a serious problem with web development.
Situation correct by Al
2. Can we get paper logo bags for our show guests and new members? Budget approx. $60 for 25 size 7.5 x 8.3
Gordon showed several designs that could be used on bags. Committee selected one asking that font colors be changed. It was decided to order 50 bags for $98.00 to be given out to guests and new members.
3. How many guests are we having? I need to prepare guest badges. Need specific names or just Guest on badges
No information
4. Need a list of vendors (with address, products, contact)
Provided by Eric White to Webmaster.
5. Need a list of women's organizations.
No information.
Any GULFPEX items
1. What info on outside sign?
Community Center will be asked to add the words “Stamp Show” to the sign.
2. Nominating Committee? What is a year? Jan to Jan or committee assigned date to same
A year for the Nominating Committee will be February to February.
3. Frame for Victoria’s Picture.
After discussion it was decided that the picture of Queen Victoria that will be included with the Penny Black Stamp auction would look better if it was matted. Funds up to $25.00 were approved to buy a mat for the picture.
Official Copy Signed
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – Sign-in sheets for Executive and Nomination Committee.
Gulf Coast Stamp Club - Executive Board Meeting
April 6, 2019
No Open items from March Board Meeting
New Items for April Executive Board Meeting
1 Select design for Club stationary? – Gordon
Select from the 5 examples designed by Gordon.
2 Decision on May 4 meeting – Bob
The library is using the meeting room for a book sale that day. We can use the Mercy Housing & Human Development Center in Gulfport. However the USAF Thunderbirds are going to be on the coast that weekend and traffic may be heavy. The library is available on the 3rd weekend (May 18) for a meeting.
3 Decision on 2nd Stamp Show this year – Bob and Gordon
Tentatively the Community Center is available for Saturday 9 November 2019. That is the only open Saturday in the Fall of 2019.
4. Names on the Club Bank Account - Mike
Currently on the list are Gordon, Don Swensen and Chris
Critique of GULFPEX 2019
1 Report on Show Budget/Expenses – Mike
2. Report on Data Capture from the show – what advertising worked best – Al
3. Change of Show Chair.
Gordon has volunteered for position
4. Proposed Themes for 2020 Show – Gordon
See list mail by Gordon
5. 2019 Show dealer evaluation – Gordon
See list mailed by Gordon
6. Letter sent to Dealers – Gordon
7. Other GULFPEX Critique items.
April 6, 2019
No Open items from March Board Meeting
New Items for April Executive Board Meeting
1 Select design for Club stationary? – Gordon
Select from the 5 examples designed by Gordon.
2 Decision on May 4 meeting – Bob
The library is using the meeting room for a book sale that day. We can use the Mercy Housing & Human Development Center in Gulfport. However the USAF Thunderbirds are going to be on the coast that weekend and traffic may be heavy. The library is available on the 3rd weekend (May 18) for a meeting.
3 Decision on 2nd Stamp Show this year – Bob and Gordon
Tentatively the Community Center is available for Saturday 9 November 2019. That is the only open Saturday in the Fall of 2019.
4. Names on the Club Bank Account - Mike
Currently on the list are Gordon, Don Swensen and Chris
Critique of GULFPEX 2019
1 Report on Show Budget/Expenses – Mike
2. Report on Data Capture from the show – what advertising worked best – Al
3. Change of Show Chair.
Gordon has volunteered for position
4. Proposed Themes for 2020 Show – Gordon
See list mail by Gordon
5. 2019 Show dealer evaluation – Gordon
See list mailed by Gordon
6. Letter sent to Dealers – Gordon
7. Other GULFPEX Critique items.
Gulf Coast Stamp Club June 1, 2019
Monthly Business Meeting
Called to order at 2 pm by President Rob O’Dell. There were 16 members present including a former member Robert Pratt who had not attended a meeting in a long while. Robert rejoined the Club. A quorum was met and the meeting was official. (See Attachment One, Sign in Sheet)
Minutes May 2019 Minutes
Motion was made and passed to accept the Minutes as posted on the Club website.
Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Mike Kayes. Treasurer’s report
Treasurer’s Report was read. Motion was made and passed to accept the Report.
Gordon Nelms has been appointed by the Executive Board to be the Director for GULFPEX 2020. Plan is for the Director to oversee all the GULFPEX Committees and report to the Show Chairman who is also the Club President. A job description is being prepared.
Old Business
Rob O’Dell reported that he has collected some dolphin related stamps for a young student that requested them. He is working with the school to get them to her.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
The June website has a listing of new US stamps that will be issued this month. They include President George Bush (41), USS Missouri, and Muppets. There is also a listing of June holidays. Gordon encouraged members to use the new message board.
2nd Monthly Meeting – Bob Marousky
Nothing scheduled for June. Members were reminded that the regular July Business meeting will be on the 13th instead of the 6th because of the July 4th holiday.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allgue
No Report – representative not at meeting.
Circuit – Bob Marousky
More individuals are buying from the circuit at the meetings. If anyone has a request for countries to be added to the circuit, please see Bob Marousky.
New Business
Club members Cathy and Bob Marousky will be giving a presentation on Meteorites on Thursday, June 6 from 2 to 3:30 here at the Library.
Huntspex (Huntsville, Al) is June 8 & 9, 2019.
Reminder the July meeting will be on the 13th.
Volunteer for July Education Program
Felix will do a presentation on Puerto Rican stamp, Scott US #801
Show and Tell by Members
Felix showed a book about all the navy ships that visited Puerto Rico with special cancels made for the visit. He was a contributor to the book. Additionally 2 albums of First Day Covers commemorating the same were passed around to members to view.
Felix also showed a Muppets “Post Office” book that he is taking to Detroit for the first day ceremony of the Muppets stamps.
Dr. John Barrett showed two Swiss first day covers dated 1936 and 1949.
Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 2:25 pm.
Education Presentation
TASCO Stamp Booklets by Bob Marousky
The name comes from the TAtham Stamp and Coin Company in Springfield, Massachusetts. They were in business from 1928 to 1956. Examples of stamp approval sheets and coin literature from the company were exhibited. To help collectors, the company also issued booklets with information on specific stamps with actual examples of the stamps included. The purpose of the booklets were to educate dealers and collectors on stamps difficult to identify by sight. The booklets came in envelopes which are also highly collectable. Bob passed around samples of the TASCO booklets. This material is not easy to find. He was able to show that there were only 3 different booklets available at this time on Ebay. A reference book called Bird’s Handbook of Tatham Stamp and Coin Companies Products is available for those interested. Also available is an album for TASCO Booklets. You have to print it yourself. Anyone who wants a copy of the files to print the album can get them from Bob.
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy in Records Signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Monthly Business Meeting
Called to order at 2 pm by President Rob O’Dell. There were 16 members present including a former member Robert Pratt who had not attended a meeting in a long while. Robert rejoined the Club. A quorum was met and the meeting was official. (See Attachment One, Sign in Sheet)
Minutes May 2019 Minutes
Motion was made and passed to accept the Minutes as posted on the Club website.
Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Mike Kayes. Treasurer’s report
Treasurer’s Report was read. Motion was made and passed to accept the Report.
Gordon Nelms has been appointed by the Executive Board to be the Director for GULFPEX 2020. Plan is for the Director to oversee all the GULFPEX Committees and report to the Show Chairman who is also the Club President. A job description is being prepared.
Old Business
Rob O’Dell reported that he has collected some dolphin related stamps for a young student that requested them. He is working with the school to get them to her.
Standard Agenda Items
Website – Gordon Nelms
The June website has a listing of new US stamps that will be issued this month. They include President George Bush (41), USS Missouri, and Muppets. There is also a listing of June holidays. Gordon encouraged members to use the new message board.
2nd Monthly Meeting – Bob Marousky
Nothing scheduled for June. Members were reminded that the regular July Business meeting will be on the 13th instead of the 6th because of the July 4th holiday.
Southeastern Federation – Al Allgue
No Report – representative not at meeting.
Circuit – Bob Marousky
More individuals are buying from the circuit at the meetings. If anyone has a request for countries to be added to the circuit, please see Bob Marousky.
New Business
Club members Cathy and Bob Marousky will be giving a presentation on Meteorites on Thursday, June 6 from 2 to 3:30 here at the Library.
Huntspex (Huntsville, Al) is June 8 & 9, 2019.
Reminder the July meeting will be on the 13th.
Volunteer for July Education Program
Felix will do a presentation on Puerto Rican stamp, Scott US #801
Show and Tell by Members
Felix showed a book about all the navy ships that visited Puerto Rico with special cancels made for the visit. He was a contributor to the book. Additionally 2 albums of First Day Covers commemorating the same were passed around to members to view.
Felix also showed a Muppets “Post Office” book that he is taking to Detroit for the first day ceremony of the Muppets stamps.
Dr. John Barrett showed two Swiss first day covers dated 1936 and 1949.
Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 2:25 pm.
Education Presentation
TASCO Stamp Booklets by Bob Marousky
The name comes from the TAtham Stamp and Coin Company in Springfield, Massachusetts. They were in business from 1928 to 1956. Examples of stamp approval sheets and coin literature from the company were exhibited. To help collectors, the company also issued booklets with information on specific stamps with actual examples of the stamps included. The purpose of the booklets were to educate dealers and collectors on stamps difficult to identify by sight. The booklets came in envelopes which are also highly collectable. Bob passed around samples of the TASCO booklets. This material is not easy to find. He was able to show that there were only 3 different booklets available at this time on Ebay. A reference book called Bird’s Handbook of Tatham Stamp and Coin Companies Products is available for those interested. Also available is an album for TASCO Booklets. You have to print it yourself. Anyone who wants a copy of the files to print the album can get them from Bob.
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy in Records Signed)
Robert T. Marousky
Secretary, Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Gulf Coast Stamp Club July 13, 2019
Monthly Business Meeting
Called to order at 2 pm by President Rob O’Dell. There were 7 members present. There was not a quorum therefore the meeting was not official. (See Attachment One, Sign in Sheet)
Due to the low attendance because of the rain from Hurricane Barry, the meeting was informal with sharing of information only. The treasurer did submit a written report to the Secretary for the record. (See Attachment two – treasurer’s report for July 2019)
1 Felix showed the members the exhibit frame he purchased from the American Philatelic Society when he visited their headquarters in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. It is a 16 page frame like the ones the Club owns. However, this frame is much lighter. The cost was one hundred ($100.00) dollars for the two sided frame. It can be used as a one or two sided display frame or attached to other frames for larger exhibits. These are left over from for the international show in 2016. He said they have approximately two hundred (200) frames left for sale.
2 During his visit to the APS Headquarters last month, Felix picked up two boxes of stamps that the APS donated to our Club. Stamps are to be used to help attract new collectors to the hobby. President Rob O’Dell will examine the stamps to determine their best use.
3 Dr. John Barrett attended the meeting of the Crescent City Stamp Club on Tuesday evening of last week. GULFPEX stamp dealer Doug Weisz had a large audience for the educational portion of the meeting. Dr. John said Doug did an excellent presentation on Confederate Philately in New Orleans during the Civil.
4 Dr. John Barrett attended a meeting of the Jackson (Mississippi) Philatelic Society Friday July 12, 2019. There were 13 individuals at the meeting with 5 club members and 8 guests. The club has lost their webmaster but they do publish a newsletter (see attachment 3, copy of Jackson Philatelic Society newsletter). They have promoted our show in their newsletter.
Educational Session
Felix was prepared to do his presentation on his study of the Puerto Rico territorial stamp Scott #801. He has chosen to study this stamp because he is a native of Puerto Rico. His study includes historical documents on why the stamp was issued, the design of the stamp, photos and stereopticon cards showing the building illustrated on the stamp. This information was shared with the members present and he will reschedule his presentation for the membership.
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy of minutes signed)
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – sign in sheet.
Attachment 2 – Treasurers Report
Attachment 3 – Newsletters from the Jackson Philatelic Society
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Executive Board Meeting
July 13, 2019
Four Board members were present. According to the by-laws that is how many are required to make the meeting official (See Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet)
Time started: 1:10 pm
Old Business
1 Update Club Checking Account – Rob
The authorization forms from the Hancock Bank were signed by the 3 Board members who will be able to sign Club checks (Mike Kayes, Rob O’Dell & Bob Marousky). Rob will return the forms to the Bank next week.
2 Library Question – Bob & Gordon
3 Report on Role of Director of GULFPEX – Gordon
a) Gordon has finished outlining the duties of the Director
b) Using Mary Ann’s excellent checklist of duties of committee chairs Gordon has developed a definitive listing of duties.
c) Letters will be sent to Club members asking them if they would be willing to serve as a committee chair at GULFPEX. A list of duties that the member would be responsible for will also be included.
d) A motion was made to give Gordon stamps for official mailing. The Board members present voted to give him 40 Forever stamps. He can get more as needed.
e) Gordon will be sending an inquiry letter (see # 4 below) to dealers.
4 Discussion: Second show or bourse in the Fall of 2020. Questions to be answered include: do we want a one or two day show; should we include some coin dealers; what about having postcard dealers; and when in the Fall do we want to have the show.
The Board members present were in favor of having a bourse (show without exhibits) in the Fall of 2020. Discussion was held on:
a. Whether it should be a one or two day show or bourse
b. Should we include coin and/or ephemera dealers and how many
c. How much should be charged per table.
Gordon will be sending a letter to dealers to get their input. He will also check with Sandra at the Community Center to see what dates are available.
New Business
1 Role of Southeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs – Al
Al, club liaison for the Federation, was not present. Gordon, our webmaster who also does our webpage on the Federation site, was able to discuss one of the problems. His personal email address is being used on the Federation site. The Federation webmaster has been asked to change the email address to one Gordon has created for use by the Federation. Plan is to have Gordon directly contact the Federation webmaster instead of working through our liaison.
The 2019 Federation membership dues need to be paid. A person from the Federation sent out a notice but did not provide a snail mail address where the check should be sent. The Board voted to hold the payment until Gordon’s email problem with the Federation is corrected.
Discussion: What benefits the Club receives from the Federation membership and are they worth the yearly $35.00 dues. Decision was tabled until we have more information.
Meeting adjourned at 1:50 pm
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy of minutes signed)
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
1 attachment – sign in sheet.
Monthly Business Meeting
Called to order at 2 pm by President Rob O’Dell. There were 7 members present. There was not a quorum therefore the meeting was not official. (See Attachment One, Sign in Sheet)
Due to the low attendance because of the rain from Hurricane Barry, the meeting was informal with sharing of information only. The treasurer did submit a written report to the Secretary for the record. (See Attachment two – treasurer’s report for July 2019)
1 Felix showed the members the exhibit frame he purchased from the American Philatelic Society when he visited their headquarters in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. It is a 16 page frame like the ones the Club owns. However, this frame is much lighter. The cost was one hundred ($100.00) dollars for the two sided frame. It can be used as a one or two sided display frame or attached to other frames for larger exhibits. These are left over from for the international show in 2016. He said they have approximately two hundred (200) frames left for sale.
2 During his visit to the APS Headquarters last month, Felix picked up two boxes of stamps that the APS donated to our Club. Stamps are to be used to help attract new collectors to the hobby. President Rob O’Dell will examine the stamps to determine their best use.
3 Dr. John Barrett attended the meeting of the Crescent City Stamp Club on Tuesday evening of last week. GULFPEX stamp dealer Doug Weisz had a large audience for the educational portion of the meeting. Dr. John said Doug did an excellent presentation on Confederate Philately in New Orleans during the Civil.
4 Dr. John Barrett attended a meeting of the Jackson (Mississippi) Philatelic Society Friday July 12, 2019. There were 13 individuals at the meeting with 5 club members and 8 guests. The club has lost their webmaster but they do publish a newsletter (see attachment 3, copy of Jackson Philatelic Society newsletter). They have promoted our show in their newsletter.
Educational Session
Felix was prepared to do his presentation on his study of the Puerto Rico territorial stamp Scott #801. He has chosen to study this stamp because he is a native of Puerto Rico. His study includes historical documents on why the stamp was issued, the design of the stamp, photos and stereopticon cards showing the building illustrated on the stamp. This information was shared with the members present and he will reschedule his presentation for the membership.
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy of minutes signed)
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Attachment 1 – sign in sheet.
Attachment 2 – Treasurers Report
Attachment 3 – Newsletters from the Jackson Philatelic Society
Gulf Coast Stamp Club
Executive Board Meeting
July 13, 2019
Four Board members were present. According to the by-laws that is how many are required to make the meeting official (See Attachment 1 – Sign in Sheet)
Time started: 1:10 pm
Old Business
1 Update Club Checking Account – Rob
The authorization forms from the Hancock Bank were signed by the 3 Board members who will be able to sign Club checks (Mike Kayes, Rob O’Dell & Bob Marousky). Rob will return the forms to the Bank next week.
2 Library Question – Bob & Gordon
3 Report on Role of Director of GULFPEX – Gordon
a) Gordon has finished outlining the duties of the Director
b) Using Mary Ann’s excellent checklist of duties of committee chairs Gordon has developed a definitive listing of duties.
c) Letters will be sent to Club members asking them if they would be willing to serve as a committee chair at GULFPEX. A list of duties that the member would be responsible for will also be included.
d) A motion was made to give Gordon stamps for official mailing. The Board members present voted to give him 40 Forever stamps. He can get more as needed.
e) Gordon will be sending an inquiry letter (see # 4 below) to dealers.
4 Discussion: Second show or bourse in the Fall of 2020. Questions to be answered include: do we want a one or two day show; should we include some coin dealers; what about having postcard dealers; and when in the Fall do we want to have the show.
The Board members present were in favor of having a bourse (show without exhibits) in the Fall of 2020. Discussion was held on:
a. Whether it should be a one or two day show or bourse
b. Should we include coin and/or ephemera dealers and how many
c. How much should be charged per table.
Gordon will be sending a letter to dealers to get their input. He will also check with Sandra at the Community Center to see what dates are available.
New Business
1 Role of Southeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs – Al
Al, club liaison for the Federation, was not present. Gordon, our webmaster who also does our webpage on the Federation site, was able to discuss one of the problems. His personal email address is being used on the Federation site. The Federation webmaster has been asked to change the email address to one Gordon has created for use by the Federation. Plan is to have Gordon directly contact the Federation webmaster instead of working through our liaison.
The 2019 Federation membership dues need to be paid. A person from the Federation sent out a notice but did not provide a snail mail address where the check should be sent. The Board voted to hold the payment until Gordon’s email problem with the Federation is corrected.
Discussion: What benefits the Club receives from the Federation membership and are they worth the yearly $35.00 dues. Decision was tabled until we have more information.
Meeting adjourned at 1:50 pm
Robert T. Marousky (Official copy of minutes signed)
Secretary Gulf Coast Stamp Club
1 attachment – sign in sheet.